Surprise Welcome [Part 1]

As soon as Ethan descended from the flying ship, he saw a blur coming from the corner of his vision.

He quickly reacted, stepping to the side to dodge it, and succeeded in evading the figure.

However, the Werewolf kicked the air in front of it and used it as a platform to propel itself toward the teenage boy again, since the surprise attack didn’t work.

This time, instead of dodging, Ethan punched forward with a fearless look on his face.

Beastmen were stronger than humans, so those who were watching thought that Ethan had made a mistake.

A Wizard wasn't meant to use his fists to fight against his opponent because they relied on their magic to beat their opponents.

However, Catherine, Wallace, and Enzo only smirked because they knew that Ethan wouldn't do something so foolish.

A heartbeat later, two fists collided with each other, followed by a cry of pain.