Let’s Stop Here Before Someone Gets Seriously Hurt

The Red Elder Dragon was one of the local overlords of Eastshire.

There were very few wizards who dared to challenge it, and even fewer monsters who could match its strength.

Aside from the annoying White Raven, whom it had attempted to eat in the past, there was no other monster who had beaten it in combat.

Since then, whenever the Elder Red Dragon saw the White Raven delivering letters, it made sure to stay clear of its path, not wanting to get hurt a second time.

However, it seemed that it had also targeted the wrong people this time.

Originally, it only planned to scare Ethan’s entourage for an ego boost. The main reason why it still hadn’t been hunted down was due to the fact that it had made a deal with the authorities of Eastshire.

It would not eat any Humans, and in exchange, they would allow it to freely wander Eastshire without being hunted down.