This Is Part Of His Epic

Ethan felt something soft press over his lips, which made him open his eyes.

He then stared at the ceiling, the unfamiliar sight making him frown.

But a few seconds later, he finally remembered where he was, making him sigh in relief.

Right beside him, a naked beauty lay, hugging his body.

She was none other than Lilith, who had accompanied him on this mission.

Ethan pondered for a bit, thinking whether it was Lilith who had just kissed him, but he rejected this idea.

The beautiful Catkin was sound asleep, so it was impossible for her to be the one who kissed him.

If she wanted to kiss him, she would kiss him boldly, and not resort to tricks like pretending to sleep after kissing him once.

‘Am I just imagining things?’ Ethan thought as he pressed his finger over his lips. ‘That kiss felt so real…’

It had already been two days since he dove into the sea, and yet, he could feel that a great distance was between him and Illumina.