A Business Tactic (3)

Without wasting anymore words, Elias struck first. He assumed a stance as he clenched his fist.

[Boxing - Light Jab]

Masayoshi tried blocking the attack, but it was too fast for him. As the fist connected to his face,his eyes widened in disbelief.

It was too fast for a punch, and yet too strong for a light jab.


Masayoshi was blown away back to his own room, crashing against the walls with a pathetic expression on his face.

"Why you...! Me..."

Just as he was about to call out for his subordinates, he looked at the entirety of the room and...

... He saw them all lying on the ground pathetically, completely unconscious as two figures uncaringly stood above their bodies.

Hajin standing upon the bodies of several unconscious members, casually held his signature black baton with a bored expression.

Ragna, yawning in complete boredom, held the head of a member wearing a black belt uniform as though they were some bug.