Road to Greatness

GG vs Tsm group stage 1

The first match to start the 2013 League of Legends World Championship has begun!

After 47 minutes of dominating TSM takes the first game.

Game 2 is between Skt and All stars. A strong contender while the other not so much.

Tchh they are talking about us huh?

Chill King we will show them this year who can be a strong contender.

*Both teams get in booths with their gear and coaches*

So JJ what are your thoughts on the current situation of a team that had the potential to win the world and the other an underdog struggling not to get eliminated in the group stage?

Shelly in my opinion the game could end either way as they are not your regular teams a team which gets selected in LoL Worlds has to have something special something magical in them so this game will be quite interesting and thrilling to watch and commentate on.

You kids ready?



Of coure Micky.

100 no 1000% ready.

And you Alex?

I was ready the second I was born.

Now that we are all fired up let's get this victory under our bags. "All the members (except someone) highfives to motivate each other".

While in the SKT's booth:

그 패자를 이길 준비를 하세요.(Get ready to beat those losers).

알겠습니다(Yes sir).

 In February 2013, the organization created a new roster, which consisted

of Faker, bengi, Piglet, PoohManDu, and Impact.

And All Stars roster consisted of King, Itachi, Phantom, Max and the newly joined mid laner Alex.

The bans have been started.

The first ban from Skt is going to be Caitlyn All Stars responds with Jarvan|V.

다음에는 무엇을 금지해야 할까요?(What to ban next sir?)

쉔(Shen) and 제드 자의 명칭(Zed).

You analyzed their gameplay all night micky what should I take away from them?

Oriana and Kha'zix.

Faker locks in Ahri.

In my opinion Faker is more dangerous with an assassin than a controller or team fight champion.

Max goes for thresh and Phantom for Ezreal the combo is quite unique but deady.

Yeah Ezreal's poke and thresh all in initiation it could be a one sided lane.

Lee sin by Bengi and ohhhh Zyra by Piglet.

Nidalee and Fizz picked by All Stars

The picks are going so fast.

Elise for top and Vayne for ADC.

The final pick by King is Malphite a safe and power champ.

The crowd is going wild over Stk the whole stadium is rooting for them.

*Minions have been spawned*

Faker vs Alex, Ahri vs Fizz in the mid lane it is definitely a hard matchup for fizz as his early game isn't good Shelly you- Oh what is that All Star's Itachi invdes Stk's red buff with his Nidalee.

Oh no JJ this is not look good for Itachi cause' Skt's mid and top laner have already cleared the first wave of minions and are heading towards Itachi what will he do will he abandon the buff and run for life or will he fight?

Itachi I'm coming from top just hold for 10 seconds.

No you alone won't do Alex you will have to join in as well.

그들의 정글러는 마치 쥐덫에 쥐처럼 갇혀있습니다. 벵기가 3 2에서 수풀에서 나오나요? (Their jungler is trapped just like a mouse in a mouse trap Bengi come out of the bush in 3 2 what?)

Nice Alex.

무슨 일이 있었나요? 거품이 갑자기 나왔는데 밀어넣지 않았나요? 그 사람이 와서 내 랩터를 훔쳤어요 (what happened faker? the fizz suddenly came out but didn't you shove it in? he came and stole my raptor).

Kill Lee sin fast before Zyra arrives we can take Ahri and lee sin.

When Bengi was killing the raptors Itachi invaded their red buff but Skt didn't ward the All Stars river by which Alex was able to sneak up on Bengi and stole his raptors.

Not only that they are about to kill level 1 Bengi but-

Faker is trying to save Bengi but it's too late first blood goes to Alex absoulutely astonishing gameplay by All Stars a grave mistake by Bengi of warding his blue buff instead of river.

Indeed a grave misplay lee sin is an early game champ and he is killed not only that his whole baron side jungle is gone.

Nice woof nice play Itachi "Max complements Itachi from bottom lane".

Why you barking you dawg you missed one last hit.

Oh my bad hehe.

*Dragon has been spawned*

Infernal nice you all got your items?


So let's initiate a team fight.


Both teams are getting ready to team fight now let's see who has the upper hand both top laners used there teleport to arrive at the dragon.

Malphite+Fizz ult detroys Stk's team! only Bengi survives.

벵기 넌 할 수 있어 그 파이어 드래곤을 훔쳐 (Bengi you can do it steal that fire dragon).

벵기야 어서 (Bengi come on).

The dragon is low oh Bengi jumps in to steal the dragon.

Idiot like I Itachi will let yo-

Bengi succeeds!

uuhhh "Itachi was left speechless with a simple 1+2+smite combo Bengi steals the power dragon and flees for his life".

Itachi how did you?

I don't know oh it's my ping the network was a little off don't worry guys this won't happen again.

If you say so we believe you.

After 6 minutes.

The game is going rather stale both sides are farming for late game.

But this is good for Stk as they have the internal dragon which will scale into the late game as well as help them in team fights.

*드래곤이 탄생했다* (*dragon have been spawned*)

가자 팀 가자 이 팀 싸움에서 이기자 (let's go team let's win this team fight).

근데 벵기의 피즈와 말파이트 콤보가 너무 강력하네요 (but how Bengi there fizz and malphite combo is too powerful).

우리 쓰레쉬는 쉽게 시작할 수 있으니 걱정하지 마세요 (Don't worry our thresh can easy initiate-)

하지만 말파이트가 저를 궁극기로 만들고 그들의 fizz 궁극기를 Faker의 주요 데미지 캐리가 전투 시작과 동시에 죽습니다. (But if there malphite ults me and their fizz ults Faker our main damage carries will get killed at the starting of the fight).

q나 굴림으로 말파이트 궁극기를 피해야 합니다. (You have to dodge malphite's ult with your q or roll).

잠깐만 내가 할 수 있을까? (Wait you can do that?).

예, 반사 신경으로 할 수 있고 Elise는 궁극기를 사용하여 Fizz 궁극기를 피해야 합니다. 여러분이 그들의 궁극기를 피하는 동안 나는 그들의 Ezreal을 죽일 것입니다. (Yes with your reflexes you can and Faker you have to dodge fizz's ultimate with your ult you understand while you dodge their ults I will kill their Ezreal).

Dragon is up bois let's get this next lizard in our pockets.


The next team fight is starting to brew.

5... 4... 3... 2... 1... *Dragon has been spawned*

Oh it is a Ocean dragon whoever gets this will have a lot of lifesteal effect.

Yes indeed both teams are gather to the opposite sides of the river and

King ult that mf.

Yup bro.


King initiates the team fight but look at that Vayne tumbles away from Alex's ult it hits Elise but bears no fruit as her ult makes her untargetable.

Now look JJ Skt strikes back with Zyra'a ult and Bengi bulldozing his way to Phantom.

S-K-T S-K-T S-K-T! The fans are cheering with all their might but their cheers are unanswered cause' Alex and Itachi are alive but on the other side only Bengi survives the team fight.

BEN-GI! BEN-GI! BEN-GI! but the fans don't lose hope they are still going hard the stadium is echoing with Bengi.

And for their cheers Bengi tries to steal the drag and-

He gets it!! "Fans start cheering even harder" and he escapes the dragon pit AGAIN.

Yes not once but twice in the same game Itachi let a permanent buff slip by the palm of his hands.

Bengi what's the matter bro? are your reflexes going dull or your smite power was lower?

No coach Mic I- I- I "Itachi fills with frustration and self anger".

It's no use Michael Bengi is a better jungler any way you look at it.

Alex "Max looks at Alex with anger in his eyes what to his complaining gonna do?".

What? "Alex unfazed questions Max on his claim".

Um you don-

It's ok Max no matter how you defend me in League gamplay speaks not words.

If you say so show us your gameplay what we had been all wanting to see.

Hm "Itachi nods in response".

Shelly what do you think about All Stars new player Alex and Skt's new player Faker?

Both are young prodigies that have a very bright future ahead of them.

Well if we compare them on the basis of the current match Alex is has not been killed a single time but Faker has died 2 times not only that he is out of sync with his teammates.

Yes this is not a very good opening match for Faker but he will be given plenty of opportunities in order to prove his worth to win the "Summoner's Cup".

페이커 난 중간에 갱킹을 하고 있어 그 소란을 멈춰야 해 그렇지 않으면 게임 후반에 눈덩이처럼 불어날 거야 (Faker I'm ganking mid we have to stop that fizz or else he will snowball into the late game).

흠 나는 그에게 'e'를 사용하게 하여 그의 플래시가 용의 구덩이에서 탈출하는 데 사용되었기 때문에 도망칠 수 없게 만들려고 합니다. (hm I will try to make him use his 'e' so he has no option to flee as his flash was used from escaping the dragon pit).

"Bengi uses his w+q combo after fizz uses his e to dodge Faker's e"

Ooohhh! Bengi lands his q and he will ult Alex back will he be able to survive?

"Alex gets behind Bengi as Bengi assumes his ult will land but Alex uses his ult to knockup Bengi and flee with his precisely placed w"

Alex exceeds all of our expectations with no e with no flash he was still able to survive such a brutal gank.

Yes if it Alex had missed only a milisecond he would have been killed but he has the relfexes of a Condylostylus aboulute presentation of his talent.

탈출했는데 궁극기를 사용하지 않았나요? (He escaped it can't be didn't you use your ultimate?)

나는 그가 궁극기를 먼저 착지하여 내 이동 속도를 늦추고 콤보를 착지할 수 없었습니다. (I couldn't he landed his ult first which slowed my movement speed and i couldn't land my combo).

벵기 어디야? 맨 밑에 니달리가 갱킹을 하고 있어 우리는 훨씬 더 오래 버틸 수 있을 거야 (Bengi where are you we need you at bottom their Nidalee is ganking we would be able to hold much longer).

기다려주세요. 최대한 빨리 올 예정이라는 게 기억나네요. (Just wait i recalled I'm coming as fast as possible). 진짜 뭐야? (What the actual FUCK?).

Alex and Itachi both meet Bengi at the bottom.

봇 레인, 이 덤불을 보호하지 않았나요? (Hey bot lane you didn't ward this bush?).

아니 그 이즈리얼이 정말 우리를 궁지에 몰아넣었어요 우리는 와드할 기회가 없었어요 미안하지만 당신은 우리를 위해 죽어야 할 거예요 (No their Ezreal and thesh really got us in the corner we had no opportunity to ward Sorry but you will have to die for us.)

Bengi gets slain by Alex ult and Itachi combo.

Yes Skt's bot forgot to ward the bush so Bengi had to pay for their mistake.

Yes Alex and Itachi patiently waited for him like a Tiger waiting for his prey.

5 minutes lates...

*Dragon has been summoned*

The mountain dragon has been on the map to grab.

You think Skt can turn around this match in a single gank?

It can be they have been shown to be risen from dead countless times I don't see a reason not to lose hope.


What is it Alex?

Why don't we push the turrets?

But we have been winning team fights aren't we?

King Alex is correct you don't win games by killing the players you win by killing their turrets let's do it, Bengi bait them to come to dragon pit Max and Phantom both take the rift herald.

Yess Sir.