King of the Jungle

Both team's champions are late gamers we will see one team conquering the other.

Yes JJ there will be a huge imbalance in the late game just because of the items alone.

Yeah looking at items look what Whit3zz has made.

Yeah it is out of the ordinary to see an experiment in the World semi finals but yes he has made Archangel's staff which will help him in the late game.

Will he be able to get to the late game that is the question.

Yes Whit3zz and Johan are both very behind in the farm it will be interesting to see how their teams will commemorate it.

*Baron Nashor has been spawned*

Baron is here but Royal has a very nice advantage if they want to take baron.

Their adc and baron laner will be crucial.

像神一样在团战中对我施展大招,我会进去使用状态,然后你就会对我施展大招.(Godlike ult me in the teamfight I'll go in and use statis after that you will ult me.)

不,没有必要.(No there is no need for that.)

教练,你是什么意思?我的终极技能很棒,如果我能抓住 3 名玩家中的 2 名,那么团战就赢了.(What do you mean coach? I have a very nice ult and if I can catch 2 of 3 players the teamfight will be won.)

不,Tabe,你将和 Uzi 一起留在后面,Whit3zz,你将使用你的终极+闪光组合发起攻击.(No Tabe you will stay at the back with Uzi, Whit3zz you will initiate with your ult+flash combo.)

真的是我吗?(Me for real?)

是的,你说的没错,"Royal 的教练计算了团战的结果,他得出结论,即使 King 和 Alex 有机会,他们也一定会输".(Yes you for real "Royal's coach calculates the outcome of the teamfight and he comes to the conclusion that King and Alex are given a chance they will surely lose".)

Hey Itachi you wanna guard barron?

No not really they are going towards barron.

Which means-

Yes they wanna teamfight what do you think Mic?

There's nothing to think about don't give them what they want and they will get frustrated and make careless decisions just wait patience is the key.

Patience huh? Then we should push turrets?

No freeze don't give them any opportunity to strike back.

Aren't you a little too protective.

Of course I have to be if we lose this teamfight we are dead lost.

You are correct I shouldn't be so impulsive on doubting your methodology.

他们会来吗?去当男爵还是不去?(Are they coming? To baron or not?)

看上去他们是在拖延时间.(From the looks of it they are stalling time.)

让他们拖延,然后我们就开始大战.(Let them stall and we will start baron.)

冷静下来,神一般的事情并没有那么简单,我们必须 100% 确信他们不会等着我们来启动男爵.(Calm down Godlike things are not that simple here we have to be 100% that they are not waiting for us to start the baron.)

如果我们永远达不到 90%,那我们是不是只是在浪费时间?(And what if we never get to even 90% are we just wasting our time?)

就像神一样,教练,我们在这里等待一个机会,这个机会可能会发生,也可能不会,而"他们"正在取得进步.(Godlike is right coach we are here waiting for an opportunity that may or may not occur while 'they' are getting ahead.)

你们这些孩子都是这么想的吧?看看他们,他们都怕你,除了'那个'孩子,他们队里的每个人都怕你,因为你在炮塔里对他们做了什么.(You kids are thinking like that huh? look at them they are fearing you except 'that' kid everyone in their team is fearing you on what you did to them inside of the turret.)

那么我们为什么不利用这种恐惧呢?(So why not we capitalise on that fear?)

我们现在正在这么做.(We are already doing that right now.)

Why are they not starting barron?

They must be scared that because of baron's damage we will win.

Greedy bastards they have one more game left but they still want to finish us in this one.

Of course they will there is no doubt anyone would do anything to achieve the title of World Champion wouldn't you?

I would not lower my winning percentage even by 1%.

You just answered your own question Max if you don't want to lower your chances of winning then why would they?

Both teams think the other one to be scared of them for not taking action but in reality they themselves are afraid to make any mistakes that could possibly cost them the game.

Let's go their Annie is hiding in the bush he dosen't know we have a ward there.

来吧,拿起诱饵,抓住 Whit3zz,这样我们就可以消灭你们所有人.(Come on get the bait and latch onto Whit3zz so we can eliminate you all.)

No wait I don't feel good about that.

Why Itachi?

Why would he be staying in the bush for so long?

Maybe to catch us all in his ult.

Or maybe he is zoning us out from baron?

Or he could be a bait after which they wanna combo us down like in the duo turret.

Oh wow Johan you figured it out.

What Mike you knew then why didn't you tell us? If we didn't figure it out ourselves we would have blundered the teamfight.

That's the test Maxxy you have to know what it takes to be the best in 'the' world.

Yes Mic I do and I'll show you who deserves the Summoner's cup more.

Hey what if we just speedrun their base?

No King if we could have done it we would have done it so but reality is they will get the barron and defend their base you know barron reduces recall time.

Oh I see so why don't we surround them by all sides and attack them in a circle?

Oh he is correct if we do that then their ult's will be mostly useless.

But what if they targeted one side then we would have lost a player and the tempo.

What if they don't know?

How? Explain more clearly what do you mean?

You know one player will distract them from one side and others will jump onto them.

It's quite risky and their is a lot riding on this match but.

Give it a try.

What Mike you sure?

Of course I am if you don't believe in your own strategy, own team, own self then how can you assume that they will believe that you can defeat them huh? They are probably looking down on you so show them what you have got.

Oh look at that All Stars players are moving towards the barron but one of them is on the mid.

And he is the Jungler he is going to confront them head on solo.

他在想什么?(What is he thinking?)

我们应该抓住他并杀了他吗?(Should we catch and kill him?)

把他赶出河就不再明白了?(Chase him out of the river but no more understand?)

皇家的所有成员决定将鼬赶出他们的河但是!(All the members of Royal decides to kick Itachi out of their river But!)

Here is our chance let's go.

Let's give these chinese a taste of this sandwich attack.

All Stars other members are crashing onto Royal Itachi comes again and joins the fight it's-

Like a rainbow all the skills of all the champions are getting used one two three-

One by one the mebers of both teams are falling but Alex slays two opponents and this is the end to the teamfight.

Royal is left with only one member their Support Tabe other than him all of them are dead.

妈的,他们都同时来了,我可以瞄准一个单独的玩家.(Shit they all came at once I could target an individual player.)

操,这不可能发生,亚托克斯怎么能只针对我呢?(Fuck no this can't be happening how can a aatrox just target me?)

抱歉,Uzi,他们的打野把我困住了,让我无法使用大招,如果我能做到的话,我们就会赢.(Sorry Uzi their jungler trapped me out from ulting you if I could have done it we would have won.)

没关系,我们进行下一场比赛,让他们看看运气和技巧之间的区别.(It's fine let's go to the next game and show them the difference between luck and skill.)

What will All Stars do? Will they push the mid lane or push two lanes at once.

It will be mid the mid lane is clearing up.

Tabe is trying to stop them but Alex and Max are unstoppable inhibitor down ggs.

And Royal Club surrenders All Stars wins the second game of best of 2 whoever wins the second game will advance into the finals.

SKT 연습실에서 (In the practice room of SKT)

와우, 우리가 정말 결승에 진출했군요. 우리가 어떻게 상대를 이길 수 있을지 알아보겠습니다. (WoW man we really made it to the Finals let's figure out how we will defeat our opponents.)

너무 과신하지 마세요. (Don't be soo overconfident.)

다음 주에 그 아이가 아마도 세계 1위가 될 것이기 때문에 당신은 파티를 즐기는 사람이 아니겠습니까? (Aren't you being the party pooper? let the kid have some fun as in the following week he will probably be the No.1 in the world.)

모든 플레이어는 일반인이 생각만 할 수 있는 수준에 도달할 수 있는 자신의 기술에 대해 엄청나게 자신감을 갖고 있었습니다. (All of the players were damn damn confident in their skill to reach the heights that a commoner could only think about.)

그럼 누가 결승전에 진출할 것이라고 생각하시나요? (So who do you think will get qualified for the finals?)

로얄이어야 겠죠? (It has to be Royal right?)

그런데 너 확실히 올스타즈한테 졌지, 그렇지? (but you sure did lose to All Stars didn't you?)

그런 일은 과거의 일이었으며 이제 우리는 1라운드와는 완전히 다른 팀이 되었습니다. (That was a thing of the past now we are a completely different team from the first round.)

비록 그들이 결승에 진출하더라도 우리는 그들의 희망과 꿈을 짓밟을 것입니다. (Even if they did qualify for the finals we will crush their hopes and dreams.)

연습하고 싶어? 얘들아? (Wanna practice? guys?)

Bengi 당신은 정말로 우리가 가치 있는 상대를 얻을 것이라고 생각합니다. 우리는 미래의 세계 챔피언입니다. 가끔씩 재미있게 놀고 휴식을 취하는 것은 어떨까요? (Bengi you really think we will get worthy opponents man we are the future World Champions why not have some fun and relax once in a while?)

그가 옳습니다. 너무 걱정하지 마세요. 그렇지 않으면 부정적인 감정의 함정에 빠질 것입니다. (He is correct don't worry too much or you will get sucked into the trap of negative feelings.)

*The next day*

We are here for the match I know most of us couldn't sleep very well because of the excitement the thrill the desire to watch our favourite team win but today all of those feelings will be acknowledged Just stay patient.

가자 얘들아 저 독일군을 이기고 컵을 중국으로 가져가자. (Let's go guys let's beat those Germans and take the cup to china.)

응 다들 준비됐어? (hm yup everybody ready?)

네, 우리는. (Yes we are.)

Royal의 코치는 전 세계에서 소수만이 일생에 한 번 경험할 수 있는 기회로 이어질 수 있는 전투를 위해 팀을 구성합니다. (Royal's coach fires his team up for the battle that could lead to an opportunity that only a few in the entire world experience once in their lifetime.)

The deciding match begins.

So then let's take their carry's one trick champ.

No no don't ban it I'll take it if they pick a tank on top lane.

What? You serious and what if they don't?

Hey King I don't know how to play Vayne very well ok.

Tsk then do it.

Hey bros I just had an idea.

What is it?

If we ban all of 'his' champs then what will their team do?

Yeah let's do it.

你想和"他" Whit3zz 对战吗?(Do you wanna play against 'him' Whit3zz?)

不,根本不管他,禁止他的选择.(No not at all fuck him ban his picks.)


All Stars: Vayne, Ezreal and Caitlyn.

Royal Club: Ahri, Zed and Gragas.

Both teams ban their opponents hyper carries main picks.

Now what you gonna do? Huh?

The picks:

So Alex what do you think about this they are primarily targeting you so what you gonna do about it?

Cheeky bastards Yasuo.

What? No no way you want to play 'him'.

Yes I do I'll show them how wrong they are that I can only play 3 champs.

Now now calm down don't let your pride blind you they are very good players don't make stupid decisions that would make you regret in the long run.

Ooh huh I won't regret a single thing.

Yasuo first pick All Stars is going hard on this one for sure.

是顶级的还是中级的?(Is it top or mid?)

如果"他"在中路玩亚索,那么它必须在右上方,他就会被弹出.(It has to be top right if 'he' plays yasuo in the mid lane he will be popped.)

那么想在中路克制他吗?(So wanna counter him in the mid?)

为什么不呢,呵呵.(Why not hehe.)

Jarvan and Oriana from Royal.

Let's get it done with.

Varus and Thresh again by All Stars they want to prove themselves in this match.

Ezreal and Lulu.

Great picks for the team fights Royal will probably outpower All Stars.

Ross take someone with a knock up like Wukong or-

Zac what a pick and you King what will you choose to pick?

Life is short and I'm confident.

What are you saying?

Alister top lane! I can't believe my eyes in my 4 year career I have not seen anything like this especially on the world stage.

你会怎么做来杀死那头公牛(阿利斯特)?(What will you do to kill that bull(alister)?)

他把雷克顿送给我,真是犯了一个大错误.(He made a huge error by giving me the Renekton.)