Tsar Bomba

After the second match All Stars plans their next picks.

Hey everyone I got the plan worked out I have analyzed all the games and made considerate preparation.

For what?

The champion picks we always go with our guts or react to the opponents picks and bans but now we can pre-pick almost every time.

Woah show me mine.

Look at this King.

First pick Pantheon if banned go Malphite if Vayne go Akali of Rumble go Nasus if Renekton go Olaf.

Hm that seems very accurate what about us?

Yeah yeah go ahead.

"Each player after reviewing their plan".

What why is our lists so complex one champion can be picked if the enemy has a certain composition why is that?

See Alex you all four are in touch with each other more often that's why you have to make a precise pick or else you will have an disadvantage.

And what is this champ?


What? Mike you want ME? To play this sad little cursed baby in jungle?

Yes he is quite powerful and his ultimate is one of the best abilities in the game.

You got to be kidding me.

No I'm serious the one who has a map dosen't get lost.

Oh woah then let's do it let's practice our new champs.

와, 페이커 콤보가 그 미드라이너를 없애버렸네요. (Woah what a combo Faker you obliterated that mid laner.)

이들은 세계적 수준의 수준에는 미치지 못하는 상위 10명의 도전자 선수들입니다. (These are just top 10 challenger players they are no where near world class level.)

걱정하지 마세요. 다음 경기에서 연속 2승을 거두게 될 것입니다. (Don't worry we will wipe them out clean 2 victories straight in the next matches.)

나는 그렇게 생각하지 않습니다. (I don't think so.)

뭐라고 하셨나요? (What did you say?)

벵기라는 게 무슨 말이에요? (What did you mean by that Bengi?)

이 게임은 그들의 진정한 잠재력의 약 70%를 추측해야 한다면 최고의 게임은 아니었습니다. (This game was not their best if I had to guess I would say about 70% of their true potential.)

70%밖에 안되는데 왜죠? 그들은 소환사의 컵을 원하지 않나요? (What only 70% but why? don't they want the Summoner's cup?)

확실히 말할 수는 없지만 이 게임을 이전 성능과 비교하는 것은 공평하지도 않습니다. (I can't say for sure but comparing this game to their previous performance is not even fair.)

다음 경기는 언제가 더욱 흥미로울지. (Then the next match will be even more intresting.)

알아낼 수 있는 방법은 단 하나. (Only one way to find out.)

ㅎㅎ 다 나가게 하려는 거에요. (Hehe is to make them go all out.)

Oh bro this match was intended for a loss I wish I had caught on sooner.

Don't worry Ben what happens happens now we can make most of out these three games.

But what if one of them lose in just two games?

Don't worry about that both teams will use all of their powers to make the game into 2:2.

Now for the second game don't make a big deal just follow the deer and you'll soon find a tiger.

Nice analygy now time for analysis.

Likewise if we want to bet and win we must be 100% sure that there are no error in our decision making.

100% that might be very low probablity.

No we have already come so far with such a high accuracy why not continue and push it even further?

Are you sure? Otherwise we will have to hedge the other matches also.

Yes I'm by hedging we won't make tremendous profits remeber high risk hogh reward.

The nature of betting favours the one who can fearlessly throw his money away.

Hm I remeber what the old man said hehe don't let money control your actions so why wait let's bet and win.

Win we must.

*The next day*

Third round of the grand finale between All Stars and Skt1 will begin in 10 minutes.

"Both teams get ready to make their entrance and show the best of their abilities".

"After the entrance and a lot of cheering they both get ready to play".

"The first thing Alex does is to turn the keyboard from horizontal to vertical to match his comfort".

The bans have started now what are the champions that Skt does not want to deal with.

가장 먼저 취해야 할 조치는 무엇입니까? (What should be the first course of action?)

Zed가 할 겁니다. 흠 그들은 우리가 무엇을 할지 전혀 모릅니다. (Zed will do it hm they have no idea what we will play.)

Zed banned woah what is this-

All Stars bans Lee sin in a split second.

그 사람들이 우리에게 압력을 가하려고 한다고요? (They tryna put pressure on us?)

아니 어쩌면 그들은 압박을 받고 있는 사람이고 우리가 자신이 자신감 있는 것처럼 느끼게 하려고 노력하고 있을 수도 있습니다. (No maybe they are the one under pressure and they are trying to make us feel like they are confident or something.)

그들의 압력은 그들의 문제가 아니라 우리 자신에게 집중해야 하는 문제입니다. (Their pressure is their problem not our we should focus on ourselves.)

그렇습니다. 우리는 그들의 꿈의 선택을 제거해야 합니다. (Yes and we should eliminate their dream pick.)

헤헤헤 아무 생각 없이. (Hehehe without a second thought.)

Nidalee is banned.

Idiots you will never figure out what I'm going to pick

What did you say Iatchi?

Nothing just positively affirming myself that's all.

In return All Stars bans Orianna.

ㅋㅋㅋ 그들은 팀전 구성을 만들려고 노력하고 있습니다. (Tch they are trying to make a team fight composition.)

그렇다면 그들을 막는 것이 어떨까요? (Then why not stop them.)

J4 is banned the best jungles are off the tables both teams will have to pick a secondary champion.

Zac or Wukong which one is it?

Ban Olaf.

What? but they will have a lot of cc (crowd control) too.

No a problem just do it.

Olaf is banned perhaps All Stars don't want to endure the wrath of the viking.

Yes this is quite an interesting outcome I really thought they would just ban the mids and the supports but no both teams prioritised junglers.

Now for the most awaited picks.

Yes there are a lot of champions are open.

Pantheon, Gragas, Ezreal just to name a few.

First pick Gragas for Skt.

Gragas is a very versaitible pick as it can go top, bot, jungle, mid and support.

Ohh Pantheon and Ziggs locked in an instant.

그것을 위해 가십시오. (Go for it.)

Caiylyn and Sona are locked by Skt.

They want to have a safe bottom lane.

Alister All Stars are making a dangerous team comp.

"Johan tries to find his pick from the paper that Michael constructed".

Ah here it is.

Vayne intresting.

What Vayne but doesnt's Caitlyn and Sona hard counter Vayne?

That's what Michael has suggested so why not.

"Everyone looks at Michael and he is confident in his decision".

그들은 무엇을 생각하고 있습니까? 이런 멍청한 선택을 하다니. (What are they thinking? making such a stupid choice.)

어떤 경우든 그냥 실제로 플레이하면 됩니다. (Whatever the case may be just play practically.)

거의 실제로 실제로 그것을 찾았습니다. (Practically practically practically found it.)

Evelyn seeing All Stars squishy team Bengi will take advantage of that.

And the second pick is... Renekton by Impact he really likes the croc on top lane.

Final pick what will Itachi pick for his team?

Amumu what? First time Amumu picked in worlds.

Yess JJ with this comp Amumu will pair very well.

All Stars

King (Pantheon)

Itachi (Amumu)

Alex (Ziggs)

Johan (Vayne)

Max (Alister)



Impact (Renekton)

Bengi (Evelyn)

Faker (Gragas)

Piglet (Caitlyn)

PooManDu (Sona)

The players have chosen the champs that will make their future now the game will begin.

*Minions have spawned*

Both teams are playing defensively no over extening no invading.

Yes when there is such high stakes involved ofcourse you would want to take as little risk as possible.

*At level 6*

이 작은 쥐(Ziggs)는 Bengi를 콤보로 쓰러뜨릴 수 있다면 상당히 짜증나는 존재입니다. (This little rat(Ziggs) is quite annoying Bengi if you could let's combo him down.)

임팩트만 그렇게 힘든 시간을 보내지 않는다면 나는 그것을 확실히 고려할 것입니다. (I would definitely take that into consideration if only Impact was not having such a hard time.)

무엇? '우리' 레넥톤이 판테온에게 패했다고요? (What? 'our' Renekton losing to a Pantheon?)

Damn King you are really pushing him into his turret.

No mercy for the strong!

Then let's just gank him into his own turret shall we?

Why not my brother but their will be just one minor inconvinience their jungler is also roaming so we will not be able to infiltrate into their turret. "King changes his informal tone to a more sophisticated tone".

Don't worry just play like you were me and Alex will come to your lane and finish the battle.

I might not be able to arrive in time.

Why? "Itachi just looks at the minimap" what you were ganked?

Yup they pretty agrressively ganked me in the mid.

Bengi out of nowhere strikes Alex in his lane Faker's Flash+e combo will bring Alex down to 1hp.

But look at Alex he is using his 2nd ability perfectly to dodge Bengi's finishing ult.

젠장, 그는 약간의 HP로도 도망쳤습니다. (Shit he got away with the slightest of hp.)

이제 우리가 함께 정상에 설 수 있다는 긍정적인 점을 살펴보세요. (Look at the positive now we can gank top together.)

King they are all coming at you be carefull.

Sure but to what extend does being carefull help a soldier?

To.. his safety for another battle.

Wrong every moment of his life average people are carefree, unfaithful to their dreams, undermined towards their goals but a warrior is always careful about himself and his motives.

Then there is no need to worry about you.

그는 빠르게 기억하고 있습니다. (He is recalling fast.)

아니, 우리가 포탑을 차지할 것이라는 점을 기억하게 해주세요. (No let him recall we will take the turret.)

Skt is planning to take the top lane turret what will All Stars do?

They sent Itachi to the rescue.

Brilliant rotation by Itachi he is ahead in gold and xp compared to Bengi meaning his item will be completed faster.

*Dragon has been spawned*

Now who will take the dragon?

It is a ocean drake meaning it will give vamp to the entire team.

This will be extra beneficial to Johan who is not doing too well.

Yes he is being pushed back into his turret and he is also getting poked a lot.

Fucker just wait till I get my blade of the ruined king your poke will not matter in an all out fight.

Both teams are grouping up. except the barron laners all the players are ready to clash in the dragon river.

그들의 입문을 기다리고 싶나요? (You want to wait for their initiation?)

아니, 그들의 개시가 우리의 방어보다 더 강하다면 Impact가 여기에 도달하지 못하면 우리는 큰 문제에 빠질 것입니다. (No their initiation is stronger than our defence if Impact is unable to get here we will be in big trouble.)

All Stars is starting the ocean dragon.

King will you be able to participate?

No if I ult towards you this Renekton will stun me and declare my ultimate useless.

드래그의 HP가 20%가 될 때까지 기다린 다음 스퀴시를 목표로 삼고 도망가세요. 드래곤을 훔치려고 합니다. (Just wait till the drag is at 20% hp then just target their squishies and run off I'll try to steal the dragon.)

The dragon is going down fast Skt has to do something fast or they will lose the chance for vamp.

Now stop taking the dragon.

What? Itachi why?

Just wait and find the location of there jungler.

That guy is invisible how can we find him?

He is ready to steal he must be at the blast cone of our side.

Ohh then just pull the dragon upwards and we will win.

All Stars are going to continue the dragon once it's in their favorable position.

젠장 벵기 이제 어쩌지? 그 사람들이 우리 계획을 알아차렸어요. (Shit Bengi now what? they caught onto our plan.)

진정하세요 나도 당신 곁으로 갈 게요 페이커 당신은 한 명의 선수를 궁지로 몰아넣어야 우리가 그를 한 명 뽑을 수 있습니다. (Relax I'll also come to your side Faker you will have to ult one player in so we can one him.)

빨리 와요 완벽한 샷을 준비했어요. (Done come fast I have lined up the perfect shot.)

Done the ocean dragon goes to All Stars but look at Faker perfectly ulting Johan into his team.

*First blood*

Fuck I wanted to poke them but I got caught instead.

Oh no Johan now they are going for the bottom turret I don't think me and Max will be able to stop them.

What about Alex?

No we can't let him if he can destroy mid that will be more valuable than bot.

Ohh so that's why Faker is sprinting towards mid.

Look at that Zigg's turret damage might be the highest in the ranged champions.

Yes indeed he is very eager to use that damage to take the mid down to half in just 15 seconds.

*First turret down*

Bot lane has fallen.

Don't worry we still have the game in our control look at the top King is taking over Impact.

Hehe go in King make him as low as possible I'll finish him off.

Why not let's slay this gladiator.

King goes all in on Impact.

Impact has to use his ultimate to survive King's combo.

바보야, 네 피해로 나를 죽일 수는 없을 거야. (Idiot you won't be able to kill me with your damage.)

Now "Alex ults onto Impact and"-

무엇? 방금 무슨 일이 있었나요? (What? what just happend?)

That also caught me by surprise Alex connects a beautiful ultimate to finish off Impact.

The top turret is under attack Skt will have to do something.

아 젠장 ​​임팩트 퀵 로테이션 탑이 있군요. (Oh shit they got Impact quick rotate top.)

Bengi is too late first turret is downed by King.

Alex is also chipping away at the mid turret.

Bengi has to gank mid or else Alex will just destroy the mid lane turret all by himself and his second ability passive.

Yes that passive is definetly the best turret finisher.

Hearld is spawned will All Stars compete for the rift herald?

Guess no they are busy farming for the late game.

"After taking the herald Skt deploys it onto the mid but the mid still survives later Skt's mid falls and 2 and 3 dragons goes to All Stars by successfully zoning away Bengi each time".

끝없는 기회의 문이 방금 열렸습니다. (Don't fret boys the door to endless opportunities has just opened.)

알겠습니다. (Yes sir.)

The game is going into All Stars favor their objective clearance is clearly better.

Yes it will be an amazing moment for Skt to come back and show their desire for victory.

*The Elder dragon has spawned*

The Mighty dragon has woken up from his slumber.

But the main problem for Skt is that if All Stars get this dragon it will be all over as they already have 3 dragons.

Yes this elder will make them way more powerful.

And they are starting it.

장로님을 데려가는데 우리는 어떻게 해야 할까요? (They are taking the elder what should we do?)

모두 라인으로 들어가 밀기 시작하세요. 드래곤이 낮을 때 공격하겠습니다. (All of you go into the lanes and start pushing I'll strike when the Dragon is low.)

벵기야 어떻게 훔칠거야? (Bengi how are you going to steal?)

거리를 좁히려면 궁극기를 사용해야 합니다. (I'll have to use my ult to close the distance.)

그러나 그들은 용의 모든 측면을 지키고 있으며 그들은 당신이 가까이 있는 것을 전혀 원하지 않습니다. (But they are guarding all sides of the dragon they don't want you near at all.).

걱정하지 말고 내가 말하는 대로 하면 모든 것이 잘 될 것이다. (Don't worry just do as I say and everything will be fine.)

Don't let him near us Max as soon as you see him just head butt him out.


"All Stars strictly zone out all the members of Skt and destroyer there wards with their air sweeper it seemed as if this game was over".

Bengi is hiding into the triangular bush where All Stars are not checking he is waiting for the right opportunity and Booom! He ults backwards and steals it and flashes out safely.

The elder dragon goes to Skt!

Skt! Skt! Skt!!

What just happend in front of my eyes the dragon was just in my smite range and then it suddenly got stolen how could this happen?

Bengi 당신은 우리를 위해 그것을 얻었습니다 당신은 미쳤습니다. (Bengi you got it for us you are insane.)

Recall and defend the turrets we will have kill each of them to eliminate the buff.

Don't worry too much Michael we are still ahead of them and we will keep that lead.

I'm not worried I'm just exercising caution they are the type of players that don't let even the slightest opening go.

Yes you are correct we can't teamfight even with the advantage the Elder buff is just 'that' powerful.

Bengi what the fuck! Go base and defend.

Yeah yes Ja Sí Hai Sic Naí Ye Oui Mike.

Hmm He is acting very irrationally the game is still going on don't tell me that he mentally resigned? No no he believes in his teams he is just experiencing a reality shock a strong one but it is not the end and did he memorised yes in every language?

The Elder dragon buff will help Skt to take baron and they are exactly doing that.

Fast group at baron nasher.

그들이 그것을 훔칠 수는 없을 테니 걱정하지 마세요. (Don't worry they won't be able to steal it.)

물론 정글러로 '당신'이 있는 것은 아니다. (Of course not we have 'you' as the jungler.)

"All Stars starts sprinting towards the dying baron in an last attempt to save the buff from going into Skt's hands".

Go and kill Bengi nothing else matter "Alex shouts at the top of his lungs to make a grand impact to all the players".

King is ulting in the pit 1 vs 5 now the other members are arriving.

The teamfight begins the game is reeling into it's end the team who wins this fight wins the game.

Bengi is killed but Itachi is also 1hp the dynamic of the situation is changing every second as we speak.

Impact goes down from tanking all that Johan's true damage.

Itachi is dead both jungler are eliminated from the game.

Faker combos down johan but the baron is also damaging skt will they flee no.

King is down from the baron's damage.

It's a 2 vs 3 Alex and Max vs Faker Piglet and PoohManDu.

The baron is very low but look at Alex.

He ults the baron he steals it and gets a double kill what a player he single handedly wins the losing teamfight.

And now he is pushing mid is this the end?

Maybe it is Alex's turret taking power is too much for Piglet to handle.

The nexus is under attack the nexus is going down fast Max is taking and pushing Piglet back it's good game.

Skt wins the third match of the World's Grand Finale.