Chapter 5: Second Commander.

Lancelot was standing northwest of Camelot in the demon realm, his suspension would end in 2 days, and Guinevere's base was now amazing.

Not to mention his reaching the [Town Level], which allowed him to take a second commander and summoning ritual.

Morgana was preparing herself, along with both Vellan and Lusia. Because they were going to a neutral city in the demon kingdoms, it was best only to take demons, or so Morgana insisted.

"Well, if things go bad, it's not like I have nothing to defend myself..." Lancelot thought his black armour now swapped for a light leather tunic, with a noble look and red cape that offered defence from the elements and repelled ranged attacks.

[Town Lord's Summon]

Call upon 50% of your selected troops to aid you in battle, it can be used 3 times a day, and the troops will stay until the battle ends before returning to your castle. They will remain if you step into friendly territory.