Chapter 9: Lancelot's Second Sword...

Five days later, the training had become so intense that sometimes, students would eat their meals while on a short break during training.

Both Sumika and Guinevere no longer had the time to enjoy Lancelot's training because Morgana, Rena and Nuriel were now training them secretly from the others.

"Lancelot... There seems to be a package for you."

Sebastian called out as Lancelot cleaned his bloody face in the washing basin. The training with Sebastian was now so intense he used his full power from the first moment, and each blow was deadly.

There was a long package... It seemed heavy as Sebastian tossed it towards him; the huge brown package, seeming to be a solid wood box, slammed down into the dirt, the weight and power sinking almost two inches before he approached it.

"Was there a name?" 

"Ah... It said 'from a secret admirer.' Master."