Longest Night (1)

Many thoughts entered my mind as usual, but all of them had a simple answer that night too.

I'll handle it when it comes to me.

What was a problem? It was just something that either had to be fixed or eradicated. There was little reason to dwell on them.

I should have been smarter when dealing with the tree. If I relied on the system, then maybe I wouldn't have had a problem with this place.

Such thoughts were nothing but your mind's way of saying you're an insecure bitch.

I slowly felt my body relaxing, and thoughts seemed to fade away into the dark as sweet sleep wrapped its arms around me.

Cozy mattress, cozy night, the heavy, extremely personal, and disgusting feeling of breath on my face.


The fuck?

My eyes snapped open. Sitting right there on top of me was Jimmy, careful to not even make the smallest of movements that could wake me up.

In his hands, was a knife.

"Kill… Vincent…"