My Own Skills

More snakes were slaughtered. I felt bad slaughtering the same one that had been helping all this time. Killing it would also be rather short-sighted considering that I would still need to make more things in the future.

So for now, I had to settle with slaughtering its distant family and then their distant family.

Of course, I didn't just slaughter them.

That would lead them to die and disappear just like the other snake without giving me anything except some more points in my agility.

I did grow faster and my soul energy was replenished once more, but there was something else.

Just like I had learned while killing the centipedes, the real way to make sure to use these snakes was to skin them while they were still alive and then use that hide to make whatever I needed to make.

In the end, that left me with the skin of hundreds of snakes.