Stray God

I woke up groaning and moaning in a street I did not recognize. I remembered getting piss drunk and running away from the place that had thrown a party in my honor, but not anything much after that had happened.

When I opened my eyes again, I was inside this place. Dirty smell and rotten food stuck all over me. I felt something slightly damp below my hands. As I turned to look, I found myself gagging at the amount of vomit that had stuck to me.

Someone had emptied their stomach here last night. Fuck.

I slowly pushed myself off the ground, A throbbing headache was pulsating sharp pangs of pain through my body.

"Argh, I didn't realize… having a body would be inconvenient."

No more alcohol. Noted.

I slowly leaned against the walls in the thin alleyway, passing by the line of food waste and other random garbage that the residents of the houses and bars around had thrown out. As I stepped forward, a loud crunch resounded.