Adventurer Duo

"Very well, allow me to explain the great amount of thought that has gone into this machine."

A somber atmosphere took over us as the receptionist began speaking. She looked at the machine, slapped its top, and grinned exactly like a perverted car salesman would before bragging about his own favorite 'babe' read 'car.'

"As you already know, it has been hundreds of years since the Serafim have been pushing people down to this world. It is a fake, but at this point, this world has quite literally become another world at the bottom of the realms."

I raised my hand.

"Mr. Vincent the Apostle," professor half-octopus called.

"What is the world at the bottom of the realms anyway?" I asked.

"Ask questions later! Have you no manners?"

Erinyes immediately held me back before I could punch the shit out of this octopus. Unaware of her savior, the octopus continued.