
• Infinity: Infinity is the highest Plane of Existence within the Universe and where all of Reality converges. Home to the Denizens of Infinity, who are the sole residents. Infinity has a partial consciousness but operates closer to an automatic system than a sentient being. Infinity lies on the edge of the Universe and expands in tandem with the Universe, meaning the two never enter contact.

• Denizens of Infinity: Non-Anthropomorphic beings that roam the Plane of Infinity. Denizens are a paradoxical existence, as they encompass whole Universes and Concepts yet do not properly exist either. They blur between Reality and are incomprehensible beings. A Denizen is more like a collection of data, gathered across all Universes, that gained its own form and partial sentience. Denizens are the only beings capable of interfering with the MU System and have limited freedom from it. There are several known Denizens already, each one named after a Concept. The number of Denizens does not exceed twelve.

» Eros of Love

» Ker of Destiny

» Eris of Discord

» Euphrosyne of Cheer

» Libertas of Freedom

» Nemesis of Retribution

» Hybris of Ambition

» Endyr of Destruction

» Astraea of Purity

» Makyr of Creation

» Erebus of Domination

•Avatars: Denizens of Infinity cannot enter the lower Planes or universes without destroying it. As such, they deploy the use of Avatars instead. An Avatar is the conscience of a Denizen is a body made from their own, but on a miniature scale. Destroying an Avatar damages the Denizen and only six Avatars can be destroyed before they die.

• The Universe: A collection of Realms, Planes and smaller universes that interact with each other and all obey MU System. While not exactly infinite, it is constantly expanding and is thus impossible to reach the end of (excluding Denizens of Infinity). The Universe is made up by various Laws and Principles, which vary from piece to piece of the Universe.

• The System: An omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent entity that governs absolutely everything, including the Plane of Infinity and its Denizens. The System is present in all things, from the smallest of quirks to the most divine of Gods. The System is impartial to all entities it governs and is seen as the ultimate arbiter. Denizens of Infinity are granted certain privileges in return for supervising parts of the Universe, making them unofficial overseers and enforcers. The System has multipole sub-divisions based on its presence: The MU System governs the multiverse/whole Universe, the U System manages single universes while W Systems handle sole planets.

• Principles and Laws: Special Concepts that make up the Universe and are managed by either Gods or Denizens of Infinity. Principles range from Elements (Fire, Ice, Earth, Darkness) to Concepts (Space, Time, Death, Love). Despite ones expectations, each Principle is equally important as the others and cannot be interfered with lightly

• Gods: A God is any entity that has gathered enough Existence Points and embodied a Concept. Gods receive special privileges from the System and have access to otherwise sealed experiences. In return, Gods are expected to manage their worlds and cooperate with the System in managing the Laws. Not all Gods are equal and every being has the capability to become a God, regardless of their starting point.

•Celestials: Special Gods that were born as such without manually reaching Level 100. Celestials are born when entire galaxies are destroyed and all the EXP is combined together, giving birth to a special being. Celestials are incredibly close to the Universe and rival Denizens of Infinity at their peak.

•Magi: Ascenders who can make use of exclusive Bloodlines, such as those bestowed by a Deity. All Magi are Ascenders, but not all Ascenders are Magi. Only incredibly powerful Ascenders and their descendants are classified as Magi.

•Inner Worlds: Special realms that exist within Orvonia. They are the many facets that reality presents itself, and often interlock with each other even if they do not visibly touch.

» Material World: The physical world were Laws are straightforward and simple. The plainest and topmost layer of reality. 

» The Spirit World: A world that surrounds the Material World as an invisible layer. Mortal's cannot survive in this world, and only powerful beings or those that meet certain conditions may enter it. Spirits, Ghosts and creatures with a close connection to Mana reside in this world. The Spirit World is full of Prana.

» The Astral World: A world that surrounds the Material World as an invisible layer. Most beings cannot survive in this world, and only Gods or those with Divinity may enter it. The Astral World is full of Aether.

» The Underworld: A world that lies below the Material World and is where the souls of the dead are said to reside.

» The Abyss: A world that lies below the Underworld and where Devils, Demons and sinners too evil, or cursed by Gods, reside. The Abyss is full of Nether.

» The Mirror World: A relatively minor world that exists in-between the gaps of all other realms. Nothing resides within the Mirror World, and it is only used to travel between realms and across great distances. 

» The Void: A stretch of absolute nothingness that contains no Mana of any kind and is thus a death zone even for Gods. According to myths, the Void was created by the clash of two primordial deities that ended up permanently destabilising Orvonia. Allegedly a prison for extremely powerful and evil beings.

More will be added as the story progresses