
In the depths of a universe, there existed a gigantic formation floating the the void of space. This formation was in the shape of a cube and was pitch black, blending in with the background of the void. Within the cube was an entire planets worth of inhabitants and space. In the very centre of the cube, there existed a lone room. Within this room, there was no furniture and everything was a sterile white.

In the very centre of the room sat a figure. Its size was no bigger than a young child's, but its body was made of a strange type of smoke and it seemed to phase out of existence periodically. Furthermore, Its body seemed incomplete, as it was missing identifiable parts like the mouth or nose. For eyes, It merely had two holes in its head, from which a deep ominous purple light was emitted.

The second strange thing was the condition of the figure: chains bound Its arms, legs and neck. The chains were numerous and nearly submerged the figure in their metallic grip. Despite the discomfort you would expect of such a situation, the figure seemed unbothered and simply sat motionless.

Eventually however, a sigh rang out in the room. The figure raised Its hand as much as the chains allowed and began to type in the air. Several seconds later, a screen popped up in front of it. The figure stared at it for several seconds before sighing again. "What a pain in my ass" It muttered.|===============<<♉︎♉︎♉︎>>=================

Name: Endyr

Species: Denizen of Infinity (Avatar)

Level: 1 (God Tier)

Titles: Outcast, Captive God, Lazy son-of-a-bitch, God-Child, Denizen of Infinity, Paradoxical Contradiction, User of Infinity, Collective Assimilator.

Skills: Infinity (EX), Immortality (SSS), Omniscience (SSS), Destruction (SSS), Manipulation (SS)

Notice: Skills have been restricted due to your status as an Avatar

Remark: A Denizen of Infinity that would be bullied by its kin for being so pitiful! |================<<♉︎♉︎♉︎>>================

Upon seeing the remark, Endyr let out a growl before sighing again. "What the hell do you mean I'm pitiful?! I'm the epitome of strength and am worshipped across countless realms!" Endyr yelled out, despite possessing no mouth. It paused after saying so however, before sighing for a third time. Dismissing the Status, Endyr pulled up a new screen and began to read from it.

"Oh? The Dark Hero has released a new chapter I see.... and Tree-Man is getting a new season too" the figure hummed. Yes, Endyr was reading a Light Novel and discussing anime. Time passed as Endyr continued to read, when suddenly the room began to shake. Not just the room, but the whole cube was trembling violently. The tremors made Endyr look away from Its screen and towards a certain wall.

Seconds later, the wall slid to the side and a new figure entered the room. Dressed in futuristic armour with sleek silver components, the figure had a mirror mask on his face and a type of energy rifle in his hands. The man did not speak but simply unlocked several chains on Endyr, but left the ones on Its arms and neck. He then pulled the figure out of the cell and into the corridor, where eight more figures waited. Some were men and others were women, but all dressed the same.

"So Captain Silver, what's the problem this time?" asked Endyr in a light-hearted tone. The man escorting It-Captain Silver- gave no reply and simply kept walking. Endyr then turned to a woman to Its left and called out. "Hey there beautiful, don't think I've seen you before. You new here or what?". Again, there was no reaction from any of the men or women. It clicked Its non-existent tongue in annoyance before falling quiet.

After several minutes of walking in silence, the group arrived at a large open area with more silver guards inside. Endyr turned Its head and looked out the large window present before whistling in surprise. "Wow, that's gotta be the biggest singularity point I've seen yet. And I've seen a lot, mind you". At Its words, Captain Silver finally gave a response. "This is a Category 5 Singularity Point. All other attempts at containment have failed, leaving 'you' as our sole option".

The fact that they must rely on the figure seemed to annoy Captain Silver, based on his tone. Endyr hummed in response before sighing. "Sorry Captain Silver...I want to help-I really do-but I'm afraid I'm just too weak. Maybe...if you removed some of my shackles?" It asked, tilting Its head to the side. Captain Silver let out a guttural laugh in response before shaking his head. "Nice try prisoner, but the chains stay on".

Before the figure could say more, the cube shook violently and several people fell over. Outside, the Singularity Point pulsed angrily and began to expand. "We don't have time for this" Captain Silver spat out through gritted teeth. "Hurry up and something!". At his words, the chains binding Endyr began to glow silver and their captive let out a groan of pain in response. Shaking its head, the figure stepped closer to the window-and the Singularity Point beyond it.

Endyr raised Its hand and clenched the fingers. The Singularity Point pulsed again but ceased to grow. Bit by bit, it started to shrink back down. As the SP shrank, so did the glow of the chains on Endyr cease to cause pain. However, when the SP reached half its original size, Captain Silver spoke. "You should take your time a bit more" he stated sarcastically. "After all, this will be your last outing for several centuries". His words made Endyr pause momentarily before silently resuming Its job.

If anyone could see Its "face" though, they would spot a crack where a mouth would be positioned. Bit by bit, the crack expanded across Endyr's "face" before stopping at several inches long horizontally. Endyr then turned around, and the crack on Its "face" shattered, revealing a jagged crevice with the same purple light as Its eyes pouring out. It was a grotesque and uncanny replication of a smile, one which was directed a Captain Silver.

"You know, spending another 10,000 years in that room isn't very appealing. I mean, the novels and internet access is nice enough, but its about time I stretch my legs". With that, Endyr splayed Its palm instead of clenching it. Outside the cube, the SP rippled and shuddered, before increasing to thrice its original size. Inside the cube, Captain Silver let out a gasp of outrage. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" he shouted

Endyr merely stretched Its "smile" wider in response. One of the silver guards pointed their rifles at It, but the structure vibrated before he could pull the trigger. With the sound of smashing glass, the SP destroyed a corner of the cube, eviscerating everyone within it. The rest of the structure began to break apart under the sheer pull of gravity the SP emitted. Captain Silver glared at Endyr with overflowing rage.

"You little shit! I'll kill you" he roared, drawing his own rifle and aiming at Endyr. Beside him, the rest of Silver's comrades did the same. Yet before any triggers could be pulled, a black flash flew past Captain Silver and struck the other guards. Captain Silver blinked before turning back to see what happened. What met his eyes was the sight of his comrade's bodies flying through the air, sliced into multiple sections of meat. Aghast, Captain Silver turned back just in time to see Endyr swinging Its chains around and impaling the rest of the guards in the room.

In no more than seconds, Endyr and Silver were the only two remaining alive. Silver could only stare in mute shock as the various bonds on Endyr shattered one by one. When the collar broke too, Endyr let out a chuckle. "Ah, how long I have waited for this. Are you surprised Captain Silver? You must be, given how you have 'finally' shut up with your orders". Silver took a step back, body trembling slightly.

"You...h-how did you b-break f-free?" he gasped. Endyr stared at him for a second before letting out a laugh. "I simply absorbed some energy from that SP over there and used it to overload my chains. Until now, no SP could provide enough to do the job, but this bad boy is just enough" It explained. Endyr then made a grasping motion and Silver found himself frozen, before being pulled towards the Denizen of Infinity.

"You know, if my kin ever found out I was held here for multiple eons, they would never let me live it down. So I'm afraid nothing here can remain". With that, the a roar reverberated from the SP and the entire cube, bar the piece Endyr and Silver were on, was disintegrated. The silver guard stared blankly as screams rang out, only to be silenced by the void of space and Singularity Point. His home for 300 years...gone like that. Silver then let out a croak.

"You monster. There were innocents...women and children and killed them all!" he cried out. Endyr merely looked at him impassively. "Mortal lifeforms in a mortal vessel. Those of flesh and blood hold no interest to me, and besides" Endyr's grin contorted for a moment "I haven't heard screams in so long". With that, Endyr turned back to face the Singularity Point in front of It. Silver watched in horror as it approached, having grown to an unfathomable size after swallowing the cube.

Upon seeing Endyr passively awaiting the SP, Silver cried out: "You'll kill us both! Pull away, pull away!". Without turning back, Endyr responded "I am a curious being, Captain Silver. I desire all knowledge in the Universe and have made significant progress in that regard. And yet, some answers elude me" Endyr stepped closer to the SP, pulling Silver with It. "And one such answer is: what's on the other side of a black hole?". Silver's mouth dropped, as he began to struggle.

"Let me go!" he screamed, but Endyr simply snorted and waved Its hand, muting the panicking guard. "It might seem mad, but I actually don't lose much in this. An Avatar is slightly hard to make, but I should have a new one within 1,000 years. A small price to pay for an answer I seek". Endyr then looked over Its shoulder at Silver. "Of course, you will be violently torn to shreds and atomised, but that is also a price I am willing to pay"

At last, the Singularity Point reached the duo and began to pull at them. Being the weaker of the two, Silver was pulled in first, silently screaming as he was ripped apart on a molecular level. Endyr watched with detached amusement as Its recent captor was shredded, before focusing on Its own body. It was beginning to be torn towards the SP too, starting with the arms and legs. Within a breath, Endyr had lost 1/3 of Its body and Endyr Itself began to feel strange from the effects of the SP.

Just before Endyr was about to jump in though, It became aware of something in Its own body. Endyr looked down, only to spot a small silver blur impaling Its core. Upon inspection, the "blur" was revealed to be another chain, but smaller in size that the previous ones. As Endyr moved to pull it out, the SP released a massive amount of cosmic energy and blasted Endyr full-force. As a result, the chain was pulled towards the SP, still attached to Endyr's core.

"Oh no" Endyr only had time to think, before the core was swallowed by the SP and the rest of Its body followed suit. After every last scrap of Endyr's body was consumed, the Singularity Point collapsed in on itself and imploded, scattering cosmic radiation and energy that proceeded to destroy the entire Realm and even beyond. After an unknown amount of time, the SP completely dissipated and stillness returned to the void of space