Anthropology Lesson

The next day, Endyr looked at himself in the mirror as he fashioned on his school uniform. He grimaced as he tried and failed repeatedly to put on his tie. Once he reached the point where it looked like he was trying to strangle the article of clothing, Sia sighed and stopped watching from the side. She stepped up to him and spun him by the shoulders, grasping his tie. In one fluid motion, she tied to knot and straightened it out. Patting him down and smoothening the rest of his uniform, she stepped back and admired the outfit. "Well, Sky Cross is fashionable at least."

She then tied up her hair in a ponytail, holding it in place with a compass needle hair clip. It was a present from their mother before she left, with Endyr receiving a ruby ring instead. According to the System, it was secretly capable of generating a shield that could withstand an attack up to C+ Rank. He assumed the hair clip did something similar, but didn't tell Sia that their presents were actually artefacts, since she likely already knew. Being the heir to a Ducal House meant she was well aware of the level of protection surrounding her. The reason neither of them used the artefacts against the assassins in Fellise was because they had forgotten to wear them at the time. But since that day, they never let them out of arms reach.

Today was the day of Sky Cross Academy's opening ceremony, and the two siblings were getting changed. Jace was already up and dressed, waiting in the doorframe for his two charges to get ready. He was dressed in a two-piece navy suit with a pin in the shape of Sky Cross' logo stuck to his chest. He had shaved and dressed up his hair, looking like a professional lawyer or business man. When he was no longer scowling and slouching, Endyr had to admit Jace was quite handsome, with a rustic and mature charm to him.

After making sure there was nothing wrong in their attire, Jace checked the watch on his wrist. "We have two hours to kill before we need to leave. If you have anything you want to do, then you should do it now" he urged the duo. He had just looked up after finishing speaking before Endyr sat on his bed an opened the third book he bought: "List of Supernatural Beings". Jace and Sia rolled their eyes in sync at the sight, with Sia audibly scoffing. Endyr ignored them and causally started reading, causing the two other occupants to leave the room. As they did so, Jace spoke up. "I'll be back to get you" he reminded flippantly.


"A supernatural being a simple term used to refer to any God or entity above Sovereign Tier in the history of Orvonia. This book can be considered an index for such beings, and it is sourced from both proven history and mysterious myths. This book does not claim to have included every being that qualifies for inclusion, but the majority are indeed present. Furthermore, some entities listed here may not have actually existed and are purely folklore in nature."

[1st Era]

» The Original Creator: The source of all existence and creator of Orvonia. The Creator is all-encompassing and indestructible. After the dawn of creation, the Creator entered a slumber somewhere deep in the ground, where Its body formed the features of our world. During the early Era's, all Gods were born from the Creator rather through manual Ascension.

» Allmer the Primordial: A God born directly from the Creator, who embodied all the good and just in the world. Allmer was the first God of Light and the arch-nemesis of Abaddon, the first God of Darkness. "He" lead all the pure Gods of the 1st Era against Abaddon and "His" own forces, and both Gods perished to the other. Allmer would eventually be succeeded by the Almighty Primordial.

» Abaddon the Abysmal: A God born directly from the Creator, who embodied all the evil and depraved in the world. Abaddon was the fist God of Darkness and arch-nemesis of Allmer, the first God of Light. "He" lead all the evil Gods of the 1st Era against Allmer, and both Gods perished to the other. Abaddon would eventually be succeeded by Aenrys, Navruavati and Seraphic.

[2nd Era]

» Valarius: The God of the Angels in the 2nd Era. Valarius was engaged in an eternal conflict with Mephestos and the Devils. "She" was a subordinate to Allmer in the 1st Era and Ascended to Godhood after "His" death, taking the mantle of leader of the Light Gods. Near the end of the 2nd Era, "She" and Mephestos killed each other in battle.

» Mephestos: The God of Devils in the 2nd Era. Mephestos was engaged in eternal conflict with Valarius. "He" was an independent God that did not directly serve under Abaddon, and instead took "His" death as the chance to usurp power for "Himself". Near the end of the 2nd Era, "He" and Valarius killed each other in battle.

» Morduch: The God of Dragons in the 2nd Era. Morduch was a subordinate of Allmer in the 1st Era, having already achieved Godhood at the time. Following "His" death, Morduch struck out on "His" own and lead the Dragon Race. Being capable of using Aether and Prana, Morduch was one of the strongest Gods of the 2nd Era and had a deadly feud with Aurgelmir over control of said Mana types. Morduch was the last of the Ancient Gods to be killed, and "His" heart was ripped out by the Almighty Primordial.

» Aurgelmir: The God of Giants in the 2nd Era. Aurgelmir served Abaddon in the 1st Era and became a God under "His" tutelage. Following Abaddon's death, Aurgelmir split from "His" allies, refusing to submit to Mephestos. Being capable of using Prana and potentially Aether as well, Aurgelmir was the main rival to Morduch's hegemony and being one of the strongest Gods in the 2nd Era. Aurgelmir was killed by Morduch near the end of the 2nd Era and the Giant Race was nearly driven extinct by the Dragons.

» Syntharae: The God of Elves in the 2nd Era. Syntharae served Allmer in the 1st Era and only became a God after "His" death. Syntharae was the most arrogant and xenophobic of the Ancient Gods and viewed all other Races (especially Humans) as inferior. "He" was rumoured to have killed Volanna, causing Chrystarium to kill "Him" in turn. "His" death started the War of the Ancient Gods.

» Sulyvahn: The God of Beasts in the 2nd Era. Sulyvahn served Abaddon during the 1st Era and was already a God at the time. After "His" death, Sulyvahn split from "His" allies, refusing to acknowledge Mephestos as the new Devil God. Sulyvahn lead an isolationistic nation during the 2nd Era, having no interactions with the other 7 Ancient Gods. As such, "He" was spared from the arisen conflict near the end of the 2nd Era. In the end however, "He" refused to bow to the recently born Almighty Primordial, causing "His" death.

» Volanna: The God of Vampires in the 2nd Era. Volanna was a subordinate of Abaddon in the 1st Era and became a God after "His" death. "She" defected from Mephestos' camp and made "Her" own, claiming neutrality in the conflict between Angel and Devils. Volanna was despised by most of the other Races regardless, either for being a traitor or simply for being a Vampire. The only God that got along with Volanna was Chrystalarium. "She" was murdered near the end of the 2nd Era, being the first of the Ancient Gods to perish.

» Chrystalarium: The God of Mermaids in the 2nd Era. Chrystalarium was born at the start of the 2nd Era, being the youngest of the Ancient Gods. As such, "She" was not associated with Allmer nor Abaddon. Free from such influence, "She" did not shun Volanna and the Vampires, unlike the other Races and Gods. After Volanna was murdered, Chrystalarium blamed Syntharae for the act, and murdered "Him". Despite arguably being the cause of the war amongst the Ancient Gods, Chrystalarium played no larger part in it. Following the rise of the Almighty Primordial, "She" submitted and joined "Him", becoming the last Ancient God.

[3rd Era]

[Early Era]

» Almighty Primordial: The sole ruler of the 3rd Era. Born directly from the Original Creator, "He" proclaimed himself as the successor of Allmer. According to legend, "He" was both omnipotent and omniscient (though "He" was blind to matters involving Abaddon) and had absolute control over the domain of Light. The Almighty ruled for over a thousand years before being betrayed by several of the Gods under "Him", several of which had been recruited from the sides of the 8 Ancient Gods previously. "His" death caused the Calamity descended on Orvonia and destroyed the Continent of Neriea.

» Aenrys: A God born from the remnant influence of Abaddon who took control of the Devils after Mephestos. "He" lead several of the Almighty's subordinates over to the Devil's side and caused the downfall of the Almighty. "He" accomplished these things by stirring the Authority of Abaddon, shielding "Himself" and the others from the omniscience of the Almighty. Aenrys is known as the God of Filth and Desires in modern day and is a Secret God.

» Navruavati: A God born from the remnant influence of Abaddon who took control of the Vampires after Volanna. "He" lead several of the Almighty's subordinates over to the Vampire's side and caused the downfall of the Almighty. "He" accomplished these things by stirring the Authority of Abaddon, shielding "Himself" and the others from the omniscience of the Almighty. Navruavati is known as the God of Blood and Carnage in modern day and is a Secret God.

» Seraphic: A God born from the remnant influence of Abaddon and the strongest of the 3 Evil Gods. "He" lead several of the Almighty's subordinates over to the the side of Evil and caused the downfall of the Almighty. "He" accomplished these things by stirring the Authority of Abaddon, shielding "Himself" and the others from the omniscience of the Almighty. Seraphic is known as the God of Light and Blessings in modern day, a cruel mockery of "His" actual alignment. "He" holds this title because "He" led a large number of Angels astray from the grace of the Almighty, and is also known as the Fallen Angel God.

[Late Era]

» Sol: A God that served the Almighty as a Subordinate God. "He" fought against the Evil Gods in the 3rd Era and is now an Orthodox God in the modern Era. "He" is called the God of Fire, Sun, Business, Contracts and Wealth and has Authority over these Concepts too. Sol is one of the stronger Orthodox Gods.

» Gaia: A God that served the Almighty as a Subordinate God. "She" fought against the Evil Gods in the 3rd Era and is now an Orthodox God in the modern Era, with "Her" birthplace being called the Gaia Continent after "Her". "She" is called the Goddess of Earth, Plants, Agriculture and Beauty. Gaia is one of the stronger Orthodox Gods.

» Zephylte: A God that served the Almighty as a Subordinate God. "He" fought against the Evil Gods in the 3rd Era and is now an Orthodox God in the modern Era. "He" is called the God of Air, Truth, Balance, Temperature and Peace. Zephylte is one of the stronger Orthodox Gods.

» Nyx: A God that served the Almighty as a Subordinate God. "She" fought against the Evil Gods in the 3rd Era and is now an Orthodox God in the modern Era. "She" is called the Goddess of Darkness, Moon, Solace, Death and Concealment. Nyx is one of the stronger Orthodox Gods.

» Calypso: A God that served the Almighty as a Subordinate God. "She" fought against the Evil Gods in the 3rd Era and is now an Orthodox God in the modern Era. "She" is called the Goddess of Water, Seas, Travel, Mermaids and Freedom. Calypso is one of the stronger Orthodox Gods. Calypso is believed to have been a subordinate of Chrystalarium, or even a relative.

» Xerxes: A God that served the Almighty as a Subordinate God. "He" fought against the Evil Gods in the 3rd Era and is now an Orthodox God in the modern Era. "He" is called the God of War, Conquest, Valor, Conflict and Weapons. Xerxes is one of the stronger Orthodox Gods.

» Jester: A God that served the Almighty as a Subordinate God, but betrayed "Him" for the Evil Gods, or Seraphic more specifically. Jester is a Secret God in the modern Era and is known as the God of Mischief, Spectacle, Pandemonium, Chaos and Blasphemy.

» Fallacy: A God that served the Almighty as a Subordinate God, but betrayed "Him" for the Evil Gods, or Seraphic more specifically. Fallacy is a Secret God in the modern Era and is known as the God of Secrets, Mystery, Bizarreness, Madness and Horror.

[4th Era]

[Early Era]

» Dendron: A God that was born in the early 4th Era and the younger brother of Gaia. "He" is an Orthodox God in the modern Era and is known as the God of Wood, Forests, Elves, Nature and Growth.

» Tiamat: A Goddess that was born in the early 4th Era with the help of Calypso. "She" is an Orthodox God in the modern Era and is known as the Goddess of Fertility, Life, Femininity, Birth and Love.

» Consus: A God that was born in the early 4th Era with help from Nyx. "He" is an Orthodox God in the modern Era and is known as the God of Astrology, Discovery, Stars, Exploration and Cosmos.

» Chanteur: A God that was born in the early 4th Era with the help of Fallacy. "He" is a Secret God and is known as the God of Dreams, Minds, Emotions, Hearts and Illusions. Despite being a Secret God, Chanteur is only relatively oppressed and has a semi-positive relationship with some Orthodox Gods.

[Mid Era]

» Polydorus: A God that was born in the mid 4th Era with help from Seraphic. "He" is a Secret God and is known as the God of Oceans, Storms, Lightning, Arrogance and Wrath. "His" believers are officially prosecuted on all Continents, though "He" still has a large following in the Ouranos Continent.

» Daemon: A God that was born in the mid-4th Era with help from Jester. "He" is a Secret God in the modern Era and is known as the God of Deceit, Lies, Manipulation, Trickery and Bargains. "He" has very few actual believers, though con artists and scammers tend to pray to "Him" occasionally.

» Ingrid: A God that was born in the mid 4th Era without aid from any other God. "She" is a Secret God in the modern Era and known as the Goddess of Knowledge, Advancement, History, Innovation and Scholars. For unknown reasons, "She" is ostracized by the Orthodox Gods, particularly the one's from the 3rd Era. Despite this, "She" is a rather reputable God and many scholars pray to "Her".

[Late Era]

» Metallus: A God that was born in the late 4th Era without aid from any other God. "He" is an Orthodox God in the modern Era and known as the God of Metal, Craftsmanship, Inventions, Guilds and Steam. "He" is looked down upon as the weakest of the Gods and is often diminished, with "His" primary believers being the Dwarves. 

» Weaver: A God that was born in the late 4th Era without aid from any other God. "He" is a Secret God in the modern Era and known as the God of Fate, Destiny, Choice, Luck and Fortune. Similar to Ingrid, "He" is classified as a Secret God and prosecuted for unknown reasons. "He" also has the fewest believers amongst all the Gods, even less than Fallacy, Jester and Daemon.

[End Book]