Minor Affinities

Kulkiri looked over his shoulder at Endyr, asking what was on his mind. "What took you so long to join us?"

"I wanted to check out the corpses one last time, especially that female Vampire's" she told a half-truth, believing that her three companions would be able to sus out a direct lie. She had no definite proof, but her instincts warned her that being too blatant would only backfire.

"What, was that the first time you saw the result of that Skill you used? What was that, by the way? Judging by that Vamp's state, it looked like some sort of Poison or Blood Spell" Kulkiri asked in a curious tone.

Endyr hesitated, thinking of something plausible but not too revealing either. "I have a minor Blood Affinity" she 'confessed' "I combined that with my Water Affinity to shift her blood and other body liquids into that goo you saw."

Johan looked at her with a hint of suspicion but said nothing. Kulkiri however, spoke up just fine "You have a minor Blood Affinity? Considering you're a half-Elf and half-Human, your lineage must be pretty patchworky. After all, only those with Vampire blood or those Blessed by Navruavati can have that Affinity. Do you know which side of the family it runs through?"

"...My Human side" Endyr stated, deciding that an Elf and a Vampire copulating would be too unreasonable to pass. She was soon proven right.

"As I thought" Kulkiri revealed breezily. "Those grass-eaters and blood-suckers would never form a union, and you obviously aren't a Dark Elf so its just not possible. Still, your Human ancestor must have been a Vampire or Cultist if they passed on that Affinity."

"Is that a problem?" Endyr asked cautiously, keeping an eye on the two brothers in front of her. Sensing her gaze, Johan turned back and let out a deep chuckle. "We don't care about your lineage too much. As long as you aren't a Vampire or Dhampir, meaning you're third-generation at least, then you won't be affected by the Kin Control Skill of a Vampire Noble. And you also won't betray us of your own violation because the Guild would have never sent someone so suspicious here in the first place."

"And it's considered quite rude to root around a Magi's Bloodline" Erich casually commented from the side.

As the four walked further down the lavishly decorated hallway, Endyr pondered over something she was slightly worried about. After thinking carefully, she decided to ask up. "Is having several minor Affinities rare considering some are Race exclusive?"

Endyr was worried that, as a 'Noble Lady', she should already know the answer. But in case of doubt, she could say she was relatively sheltered or simply scattered in learning topics. Thankfully, Kulkiri answered without missing a beat. "It depends on the Affinities really. After all, there are many more Affinities than what the Churches and other Organizations acknowledge. Take my own, for instance. I have a Darkness Affinity mainly, but my secondary Affinity is Mist."

"Oh?" Endyr cocked her head at Kulkiri's words, though Erich and Johan did not seem particularly surprised. Clearly, they already knew about the topic he was explaining, and that Kulkiri possessed a secondary Affinity.

"Orvonia is not so simple as those in power would make you believe. The current system we have, of Tiers and Ranks, was made purely from our standpoint, rather than the world's. There are many small or 'inferior' Affinities out there, but not many pay any attention to them because they take up so little of Orvonia's Mana. For example: there is Fire and Wind called Blaze, Lightning and Water called Blitz, Poison and Earth called Acid, and multiple more I'm not bothered to mention. Oh yes, my Mist is Wind, Water and Fire."

"It is very rare to have one of these Affinities as your main, since these available Mana spots are few in number and secluded. Cores simply don't have enough of this Mana to form, so the people either stay as Mortals or gain a different major Affinity. My Mist Affinity is primarily found on the Ouranos Continent, in a region situated on a plate border. This has caused a large presence of steam vents and thermal baths, allowing all the necessary Elements to converge and mix into Mist. I have heard of a much smaller pocket of Mist Ascenders on the Borealis Continent too, now that I think about it."

Kulkiri explained everything with great vigour, waving his arm around and giving the impression he was beaming behind the mask. Seeing this, Erich couldn't help but comment. "You seem to be quite interested in explaining about minor Affinities."

Kulkiri nodded his head multiple times and sighed. "When I was younger, I wished to be a scholar and explore all the mysteries this world has to offer, and perhaps even the myths beyond our skies. Alas, my family had already decided my future and forced me onto the path of a warrior instead. However, I never lost my personal drive and continue to read up on old and cryptic knowledge to this day."

'You make yourself sound like an old man' Endyr thought ruefully at the speech of the man who was in his late twenties at worst. 

"Ah yes, House Karrire is famous for keeping a tight grip over its scions." Erich conceded in a flat tone, though Endyr sensed an underlying motive behind his words. 'Wait a second' she realised. 'House Karrire? Who are they?'

Kulkiri stopped walking, looking Erich square in the face. Silence reigned in the corridor for several seconds before the masked man spoke up gently. "So you figured it out huh? Shucks, I though my disguise was pretty good, or at least good enough for the rabble on this mission."

Endyr widened her eyes at Kulkiri's change in temperament. While the man was still playful and coy, an extra layer of cool disdain and distant superiority permeated his posture and words. His words grated on Endyr's skin, and she subconsciously re-evaluated him within her mind.

Erich chuckled in kind and put out both palms. "It took me a while, I will admit, but the clues were all there. Ashen-grey hair, orange eyes with inhuman pupils, a penchant for covering every inch of skin...Everything ultimately pointed towards House Karrire. After all, the quirks of such a famous family are also famous."

"Now, I won't ask why a member of House Karrire, famously known as the hunting dogs of the Cornelius Royal Family, is doing on the Gaia Continent, and so close to Sky Cross at that. Frankly, it's none of my business and I sense no immediate ill-intent from you."

"So you say, as you continue to reveal more and more information about my background" Kulkiri brushed his hair back as he lightly admonished Erich. "And in return, I would delve into your reasons for being here, Mr Eins and Mr Zwei. I'm sure the direct disciples of an executive of House Hyppiliote have their own purpose after all."

"..." Endyr blinked in surprise at what she was hearing.