One Step Back

Bartholomeus Istrian hobbled down the corridor towards the Abomination's cell, keys jingling in his bony hand. For the umpteenth time, he cursed his fleshy vessel and its mortality, the slow death that seized him with each passing day. He cursed the Almighty for denying him the right to Ascend, both Old Gods and New, his foolish youthful self and Orvonia itself. Bartholomeus had given up personal power and longevity for knowledge and research, and the repercussions of that decision haunted him even now. 

Of course, he knew that his thoughts were just the bitter reminiscents of an old man. Even if he went back in time, he would still choose the same path. 'Well, maybe I would train a bit harder' he thought as he left knee joint let out a popping sound. Indeed, no living thing could happily accept old age, and the end that accompanied it. In this, even mortals and Gods were equal. 'Even the Almighty' Bartholomeus causally blasphemed as he reached his destination. 

Opening the door with one of the keys, he walked inside and started moving to the hole where the Abomination was kept chained. He hadn't gotten much out of his sole research period, but he wasn't expecting anything either. Countless greater beings had attempted and failed to analysis this strange species, and Bartholomeus did not have enough hubris to believe a mere Epic would succeed where they failed. He was still annoyed at having his research cut short though.

'Damn Rapelt and his zealotry. My research is far more impactful than some stupid ceremony. Bah, religions and their hollow practises! What need does the Almighty have for the soul of that creature, if it even possesses one? It doesn't matter how many Abominations and heathens you sacrifice, you won't ever Ascend to Sacred.'

The thought brought him a twisted flash of amusement as he chuckled. 'I might die in the next decade or so, but you'll follow me sooner or later Rapelt. It might take tens of thousands of years, but even Supremes aren't truly immortal.'


As the mad old scientist gloated internally over his religious counterpart, he failed to notice the figure appearing behind him. His internal monologue was brought to an end when a hand fell heavily on his shoulder, causing him to jump and his old heart to nearly give out. Spinning around faster than you would expect with his body, his eyes laid on a small boy with purple hair and eyes grinning up at him mischievously 

A spark of anger and envy flickered in his heart upon seeing Jester, but he quickly smothered it with all the rest. One did not think negatively of a peak Sacred in front of them, or even at all. While Jester was less strict than his peers, he had still killed many for disrespect over the years. One never knew when he would suddenly take offence and send your head flying.

"What can I do you you, Sir Jester?" Bartholomeus asked with a respectful tone, not letting any of his true thoughts seep through. He doubted it would fool the Quasi God in front of him, but Jester wouldn't mind as long as the etiquette was upheld. Sure enough, he simply smiled and stepped to the side. "I heard you were going to collect the Abomination for Rapelt?"

The phrasing of his question hurt Bartholomeus. 'For Rapelt', implying he did it under his orders. The hidden meaning nearly made Bartholomeus grind his teeth together, but he used all his willpower to stay calm. Jester enjoyed taunting others, ands he refused to let the brat get one over him. Of course, Jester was far older than him, but his mentality was eternally stunted at childhood. 

"I am indeed here to get the Abomination and bring it to the sacrificial ceremony. Is everything over there set up already? Who will present the sacrifice in the Almighty's name?" Bartholomeus answered and then posed his own question. Jester tilted his head and shoved his hands in his frilly robe, "Everything on our side is done, yeah. Rapelt is lighting the candles as we speak, and was wondering what took you so long. So the Boss Lady sent me to check up on ye."

'So Tamar will lead the ceremony then' Bartholomeus analysed Jester's words as he resumed walking towards the hole. "As you can see, I'm just about the get the Abomination now. You can return and rest easy, Sir. The ceremony can continue as normal."

However, Jester made no move to leave and instead followed after the man with a lively gait completely unlike his own. "Sorry Old Man, but the Boss Lady was clear in her orders. I have to escort the Abomination personally to make sure everything goes well. No offence to you or anything, but you know how it is. This beast is different from the rest. Even the Boss Man said so."

Jester's blatant disrespect for the Almighty Primordial grated on Bartholomeus' nerves. He wasn't the most pious individual himself, but openly throwing shade on a God was bound to attract negative attention, on both the perpetrator and those unfortunate enough to be around them. 'Then again, this wouldn't be the first time the Almighty has overlooked Jester's childishness. What "He" sees in this brat is beyond me. Surely, there are others more suited for the position...'

Grasping his thoughts before they ran astray, Bartholomeus calmed his heart as he looked at Jester passively. "If that is what Lady Tamar wishes, then so be it." Jester's lips curled up slightly, but he refrained from saying anything and the duo of old and young walked silently down the corridor. The Abominations' cell was just up ahead, the last one in the block. As he walked towards it, Bartholomeus couldn't help but remember the occupants of the others cells, and the ends the had met. To fall into his hands, your sentence had to be a heavy one indeed. But while he had no qualms about making use of them at the time, he was unable to shake the feeling that the punishment was...too harsh. Many of those that died for his research were accused of heresy or blasphemy, many of them being simple peasants or ignorant Ascenders.

"A very dark place, isn't it?" Jester whispered from his side, his voice containing strings of melancholy and his eyes twinkling in the dark. "So many souls lost to the darkness, so many cursed to wander without release for eternity. Can't you hear them, Bartholomeus? Can't you hear them crying for mercy, begging to be let out? Ah-h-h-h, such a symphony is truly rare in this day and age."

He then spun to face Bartholomeus dead in the eyes, his mouth deforming into an abnormally wide smirk. "You would have make an exactly Devil, old friend. If this was the last Era, you might have even become a Sovereign with such an attitude. Your kind were very welcome in the Age of Chaos."

Bartholomeus clenched his fists in anger at Jester's implications, and failed to control his anger. "You speak of me like I'm a monster, but you're hardly better!" he snapped. "Mirage, the God of Jesters and Hedonism. How many innocent lives have you claimed in your pursuit of earthly desires? How many souls has you fog devoured since your inception? Why the Almighty supports a beast like you is beyond me! Someone like you would destroy this world in a heartbeat if you thought it was funny!"

"Shh-h-h-h Bartholomeus" Jester responded with a jovial tone. "You wouldn't want to experience the same thing as your subjects, now would you? And I believe there is a misconception you have about me. I love life. I adore Humans, and Elves, and Giants and all of life. I would never seek to cause unnecessary harm or pain to anything. I am a firm ally of the brave and strong and heroic, for they are what fuels me. Who would destroy their own food source but a fool? Are you insinuating that I am a fool, Bartholomeus?" 

Bartholomeus swallowed back his words as he slowly shook his head, cursing his own weakness for giving into the words of this brat. Damn him and his meddling mannerisms! He was bluffing about jailing him here of course, but still. Jester's punishments were nothing to scoff at either. 

"As I was saying" Jester continued. "I am an ally to all life. This world, our current little paradise, is oh-so-wonderful. Anyone that would try to take it from my enemy. So rest easy, my good friend. This world has nothing to fear from me, not now and not ever. Yes, only when the world is at peace can someone like me be accepted."

His last words confused Bartholomeus temporarily, but he forced them aside when he realised they had stopped moving, and had been still for several minutes. 'The Abomination' he reminded himself, feeling to urge to bash his head against the nearest wall. 'How did I forget to fetch the Abomination!' 

Paying no more mind to the child beside him, he rushed down the corridor with surprising agility. 'Lady Tamar will be expecting me by now' he hissed internally. 'Damn that brat and his monologuing. That cheeky little shit did it on purpose! Luring me in with talk about the cells, then shifting the conversation to me and himself. Such a cliché ploy, yet I fell for it!'

Shame burnt within his chest as he knew he had been toyed with by a child. But he had no time to focus on it, for the Abominations cell was now visible. Bursting through the door, he frantically searched for the keys to activate the lever system, ignoring Jester as he slunk into the room after him. Finding the right one-and swearing to reduce the number of keys he carries-Bartholomeus activated the machine and watched and the chains were dragged upwards.

....And upwards. When the chains hit the roof but no Abomination appeared, Bartholomeus felt his heart stop as he rushed over to the whole and looked down. At the bottom of the hole, where he had dumped the unconscious Abomination after the session was over, lay a curled up and blood mound of flesh. 

Jester accompanied him in looking down the hole, and his mouth widened into an "O" shape at the sight. He then turned to Bartholomeus, back to the hole and then back to him. After repeating this fort several seconds, he finally spoke. "Did the Abomination...kill itself?"