Young Girl(?) Brutally Assaults Old Man

When Endyr attacked Bartholomeus, three things happened. First, was her compressed muscles expanded with the strenuous motion and released all the held back blood with it. Within a single second, Endyr threatened to burst like a fountain. Secondly, a pale blue light flickered into existence around Bartholomeus' body, like a barrier. It had formed as soon as Endyr released killing intent, and was faster than her fists. Thirdly, when the barrier and fist made contact, the scaled claws exploded in a clump of flesh and bone and the barrier shook slightly. 

All of this happened in less than three seconds: when those three seconds has passed, Endyr was flung backwards into the wall, her arm brutally detaching from her body as it flew off. In that single exchange, Endyr had been completely overwhelmed despite possessing the advantage of surprise. Bartholomeus, despite looking like a dried-out scarecrow that would collapse in a bad wind, had completely stopped her attack and redirected the force back onto her. Of course, it was actually thanks to the magic barrier which appeared automatically, and not any conscious action of the old man./ Yet the facts remained: Endyr had been pushed into the furthest corner in a single move while Bartholomeus was more than fine. 

This wasn't anything surprising though if you thought about it. Endyr was currently a Grandmaster, while Bartholomeus was an Epic. While only a singular level separated them on paper, the gap was near insurmountable with mere skill or strength alone. The Mortal, Master and Grandmaster Tiers were collectively called the [Mortal Bracket], and represented the peak of mundanity. Without access to Mana, a Grandmaster was not much different to a Mortal. From Epic and beyond though, this changed. No longer simple Mana-users, Ascenders underwent a qualities change and became truly superhuman. Directly using the forces of nature and powers from fairy tales, gaining an extended lifespan beyond a mere Human, being able to control Mana rather than simply use it...the differences were extensive. As such the Epic, Legendary and Mythic Tiers were called the [Transcendant Bracket]. 

Even further above them were the Sovereign, Supreme and Sacred Tiers. An even wider chasm than [Mortal] and [Transcendant], those who belonged to this bracket were reverently referred to as [Demigods]. Indeed, a Ninth Tier Sacred was more God than Man, and the difference between the two was blurred in older times. On Orvonia, the difference between Tiers was harsh but surmountable with Skills and Ranks. Closing Brackets however, was impossible. No matter how strong it is, an ant cannot defeat a human.

So did that mean Endyr stood no chance? By all means, Bartholomeus had her dead to rights. An old but perfunctory Epic versus a crippled and near-death Grandmaster needed no orator to explain the ending. Endyr's victory would be a feat only seen on Orvonia enough to fill both hands throughout thousands upon thousands of years. The laws of Orvonia were clear to see. However...Endyr was not a creature of Orvonia.

As he approached with rage kindling in his breast, Bartholomeus condensed wind to form a long, serrated blade in his right hand. He was filled with anger and self-loathing at the thought that he had been caught off-guard by the Abomination. If anyone else learned of this shame, he would never live it down. Focusing his wrath on the weakly squirming Endyr, flames burned within his depths and he raised the wind blade up high. Once his swing reached its' apex, Endyr's eyes snapped open as she locked gazes with Bartholomeus. 

Time seemed to slow down as Endyr's unique eyes underwent a change. The gold spheres darkened and contorted, transforming into a pitch black mirror. He just had time to register the new design though, before the expansive darkness lit up in a cascade of stars. A nebulous glow occupied her gaze as Bartholomeus found himself unable to look away. As a distant part of himself began screaming to look away, the stars drew him in ever deeper. And then the eyes changed a third time.

In the dark and dingy cell with a hole in the ground, a scream of agony rang out, bouncing along the walls only to vanished before reaching anyone's ears. Bartholomeus reeled backwards, clutching his eyes in a vain attempt to staunch the blood fountain that poured from his sockets. His mind was a scrambled mess and random words, memories and emotions flitted past, stirred into a mad soup by what he'd seen. The wind blade in his hand dissipated, while the blue barrier surrounding his body shattered silently and vanished. Endyr took this all in as she tried to stand on shaky legs. She had used an old trick to show Bartholomeus the Plane of Infinity, expecting the sight to shatter the mind of the man before her. But she was only partially successful: while Bartholomeus certainly took mental and physical damage, his eyes had only exploded out of their sockets, and he was still very much alive. 

Knowing she had to act now, Endyr raised her right arm (the only one she had) and once again swung her claws at the old man. This time though, she successfully made contact with his flesh. Her claws sunk into about an inch before stopping, his body's natural durability stopping her advance. Somewhat expecting this, Endyr didn't bother to try and push deeper but instead flexed her claws and dragged to the side. While it was tough, like cutting dry or stringy meat, she managed to make an incision from one side of his waist to the other. 

Unfortunate for her, the new source of pain snapped Bartholomeus out of his haze, and he quickly identified the threat to his life. In a movement befitting his Rank but contrary to his stature, he wrenched Endyr free with a savage backhand, splitting his lip and sensing several teeth flying. Her claws were yanked out of his stomach, causing a pained grunt, but he quickly focused Mana on the wound to stop the bleeding. As an Epic Tier with superhuman physique, he wouldn't bleed out from such a shallow wound, but it was better safe than sorry. 

No longer willing to take risks, he summoned three wind spears above his head and sent them hurtling at Endyr. Using long-ranged attacks in such a cramped space might seem strange, but Bartholomeus was a researcher before a combatant: he was weak in a fight, so most of his combat magic was ranged. Fighting up close was never his style, even when he was a simple mortal wo had yet to Ascend.

Sensing the danger, Endyr spat out a string of words in the Language of Infinity and made the space in front of her fold in on itself, deleting the wind spears from existence. The words also caused Bartholomeus' head to spin slightly as blood pounded in his ears, but he recovered fast. He had already built up some resistance from the first attack, and would no longer be affected so severely. 

According to the System, Endyr could only use Skills related to Infinity for three seconds at a time, or she would catch the attention of the Almighty. Furthermore, repeated use in the same area would give her away. By her calculations, she could use Infinity Skills four more times before risking detection. Deciding to use one chance right now, she spat out a sound that was a mix between a monkey screech and shattering rock. "■■■■■■■■!"

Reality around her shook and resisted the pressure of Infinity, but caved in after a few milliseconds. Before Bartholomeus' eyes, over a dozen spikes of dim starlight formed in a circle, surrounding him. Eyes wide in shock, confusion, disbelief and fear, he tried to summon his magic barrier but found the Mana in the air unresponsive. His own Mana had turned more solid, like syrup, and it was a struggle to move it. The impending doom dawned on him, as Bartholomeus looked at the Abomination to see the victorious glint present within its eyes. 

Endyr's Skill had been two-fold: first, to drain all atmospheric Mana in the room and interfere with Bartholomeus' internal Mana. Second was to obviously create the starlight spikes, long and thin poles with sharp tips fastened from the energy of Infinity. 

Bartholomeus opened his mouth, perhaps to chant a spell, call for help or even beg, but Endyr moved faster. In a singular motion, as the spikes plunged forward and impaled the old scientist's body, like a pincushion. He swayed on the spot, blood trickling down his nostrils and mouth, his eyes staring dumbly into space. Then he fell onto his face, twitching several times before falling completely still.

Endyr received no alert from the System, but she knew he was dead. What she had done would have been impossible in her Human vessel, but her current one had a stronger connection to Infinity and allowed her to use its' energies. Even so, she felt both blood and Mana anorexic from the fight, and had to resist the urge to just lay down and rest. Limping forward, she found her dismembered arm and boorishly stuck it back on, relying on her vessel's natural regeneration to re-attach it. 

No matter how old or past his prime, Bartholomeus had been a genuine Epic Tier Ascender. Replicating such a feat would be impossible, she knew, as did she know that her defeat was only inches away the entire time. Hell, if he had been a few years younger and more confidant in his body, he could have closed the gap and just beat her to death. In the end, it all cam down to luck and his own self-doubts. 

Making her way down the dingy corridor of cells, Endyr prayed to whatever God would answer that the next step of the plan would be peaceful.