
Sensing a Supreme bolting towards you with murderous intent was never a pleasant experience, but Endyr wasn't particularly flustered at the sight. Having survived a face-to-face interrogation with the Almighty Primordial, she found little could phase her now. Putting power into her legs, she jumped off from the wall and ran down the deserted streets, circling around the approaching Rapelt.

Realising he had been detected, the man paused momentarily before giving chase with more momentum, trying to swiftly close the distance and cut Endyr off. However, he was underestimated someone that had escaped from the Almighty's citadel; when he arrived at the location his Mana Sense told him the Abomination was, he was met with empty space...and a cloud of purple dust that was moving away from him.

Realisation dawned on his face as Rapelt clenched his fist, knowing he had been had. Indeed, Endyr had secretly released a portion of Infinity energy to copy her signature and lead Rapelt away. She would be unable to do it again because her reserves were too low, but she had bought a minute or two. For the present her, this was enough to leave the outer districts and narrow the distance to the temple a fair bit. Just as she started entertaining the thought of actually making it, a spear of light flew over he shoulder and crashed into the ground, splitting the road and causing a wave of dust to form. Coughing, Endyr turned around to see Rapelt standing on a rooftop, palm splayed out towards her and three spears of light aimed at her.

Pupils constricting, she dove backwards and then to the left and two spears plunged into the ground where she just was, before exploding. Knowing a third spear was on its way, Endyr plunged her claws into the nearest wall and pulled herself onto a roof, just in time to dodge the third spear and smashed the wall she was on. Seeing her unharmed, Rapelt narrows his eyes and waved his arm, an arc of gold shooting at her. Dodging, flipping and back stepping her way out of several more attacks, Rapelt eventually lost patience and stop holding back.

Taking a single step forward, Rapelt travelled from the rooftop...to right in front of Endyr. Slashing down with his hand, a thin layer of Light Mana formed over it. Sensing impending death, Endyr coated her tail in every last drop of Infinity energy she had left and swung it back. The two appendages met, causing a screeching sound to ring out as the dark colour spread and absorbed the light. Sensing something amiss, Rapelt hurriedly pulled back back Endyr didn't let him, Pushing through, her tail struck the man across the chest, sending him crashing off the roof and through several houses before vanishing in a cloud of dust.

Knowing she had dealt no actual damage, and now 100% drained of Infinity energy, Endyr jumped from roof to roof in a mad dash to get as close to the temple as possible. Just as the decorations carved into the pillars became visible, Endyr's heart skipped a beat as every muscle in her body screamed for her to move. But it was too late.

A beam of light pierced through her left shoulder, cutting through the scales like wet paper and severing her arm. Before she could even stumbled, two more beams claimed her other arm and left leg. Now, she stumbled.

Lying on the floor like a potato, Endyr managed to swing her body around to see Rapelt slowly approaching, dusting his clothes down with a face of masked fury and...embarrassment. He had held back almost all his power to minimize the destruction to property, but the fact that a mere Grandmaster beast had traded blows with him filled him with rage and shame. In truth, everything lay with the Abomination and not Endyr's own skills, but the fact remained he had been pushed back. 

Well, he had made up for the disgrace now, since Endyr was currently resembling a potato on the floor. Looming over her menacingly, Rapelt grabbed her tail and slashed it with a blade of light. Accompanied by a sizzling sound, Endyr let out a shriek as her tail was cleanly detached. Despite the heat of the blade, her wound wasn't cauterized and her nerves very much alive. She grit her teeth to stifle her groans, knowing Rapelt was doing this to extract a reaction. 'Fucking...asshole!' she growled. 'If I get the chance, I'm going to fucking kill you.'

As if he had read her mind, Rapelt snorted and stamped on her head. "You may be smarter and more resourceful than the average Abomination, but a beast is still a beast. If you had just stayed in your cage like a good little animal, we wouldn't be having this problem right now."

As if desiring to get everything off his chest, Rapelt pulled Endyr up by the collar and shook her violently. "Do you have any idea what you put me through?!" he snarled in her face. "Because of you, I looked like a fool before Lady Tamar! The Almighty undoubtedly knows you snuck past me to enter the Holy Ground, and then you sneak in again after we catch you the first time?! You must be seriously out of whatever primitive mind you possess, Abomination. And that's not all! You might not know this, but being the weakest person in a room where the Almighty is in the mind to murder someone for speaking too loudly isn't exactly easy on the heart! Because of you, I nearly died in that room!"

Endyr looked down at Rapelt as he ranted with a dispassionate gaze. She really could not give any less fucks about what he was bitching about. The only thing she took from it was that the Almighty was really pissed at her, and that "He" wasn't as benevolent as the legends depicted "Him". If what Rapelt said was true, then "He" seemed to be quite the toxic boss.

Sensing her lack of interest in him, Rapelt felt a blood vessel throb as he coated his fist in golden Mana and struck her square across the jaw. With an uncomfortable crunch, Endyr flew out o0f his grasp and into the ground. Literally: she broke through the road and ended up in the dirt underneath. Her jaw had exploded on impact, and she felt her brain swell. She would die of a brain haemorrhage in minutes. But Rapelt had no desire top give her even that much.

Blitzing over, he lifted his foot to crush her underneath. "Go to Hell you stupid pest" he snarled. Shooting the piss-baby of a Supreme one last hate-filled glance, Endyr did something she had been wanting to do for a while. She stopped trying to acclimatize to Orvonia.

Time seemed to freeze and all the Mana in the city came to a standstill. Deep within the temple, a man made of glowing light abruptly stood up and stared in a certain direction. Clenching "His" fists, the Almighty created twelve wings of light to appear behind "Him" and then shatter into specks of light. "Contain!"

A barrier formed around the street where Endyr and Rapelt was, a split-second before all the Mana in the city roared and rushed towards Endyr, invading a body and causing a reaction with the Infinity energy. Rapelt didn't even have time to feel himself evaporate as an explosion that shook the world sprang forth from Endyr's body.