Honorific Names

[Mandated Arbiters]

"An organization said to exist in the fringes of the world worshipping Weaver as the God of Luck, Destiny, Luck and Mana. There are no recorded appearances of this organization, and no confirmed members have been identified either. Since Weaver has never once made an appearance or responded to any prayers, whether the Mandated Arbiters even exist is unknown. All (sparse) knowledge on the supposed Cult originated from Ingrid and Fallacy."

"According to the two Gods, the Mandated Arbiters are specifically chosen by Weaver to maintain balance in the world by any means necessary, such as culling troublesome or overbearing forces. The Mandated Arbiters are such used to fill in various unexplained crimes and incidents that have taken place over the years, despite no solid proof pointing towards them, or confirmation from the actual group. While Fallacy's remarks can be ignored, the Goddess of Wisdom has never lied or falsified information, so the existence of the Mandated Arbiters cannot be fully ruled out."

"The dogma pushed by the God of Mysteries and Goddess of Wisdom is that the Mandated Arbiters believe in balance to an extreme extent, and will go to any lengths to protect Orvonia, even from itself if necessary. This puts them at odds with almost ever God on the planet however, since each one of "Them" desires "Their" own vision of the world to come true."

"A special fact about the Mandated Arbiters (according to Fallacy and Ingrid) is that the members call Weaver "the God of Mana" despite never publicly using such a title "Himself". The two sources refused to elaborate further however, leaving the burning question of just what Authorities Weaver possesses, since everything "He" does hold is already shared with other Gods."

[End Book]

Altair closed the book and nestled his chin in his hand as he went deep into thought. Out of all the Gods he knew of, Weaver was one-hundred percent the most obscure. Appearing at the tail-end of the Fourth Era, "He" was the last God to have been born in history. Despite over a thousand years passing however, Weaver has not once made an appearance or commotion. "His" background, how "He" became a God, the Authorities unique to "Him"...none of these things was known. If Fallacy was an unfathomable mystery, then Weaver was an obscure enigma. Both were shrouded in fog, but were also different. Fallacy covered all "His" tracks with perfection, while Weaver never made any in the first place.

'This reeks of a conspiracy' Altair mumbled internally as he tried to remember anything he had read about Weaver. Apart from the bare minimum though, he couldn't recall anything. 'Hmm, I could try and recite "His" Honorific Name and see what happens. Weaver has never responded to anyone before, but I doubt an Abomination ever prayed to "Him" either. Eh, is it worth the risk? Do prayers even get through to "Him" in the first place?'

Every God had an Honorific Name attached to "Them", and Weaver was no different. Honorific Names was the first and last thing you recited before and after a prayer, and was what allowed the God to connect with the initiator. While the vast majority of normal people and Ascenders would never actually get a response, there are some cases where such incidents happen. Being a member of that God's Church would definitely increase your chances of success too. 

'Balancer of Fates, Witness of Destiny, God of Luck and Fortune, Crossroads of Choice'

As far as Honorific Names went, Weaver's was pretty generic and just covered the basics without any fluff. Most Gods would include something like "Glory of the World" or "King of Creation" to make "Themselves" sound stronger and more important. An Honorific Name could range from three to seven lines, but most Gods stuck to three or four to make things simpler. For longer Names, any three lines can be chanted, and they don't have to follow any particular order.

On that note, the Honorific Name of Fallacy was: 'Guardian of Secrets, Master of Horror and Madness, Bizarre Deity, the Fathomless God that Dominates Fate and Souls.'

Much more impressive than Weaver's Name, that much was for sure. The reason Altair dared the recite Fallacy's Name was because only saying it out loud would the effects work, and merely thinking it did nothing. It was rumoured than the God of Dreams and Minds could sense whenever someone mentioned "Him" though, but that seemed to be a singular case. 'Besides, Fallacy is already stalking me. Reciting "His" Name won't draw any more attention.'

Altair knew the Honorific Names of all the Gaia, Dendron, Sol and Zephylte, as well as Aenrys, Navruavati, Fallacy and Seraphic. "They" were the Orthodox Gods on the Gaia Continent nan d the most infamous Secret Gods, so "Their" names were common knowledge for Ascenders here. The last Name was quite interesting in particular: Seraphic's.

'Lord of Light, World's Source of all Good and Blessings, King of the Divine, Heavenly Princeps, Omnipotent and Omniscient, Silver Empyrean, the Angelic God.'

Seraphic was the only God to fill all seven lines in "His" Honorific Name, and would refuse to answer any prayers that did not use the full chant, sometimes even killing the person praying for disrespect. "His" Name also revealed a lot of information about Seraphic, as was the case with most Gods. One strict rule about creating an Honorific Name is that it must be true, and cannot be false. A God can exaggerate "Their" importance, but cannot add Authorities "They" do not hold or else the Name would fail to connect. And this is where Seraphic's Name was called in question.

'Omnipotent and Omniscient' 

"He" wasn't the first God to proclaim such titles, but unlike the other Gods he had met before, Altair could sense an echo of truth from this line. Now, true omnipotence and omniscience was impossible, as even the System could not fully claim such titles. A Denizen like Altair can attest that achieving such states could not be done, even if you could get very close. But Seraphic seemed to have attached "His" being unto that description, which would imply something terrifying indeed. Of course, Altair knew something else was at play here and that Seraphic couldn't literally be omnipotent and omniscient, otherwise "He" would have long ruled the world. 

'The question is, what loopholes did "He" use to gain such a title? Or perhaps, "omnipotent and omniscient" only applies under certain conditions. While in Orvonia? Or maybe a certain boundary...'

Such tactics had been used in the Main Universe by Gods to boost their level, even if falsely, so Altair was familiar with a plethora of methods. The System didn't seem to approve of such tactics for some reason, but never actually intervened or outlawed the trick. Perhaps it felt threatened by the fact Gods were essentially scamming the Universe itself? 

Standing up and putting the books back where he found them, Altair stretched with a yawn and walked out of the library. He had finished quicker than he expected, so he decided to go to the First Year's training hall to practise. He was too young to build any muscle, but he could also work on refining his Mana.