to the good doctor once more

Luke Cage lay on his back on the floor in the apartment he shared with his family, holding his daughter Danielle above him and imitating plane sounds with his mouth. Danielle giggled endlessly, with her arms out to her side, playing along. Since being bailed out of jail by a mysterious benefactor, Luke had not left his home and the side of his family. The temporary retraction of freedom had reminded him of everything he had to lose. Being free, he wanted to cherish every moment he had with his loved ones before the trial. If they could not clear their names of the bank heist within a month he would be found guilty. That was not a reality Luke could fathom, and not the future he wanted for his daughter.

Jessica entered the room from the kitchen, holding a stack of envelopes. From the stack she withdrew a single ornate and wax-sealed envelope. After re-examining its face she called for her husband. Luke quickly set his daughter down on the floor beside him, who crawled away towards her toys, and stood. "Yeah, baby?" he said, slowly approaching Jessica.

"You got a letter." Jessica said handing the envelope to Luke.

"A letter? You mean people besides debt collectors and advertising companies actually still use snail mail?" Luke asked before reading the face of the envelope and seeing that it had been addressed to him by Doctor Stephen Strange. Of course the Sorcerer Supreme still wrote letters.

Luke ripped the envelope open and unfolded the letter on floral stationary with golden filigree, and he hoped it had been penned in what could have been red ink. It read:

''Dear Luke,

I humbly request you please attend me in my home at five P.M. this evening. I have uncovered some important and perhaps useful information concerning the object your company seeks. I do not mind if Daniel is in attendance with you, as he is always welcome in the Sanctum Sanctorum. Wong will meet you at the door.

Your esteemed colleague in the endeavours against crime,

Dr. Stephen Strange"


Once again, Luke and Danny were met at the doors of the Sanctum Sanctorum, by Wong, the personal confidant/guardian and man-servant of Doctor Strange. Wong escorted the duo to the library, where they found Doctor Strange sitting at a long table. Several open books lay scattered about the table, randomly flipping their own pages. The doctor was writing in a grimoire, while flipping through one of the ancient texts. When he noticed Luke and Danny, he said, "Greetings and salutations, gentlemen. I'm so glad you have come, please take a seat."

After Wong had helped the men to their seats, Strange continued. "As i informed you at our first meeting, Bartholomew Jacobs wrote 'A Madman's Mutterings' and was burned as a witch in Salem in 1692."

"Correct." Luke corroborated.

"Recently, i have uncovered a number of curious legends involving Jacobs and his book. According to the tale, documented by a former member of Jacobs' coven, as the flames consumed Bartholomew Jacobs he swore that he would return to claim his book should any other magician come to use it or covet its power. I believe Bartholomew Jacobs has returned from the dead with a curse he placed on his own book." Doctor Strange explained.

"Whoah!" Danny exclaimed.

"How did that happen?" Luke asked quizzically.

Doctor strange reached for and opened a nearby issue of 'The Spirit Tracker', an obscure New York Paranormal and supernatural themed newspaper, and began to read an article to the two:

"Several students of NYU have reported seeing a ghost beneath the Washington Square Arch, at the stroke of midnight last night. According to eyewitnesses, the spectre was that of a burning man who called out from the flames, demanding the return of his book. One brave student, who bravely ventured quite close to the apparition claimed that the flames appeared real but dispensed no heat. When the observers backed away, the ghost vanished."

After finishing the article, Doctor Strange said "I spoke with the editor of this paper. He assured me this incident is not a hoax, and is likely to reappear within the same location. I believe the spirit is that of Bartholomew Jacobs, and that perhaps if you go tonight the apparition will reveal the location of the book."

"Who were the witnesses who saw this ghost?" Luke asked skeptically.

"Because they wished to remain anonymous the editor, a man named Artemis Hoot whom is a colleague of mine, would not reveal their identities. However, i do believe i have uncovered the pertinent information here." Doctor Strange explicated.

"Why did Bartholomew's ghost appear at the Arch?" Danny inquired.

"I'm not sure, but i believe this means the power of the book had to have been manifested near the monument." Doctor Strange said.

"Wait…." Luke started. "when the night shift tried to put the hammer down on Hammerhead. That was at the arch, and there were all those Skeletons."

"Ah….i see." Doctor Strange realized. "I am aware that you face the Night Shift. Their most sinister member, the Black Talon is a mighty Necromancer. Perhaps he had deciphered the book to enhance his own arcane ability and inadvertently activated the curse of the tome and summoned Jacobs there."

Luke and Danny rose from there seats, and Luke began to fish his cell phone out of his pocket to call the Heroes For Hire Headquarters. Then, he remembered. "Hey, Strange, what can you tell us about teleportation magic while we're here? These guys always seem to be able to get away by using some kind of strange teleportation."

"Well, the key to teleporting is always having a set destination in mind prior to casting the spell. Perhaps if you could find the destination you could stop them when they get there." Doctor Strange advised.