"good night uncle aunty," both Arjun and Karna said as they wave towards the old couple who were seeing them off after cycling on their bicycles they reached the road where they both have to take a different route" I had a talk with the investors and after a long discussion they are ready to give us a one-week," Arjun said as he stops his bicycle to have some talk with karna.

" hah, I know that you could do it," Karna said with a smile ." it's just that money talks, and when they heard about the extra interest they immediately just accepted it with the same old notes 'This will be the last time we are investing in your project '. Man, they do want us to succeed but they are tough people not showing their love so openly " Arjun said as a small chuckle escaped from his mouth.

Karna to smiles as he knew their strict and hard-to-please personality they were the ones that were willing to support his already loss-making company due to their help he and his company had given some successful projects. they never leave his and his company's side even when they were making a loss on their investment they still helped him.

"It's all thanks to the father that he had earned such goodwill from those people, otherwise it would be very hard for us to even run that company for a year," Karna said with a smile as he remembered his father talking "Karna, remember one thing it's okay to not earn huge sums of money but always prioritized the earning of goodwill from people, one day those earned money will go but the goodwill earned will never leave your side ".

at that time he thought that he's father has an old satisfactory mindset to say something like that like who doesn't want to earn more and who wants to earn someone's goodwill in this shellfish world but today when he saw the real world he curse his foolishness because that same old satisfactory mindset had save him and his company.

Arjun nodded and then he look at his phone to get a message from his wife

"Okay, buddy let's meet after the week "

they both then went on their ways after saying their goodbyes. As such the days went Karna throw himself into making the project had made all the important parts such as chip storage and the computer though he had taken three days to make that mini super computer but after getting some of the devices from zmazon and some from local shops he completed that too.

now come the important part and that is the character "What should I follow, the original or borrowed...let's see impressing them is not the main task here as they will gonna more than impressed but to make all these things more exciting I would have to make something that will give them the nostalgic feeling...hmmm...those old people love the deckomon though they don't show it they do...yes, it's decided then I will make that .. hehe heh he will love it ".

he then opens his newly created laptop of his and then says "Start the process"

as soon as he says that a webcam scans his eyelids and then a robotics voice came "Scan complete...welcome master ". he nods and smiles this new voice commands feature is far better than the market products like Qiri and Glexa "Open up the creation tab ..mode borrowed one select deckomon... species.....


five people were seated inside a small room inside the room there is six seats and currently five were full there is a glass table put in front of those people and on that table, various files and drinks were kept.

suddenly one old-looking man who had a brown complexion with white hair and a white mustache wearing a normal shirt and pants opened up a file and says, "Do you guys have any idea what this brat will present us this time ".

another old man who had a little white complexion with black hair and a mustache says, "Don't know Shekhar, this is the first time that he had said something like this".

then an old lady who had dark color skin and white long hair says "Yes, Shivam he had never said something like that anyway I want to tell you all old bags don't take an interest if you want i will pay you and also are we really going to take back the investment".

"We know Rekha, who even going to take the interest and about the investment that was just a joke. I just want to scare him so that he will give everything to the next project I am here to just give him some long lecture on the mistakes he had made on the previous project" An old man who had the same dark color skin complexion with black hair and simple clean-shaven face says.

"sigh but Vishwa, we all know that all the previous selected projects had so many mistakes hell even the base of the project to invest in pc industry is wrong but why did you guys invest and let him do that even after knowing that he will fail" another old lady with white complexion having blonde hair said she is the only one looking out of the place as she is a foreigner.

"dear Lucy, he needs some tough lessons you know there is no great teacher than life itself and he needs to learn the market with all of these mistakes we are here to help them not to guide them they had to choose the path whether the chosen path is right or wrong it's not our concern," says Vishwas which get the nods of all.

as they were talking about the other kinds of stuff the gate then opened, and Arjun walks in he first greeted everyone and then sit on the chair reserved for him.

seeing him Shekhar asked "Brat, what you both devils are planning this time if this time your project fails to get success, then I swear to take back all the given investment," he said this, and others nodded with a serious expression on their faces.

"at least try to act like you mean the words that you were saying," Arjun thinks in his mind as he then smiles and said, "Don't worry this time you all going to love it".

"so, what's the project and in which industry are you going to play," Lucy asked Arjun to which he clicked his tongue as he too didn't know what Karna had planned because when asked he got a reply of "just wait I will give you a surprise".

Just as he was thinking of what to reply to the door suddenly opened and four people came carrying a glass platform with them, they then placed the glass platform in front of the old bags and Arjun and left everyone then see the platform which look like a steel box with a silvery glass placed on top of it.

"What is that thing?" Shivam asked and then an answer came from Karna who entered the room with a laptop in his hands and one rectangular box "A creational platform and I gave it the name of Maya".

seeing everyone's attention on him Karna stands beside the Platform and places the laptop on the table in front of all the people

" Maya, why would you name that platform Maya" Vishwas asked to which Karna says, "Arjun what does Maya mean?"

Arjun not knowing why his friend is asking such questions still decided to answer, "According to Hindu scriptures Maya means illusions the illusion of the highest level is called Maya".

"Correct and the reason why I named it this will be cleared in your mind after the presentation so guys, this is my new creation...our company's future project... project Maya " Karna declared while spreading both of his hands as far as he could.

everyone became confused then Shekar said, "Brat what you are speaking? are you working on the new game if yes then show us the game, not this square-shaped glass".

"Oldman, this is the project that I had been working on and about the game that we will develop afterward but before I show you this, I want to ask you, something old man," Karna said while having a smile on his face.

"Ask, whatever you want to ask," Shekar said as he is getting extremely impatient to smack the head of this fool like he is wasting his own time on this weird project even after that failure Karna had learned nothing.

"Tell me do you like zarizard from deckomon" Karna's unexpected questions make everyone surprised they have been expecting some serious questions not silly ones like that.

"of course I like him, he's my best starter deckomon from all the deckomon series," the old man Shekar said with a smile other to smiles as they know how much this old guy love to play games and their characters sometimes, he became a way to immersive in those world's that he even forgets his own identity.

Karna to nodded expecting the same answer he had thought "Hehe, as expected, so tell me old man have you ever imagined touching the real zarizard? like how its skin texture would feel in real life? how the skill of a flamethrower would look like in real life? ".

the question confused Shekar as he and others don't understand where he is going with this question, but Shekar choose to give his answer "Of course, I had imagined who would not".

" yes, yes who would not want to see the real creatures of deckomon in real life so tell me old man and others what if I say that I had found a way to turn that dreams of yours into reality? what if I told you that you can not only touch the zarizard in this real world but also you can communicate with it like other normal intelligent beings ".

this time the question struck them hard as they don't know what crazy stuff he is talking about touching and feeling the real zarizard in real life has he finally gone crazy as the Oldman was in there panic mode Arjun looked at the platform and laptop and then think of their whole conversation from end to start for some minute before looking at Karna and said " brother are you making some hologram product ".

before the old bags could say something Karna interrupt "No brother, it is in a way a hologram but it is not a simple hologram now lets me show you what I had created and the things that will not only destroy all the gaming industry of this world but also will make our studio to be the best and richest in this world ".


Authors note: guys, please review and donate your power stones it will help me in the competition and also it will motivate me to write.

[One stone is nothing for you but it means the world to me .]





thank you so much for your support