After that, many famous celebs from national as well as international were also invited after a long hour of useless photo shoots and interviews they were escorted inside the stadium.

Now, a barricade has been placed between the media and the red carpet as many soldiers take their positions on each side of the carpet because from now the presidents and prime ministers of various invited nations would come.

After half an hour two black cars parked at the entrance one behind the others and a few men black in suits arrived they then open the car door and from the first car four people appeared.

Two males and two females from the look anyone can say that they are a couple. One pair of the couple has a child which the female carries in her arms from the other car five people appeared an old man another a middle-aged girl and then a young man with his parents.

Medias started taking their photos as they don't know who these guys are as they had never seen them anywhere But by looking at the security that they are been getting then they must have been someone important.

Just as the media is eyeing them Rama appears beside Arjun and asked "Sir, I am getting uncomfortable by the stares that they are giving me and also this dress doesn't help me to get any confidence".

Arjun gave an awkward smile as he hates to get attention and then he look at his dress which he is wearing. It is a fusion between future and ancient style A black long coat that was made up of black artificial leather and it had two golden plated shoulder pads a golden belt and two golden arm gloves the most striking feature of this entire getup is the platinum armbands.

He then looks at his wife who is a beautiful lady she has long blonde hair and a perfect curve body she is wearing a red-black saree with golden linings By the looks she is giving it's said that she is enjoying this moment so keeping aside his uncomfortableness he to decided to enjoy.

Some people laughed at the dress worn by the males and many were impressed and loved the black saree with golden linings. Some reporters even commented, "Haha, are we in some fancy comics con, why they are wearing such wired clothes".

Ignoring this rant they all proceed to enter the stadium many reporters tried to ask them some questions which they all ignored and walk off some reporters even tried to jump the barricade, but they all get stopped by the soldiers.

Everyone thinking who could they be suddenly a black prime-ministerial car arrived, and it had the flag of India on it everyone then understood who the man inside the car would be.

Six fully armored men with black specs arrived and covered the car after a wait of a few minutes one man open the door and an old man appeared from the car. He has worn a black and white kurta and as he came out media go crazy with their sections.

He then waits at one side to welcome the other president and prime ministers and soon one by one cars started arriving first come the Japanese prime minister after some talks and a few photographs he's been escorted inside the stadium.

Then came the American president, Canadian prime minister, Australian prime minister, and more in one point many people went gaga when they all see the North Korean dictator.

"what the hell!! what is in the world this man is doing here?".

"Why did the Indian government invite this man?".

This kind of question was in everyone's mind and the surprise, even more, increased when even china president came.

"what in the world, are my eyes playing some tricks?".

"Are we really in some game trailer launching event because this feels like a war meeting event and not some lovey-dovey game event?".

"fuck, now I want to see what in the world this company had created that makes this government invite this many people".

The surprises didn't end there as they thought they had seen everything suddenly another car parked and this time the flag on the car is of Pakistan.

After that the Pakistan prime minister came and after some greeting he to gets escorted inside the stadium at last the Russian president came and with that, both mr modi and Mr Putin went inside the stadium.

After that, the media were given entry inside. Inside the stadium, the mood is quite jovial and shocking as the stadium of a total of 50,000 were fully packed with businessman, social media influencers, gamers, celebs, famous sports personalities, many government officials, signers, dancers, and many more.

They all were quite shocked to see the stadium as it is completely different from the stadiums that they had seen in their life because, unlike any sports stadium, they had a playground that resemble the sports played.

But after seeing the wired design on the ground they all became confused all expect the gamers as they recognized the design as it was similar to the battlefield of the deckomons but they don't seem to understand why would someone make this design inside a stadium.

The VIP room which is specially reversed for important figures like the country's prime minister is now occupied by a total of 190 prime ministers and the president.

Suddenly Mr.Putin says "Wow, what an advanced stadium you have built, are you really that sure of the product that you invited all of us".

As he asked everyone's attention came on mr modi who then gave a smile and says "Well if I am inviting you all then it must be good. If it was not on the standard then why would I even take the burden of inviting all of you here".

"Well, we will see how good of a thing is your product," everyone thinks in their heads.

The entire event is been broadcasted to the entire world everyone can see it live with the best camera angle and shots The people were excited as suddenly the entire stadium goes black and then a light shone in the center of the stadium and a man wearing the same golden and black suit appeared.

Everyone's attention is on Karna who looks at the stadium and says,"I, Karna Khurana the creator of this game welcome you all to this grand trailer-launching event".

Karna then takes a small walk and again says with his arms open wide "I have listened to many people calming that they had created a game that can change the future...and when I look at them I can't help but smile at their stupidity".

As soon as he said that everyone became shocked at the sentence because even though he had not named anyone but they all knew who have said these words. Unconsciously they all turn their heads toward the special seats where the mentioned men were seated but due to the blackness, they could see none.

The fans there started to curse Karna on the live page and many celebs, and businessmen don't like this attitude Karna takes his time because he knew that all who are cursing him now would be the first to praise him like a god.

Ayur became furious when he heard but he shows a calm smile on his face as in his mind he thinks "Hmph, this attitude of yours let me first see what did you invent that make you this arrogant".

The same thought ran through elon musk's mind at first he wanted to know the strength of his enemy so that he could prepare for the strike but alas they all were too wrong.

Arjun who is sitting in one of the VIP rooms with his teams and wife protected by the armies facepalmed himself as he says "Why did he like to be this corny" Other team members just laughed as they readied themselves to watch the spectacular show.

Karna then again smiles and said "Did my words hurt anyone, because I just stated the fact...but as someone had said actions speak louder than words THEN let me show you my action...OPEN YOUR EYES BECAUSE WHAT YOU ALL ARE GOING TO WITNESS HERE IS THE TRUE REVOLUTION, A TRUE MASTERPIECE".


He then jumps up in the air and out of nowhere the battleground turned into a lava pool the warmth and hotness can be felt by the people seating inside the VIP room suddenly before they could react to this strange thing a loud threatening roar resounds in the entire stadium the roar is so loud that it makes everyone to cover their ears.

And after the roar, a massive red dragon emerges from the lava and flew high in the air it's massive body can be seen from quite a far distance. The people Inside the stadium felt the chill run down their spines when they get looked at by the eyes of that beast after fully disapplying his beastly body the dragon landed on the rock which is between the lava and on his head stands the karna who now had a maniac smile on his face.


As soon as he said that the dragon to throws flames from his mouth which reached high into the air displaying his formidable power to everyone.