The Key to the Sky - Part 1

It was a classic school day and our four friends were heading to school as usual, attending their classes. Despite having a few common classes, they usually met up during lunch and chatted, having a good time. As they sat at their usual table in the cafeteria, Hikari was the first to arrive, followed by Kenta, then Kenshin.

Hikari turned to Kenta and said,

Hikari (calm, rule-abiding speech): Takumi, where is she? Is she going to be late?

Kenta : She went to gather information about the gap at the shopping center, She think I'll be back soon.

Kenshin : How's the research going?

Kenta : Despite Kumi working hard, we still haven't found anything, to be honest, I don't have much hope. Is anyone looking for something from the canteen?

Kenta went to the cafeteria to get food and drinks for his friends. After a short while, Takumi came running towards them.

Takumi yelled out, "HEY GUYS!" After hearing her shout, Kenshin raised an eyebrow and continued reading his book, but Hikari got up to embrace Takumi. When Takumi reached the table, she jumped onto Hikari and spun her around, and they both sat down on chairs.

Takumi : Sorry, I'm late guys. I hope I didn't make you wait too long. I went to check out the crack at the shopping mall, even though the monsters have been defeated, I still wanted to gather some information there. But you won't believe it, I couldn't find anything useful. Where's Kenta? anyway I didn't manage to get any information about the crack from him, but I saw a really nice outfit, so I decided to stay for a bit longer. (Takumi pulls out a green necklace from her pocket and hands it to Hikari) Here you go, Hikari. I got something nice for you. Don't worry, it's not exp...

Kenta came back from the cafeteria and put the cold fruit juice on Takumi's neck, causing Takumi to suddenly shout at Kenta, but then became childishly happy when they saw the juice.

Takumi: Is it apple flavor? That's my favorite! I was jus' showin' off the new necklace I got, ain't it pur...

Kenta interrupting again.

Kenta: I think we understand how energetic you are, but it seems like you haven't been able to obtain any information, or at least that's how it looks.

Takumi (slightly accented): I'm sorry, by the time I got there, everything had already been taken care of, and I wasn't able to make any progress in my research. I just can't seem to figure out how it happened.

Hikari: Don't worry, Takumi. Being ahead of us in knowledge of magic is normal, but I'm sure we'll understand it in the future.

Hikari was trying to calm Takumi down, and in the meantime, Takumi hugged Hikari and thanked her.

Takumi: Hey, what are your plans for today?

Kenta and Kenshin, glancing at each other

Kenta: There are a lot of people saying they've been getting strange energy waves from the library area, so we were planning to go check it out, just in case there's a crack.

Takumi: Ah come on, take me with you, maybe we'll find something.

Kenta: Don't worry, if we find something, we'll bring it to you right away. You and Hikari need to keep investigating. If we can find any information about this, we won't be seen as strange people.

Hikari: Please, Kenta, no one looks at you strangely because you have a determined spirit. You may have a mutated spirit, but you are all wonderful.

Kenshin: The number of people reporting feeling energy waves is increasing. If you want, let's go now, we don't want to be late like some people.

After Kenshin's words, Takumi started shouting, and Kenshin stick his tongue out. After laughing and having fun, Kenshin and Kenta headed towards the library area.

Kenshin : If a monster appears, don't you have information about what they are like? After all, you have fought monsters outside of the special combat team at school.

Kenta : Don't worry, so far they have been just child's play for you.

When they got close to the library, Kenshin was checking the souls of the people around, while Kenta was trying to perceive the power levels in the environment.

Kenshin : I couldn't find any strange person around, everyone's soul is completely normal, how are things with you?

Kenta : There is some power level detection, yes, but I haven't seen any crack yet, still, for security reasons, we need to evacuate this place, get everyone out of here.

Kenshin slowly started to keep everyone away from the library and the surrounding area. Meanwhile, Kenta was checking the surroundings when he noticed a light flashing behind him. There was no one around, but Kenta started to see cracks appearing behind him. Since multiple cracks had not formed in recent times, Kenta was stunned, but he quickly turned his spirit into a sword and prepared for the monsters. When two monsters appeared from the two cracks behind him, Kenta didn't even need to use his sword, as they were so weak. However, he noticed a massive sharp crystal coming from his left. Just as he was about to react, Kenshin came from behind and kicked the crystal, shattering it. Kenshin also transformed his spirit into claws and prepared to attack the monsters. Kenshin attacked one monster from one crack, and Kenta attacked the other. Except for the monster that threw the crystal, all the other monsters were quite weak. Only the monster that threw the crystal was left.

Kenta: I was impressed by your power, I won't lie. It's been a long time since I met someone like you.

The monster pulled out a knife from his pocket and closed the cracks by cutting them. Seeing this, Kenta and Kenshin were completely shocked and curious.

Kenta: I don't quite understand what you're doing, sorry.

The monster: If your mind were enough, you would have already kicked us out of our new universe.

Kenshin: New universe? What are you talking about?

The monster: Do you really think I'm going to tell you

Kenshin became enraged and seemed to be going berserk, his tongue flailing as he charged towards the monster. Despite the monster's massive crystal attacks, Kenshin was able to dodge and jump over the crystals, performing a sort of parkour. After breaking the last crystal with his claws and passing through it, Kenshin leapt onto the monster and forced it to the ground, tearing its face apart with his claws. Kenta then approached from behind and stopped him.

Kenta: I really admire the way you transform into a different personality during wars.

Kenta started to call Takumi with his phone.

Meanwhile, Takumi and Hikari.

Takumi: Ugh, I don't want to get back to research again... I have a GREAT IDEA. Would you like to go shopping? I'm sure we'll find some amazing things, maybe we'll even come across a crack and find something to support our research, and if we help out, Kenta will get over his fear.

Hikari : I'm sorry, Takumi, but we need to get back to research. The more determined we work, the better results we'll get. And I really feel for Kenta, I wonder how long he's been like this.

Takumi starts playing with his drink.

Takumi : I don't know when it started, but Kenta came home one day and said people were making fun of him. From that day on, he started questioning and being afraid of everything he did. Then he started acting extremely fearful and anxious. But lately, he seems much calmer. I think he's slowly getting better, but I don't know what to do.

Hikari: Probably because you're by his side, he's started to calm down. I'm sure it'll pass gradually, don't worry, Kenta can handle everything.

Just then, Takumi's phone starts ringing.

Takumi: Great, we were just talking about you. Have you found anything? Has the crack appeared? Have you fought with the monsters? Or did you defeat the monsters and then enter the crack? What did you find in the crack? Please tell me that giant cats enslaved the monsters and opened up massive cracks to send them to this world to kill them.

Kenta : Are you making fun of me? You've been drinking too much coffee. A rift appeared and we fought some monsters, but we might have some information on how the rifts were opened after seeing a monster close one. I'll explain when we get home.

When Takumi heard this, he started jumping with excitement and they quickly headed home. Once they arrived, Takumi quickly changed into his fancy lab coat and rushed into the research room.

Kenta with a roll of his eyes : Did we really need all this?


Kenta: The monster was stronger than before. Before the fight started, he took something out of his pocket and closed the hole by drawing the sky and cutting the hole like he was cutting concrete with a knife. After killing it, we couldn't find that weapon.

Takumi, disbelief: A knife, clay, th' sky? Yew're spoutin' nonsense now!

Kenshin: They're not making nonsense, we don't understand, but as we said, it cut like cutting chalk.

Hikari: Cutting the sky like chalk... It must be some sort of interdimensional weapon.

Kenshin: An interdimensional weapon?

Hikari pulls out a book from her bag: Yes, there was something similar in a book I read.

Kenshin: Against evil forces ? What a cheesy name.

Hikari, getting frustrated: Hey, that's one of my favorite books, please be respectful (after a long silence), anyway in this book it cuts the sky like paper with a scissor and changes dimensions.

Kenta: Changing dimensions, I don't understand how they can possess this power.

Hikari: Have you ever tried reading old books, maybe there's some information related to it.

Takumi, levitating a few books with telekinesis and holding a few in his hands: Sorry, but in the books, there's only the classic story, that monsters will one day make a big turn and be led by a being who feeds on the fears of humans and a special person will emerge to stop it.