
"Mama, let's cut the cake!" Ruby pulled Ai along.

In the Hoshino household, it didn't matter if it was their birthday or Ai's. They always cut the cake together while singing. And today was no different, aside from another addition.

'That ended nicely,' Adam cleaned the living room with a snap and sat on the sofa.

Ai went to put the kids to sleep. In their happiness along with the tasty cake made by their mother. The two kids finished it all and put themselves into a food coma. That too was a normal occurrence.

After 15 minutes she came out of her bedroom with a smile.

"They look so cute when they are asleep. I nearly couldn't bring myself to come out," Ai said.

Her kids were cute, but only on rare occasions does she get to experience this level of cuteness. Ai knew how mature her kids were for their age and loved that side of them. But she wanted to see them act their age and enjoy this time too.

Overall, she had a deep confusion because no matter what her kids were the cutest.

"You didn't have to. You've finished your task so you should rest a little too," Adam said.

Ai has been working hard to make this possible, but she was still here. Her eyes locked with his and she smiled.

"I still have more to do," She sat next to him and hugged his arm.

Adam felt her lean on him, he understood her intentions. They weren't acquaintances now. So, it was normal for her to spend some time with him too. The next few minutes went by in silence as she got more comfortable in her position. Then she asked the question.

"So… aren't we going to do it?" His head snapped in her direction.

She seemed so abashed after saying that while Adam sighed. Ai didn't have a normal relationship yet. Although he was the same, he had more experience than her at this point.

"That depends on the mood and such," He tried to move the subject away. He wanted her to enjoy this relationship she formed with him. And the rest will follow naturally.

Adam wanted it to be more than sex so she could forget the previous one. But, he didn't know that she never remembered it in the first place. She never even considered what she had with Hikaru a relationship. And what she had with him was different.

"Well… I want to…" She had been in the mood since afternoon. It has been longer, but she didn't want to say it to come off as crude.

"Don't you want to Adam?" However, what he wanted was also important. She didn't want to push him into something he didn't want to do, because he would do the same for her.

"…" Adam didn't expect this.

But noticing her feelings he couldn't turn away. He nodded and she gulped, they had done it before but this time it would be different.

'How do I start?' Confused her head lowered, the first time he took the lead, and the second time she was high-handed.

What about now? How should she do things? She had researched the topic before and made some notes, but now her mind was drawing a blank.

Then she felt her vision rise, Ai didn't move but her finger on her chin made her do so. His face was close, she could smell the sweet scent of sugar on him and soon she tasted it on his lips.

The kiss was as simple as it could be, but it made her forget about the most complicated of things. She leaned in, placing a hand on his chest when he pulled her closer.

She didn't want this to end, but he moved back. As the silver strand connecting their lips broke, her mind snapped back to reality.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

The question made her red. This was her house, and her kids were sleeping in a nearby room. She felt that this was immoral, but Ai couldn't stop now that it had started.

"Let's take it to the room," Adam said after he received her nod.

Ai wanted to stand up, but he picked her up. The redness now spread to her ears as he carried her to the spare bedroom like a princess.

They were now in a room that was the farthest from the kids. Adam cast barriers around it just in case and locked the door. He sat Ai on the bed and took off his shirt.

'He looks good…' Ai couldn't help but glance at his scarred body multiple times. She had seen it twice before, but her body responded more this time.

"Mhm~!" She found herself under him. Pressed on the bed her hands caressed his muscular frame as he took her lips. Her body tensed up as his other hands ran down her figure. Even with a dress on he could feel her curves and would squeeze away at her soft bumps making her shiver.

Her upper body wasn't spared either, her lips were thoroughly tasted and his tongue kept giving her a hard time. But the worst happened when he slid down her neck. Before she could fathom, her dress was gone and the little nibbles on her neck made her gasp.

'I can't keep up,' Ai's arched back made it easier for him to unhook her bra.

'They grew?' Adam tilted his head. Her bust has grown by over an inch, but her pink nipples drew him in.

His tongue rolled over them and Ai's hands wrapped around his head. Her gasps grew louder every time he sucked on them and lightly flicked them with his tongue.

'I can't hold it,' Adam felt like his dick might burst out of his pants if he delays things any longer. When he moved back he saw Ai staring at him, and her eyes told him everything.

She felt the same, heat kept on building between her legs and it became unbearable. She anticipated the next noticing his eyes and gulped when his pants came undone.

The tip of his meat was peeking out of the underwear and soon it was out in the open. The wet patch on her white panties got darker as his hands touched her smooth thighs. Ai covered her eyes when he removed it raising her legs high before he settled between them.

"Are you ready?"