The Guardian's Hax

"Master, Taotie has no interest in a world without you, so make sure you come back quick and safe," Watching her master vanish in the invisible portal, Taotie whispered.

Her brain then got busy, making her sweep the surroundings for clues.

'This place is overflowing with such astronomical levels of Karmic Flux that even a mortal could sense it. According to master's own words, this is his final trial. So why did he choose to start it here…and not in the Myriad Abysses?' Taotie asked herself. The overwhelming Karmic Flux pervading the atmosphere would make it easy for ill-intentioned folks to notice Huan Yi's presence and deduce his actions.

Taotie knew that her master never did anything without thorough consideration, and so concluded that, if he challenged the final trial here, it was because it had to be here. Now, it fell on her shoulders to make sure that the enemy didn't notice her master's moves.