The Truth of Luck

Walking out of the throne room, Huan Yi left the Red Palace, gliding across the air as he headed north of Taoyi. There, a magnificent tower pierced through the sky, defiantly shooting past the heavens.

Carved entirely from divine jade and other rare upper realm minerals, this marvel seemed infused with a life of its own, breathing and whispering the secrets of mortals, demons and gods to all that dared to listen. 

On each of this tower's 108 floors, vast labyrinthine walls stretched out, engraved with ancient mosaics that spiraled upward—retelling stories, wars and tragedies long forgotten.

Marble columns enriched with complex carvings stretched as far as the eyes could see, supporting tall archways that framed celestial orchestras and dancing demonesses. At the top of this epic structure, a radiant crystal spire floated, gathering a constant flux of colorful energies.