Shi Cruelty Knows No Limit

As Xingtian and Shiyuan's confrontation reached a climactic point, 3,000 headless giants blitzed through the interstellar void, brandishing colossal battle axes as they surrounded the Immortal Domain—homeland of all three immortal lineages. 

Lingbao Immortals specialized in Artifact Refining. Dao Immortals focused on Alchemy. And Shi Immortals on physical and spiritual perfection. Ruled by the Immortal Emperors, nurtured by the Golden Empyreans, and worshipping the Venerables, together, the three Immortal lineages represented the undisputed number one power of the Celestial Realm—and in Huan Yi's absence, had manipulated demons and gods to keep the status quo desired by Yuanqi. 

Though they wouldn't admit it, the scions of the Immortal race saw themselves as superior to members of the other species, believing that they were the closest thing to the Creator's vision of perfection.