Tale of the Outcast Warrior: Fires, Foxes, and goddesses.


Tyler opened his eyes to see Lily's face next to his own. He blinked in surprise, before smiling. She's like a clingy little sister. I friggin love her to death though. He could see Kaori laid out behind the small girl, and could feel Malico's tail resting on his side. HE smiled as he poked Lily gently with a finger, getting a soft giggle as she opened her red eyes.

"Morning Lily."

She smiled and snuggled closer to him.

"Morning, future husband."

HE hugged her as they rose. She smiling widely as they snuck out passed Wulf tangled up with Ashy by his pack. Tyler got the fire relit as Lily laid out food before he took the map out. Lily setting some meat to fry as she sat in his lap to see the map.

"We good?"

he laughed softly as he wrapped his arms around her small frame.

"We should be. We'll hit that hill giant camp today. So, that should be fun."

The mountain elf looked at the map.

"How tall are they again?"

"Not exactly sure myself. Maybe 20 feet? We'll ask Wulf when he gets out of Ashy."

She laughed as Sylvia and Sallie came and sat next to them in spirit forms.

"Morning girls."

Lily looked beside them, and realized he meant the spirits.

"We really should hurry and get it upgraded. Sera wants to snuggle in a pile."

"Wow, that sounds comfy as hell."

They laughed as Tyler tilted his head.

"hey, that's new."

Lily looked to a spot near a stream. The map was in full color and updated every time it was opened via magic. Tyler pointed to a spot a little further up the road.

"This area was solid tan yesterday. Now we got a small black area."

Lily tilted her head as well now.

"Maybe a small fire broke out?"

Tyler got up and walked away from the camp a little to sniff the air. Lily right beside him.

"I can't smell smoke. Then again we did sleep with it in our noses."

Lily looked to the horses.

"I don't think it's still burning, if it was they wouldn't be so calm right now."

Tyler looked and the horse's ears were flat and relaxed.

"You're right. We'll still check it out though. Just to be safe."

The elf nodded.

"If it's got a few sparks or hotspots, please use a water fall on it."

"Sure. I grew up in a forested region, so I understand how bad a forest fire can get."

The plan settled they went back to get a look at it again. Tyler and Lily had just sat down when Wulf and Ashy came out. The girl all smiles and flushed as she sat done to watch him go about his morning rite. Tyler smiled as well, happy his friend had someone to cuddle as well. He looked at the spot as Wulf finished his rite and took his coffee.

"Everything set commander?"

"Potential issue. Look."

Wulf took one look and sighed.

"I can say for a fact that spot was NOT there last night."

"We thought so too. We're thinking a dead fire. But we'll double check in case of flare up or worse."

The experienced ranger loked at it closely as he drank his coffee.

"It seems to be getting bigger though."

"Let's see."

HE closed the map, and reopened it. Sure enough, it was now twice as big, and spreading away from them.

"Shit Wulf the plains are burning! We need to go now!"

The ranger was in the tent an instant later.

"Get up! Fire!"

The camp came awake with a fear that only can come from that word. Tyler was on watch as he was the only water mage around. The camp was torn down, horses readied and fired doused as they rode to either warn people or have Tyler put it out or both. As they went they could smell the smoke now.

"Okay, I'll use waterwall. I can flood a decent area at a time with it."

"What do we do?"

"try not to get burned. I'm the only water mage here."

They nodded as the party got a look at the blaze. Easily four solid acres of woodland was aflame as Tyler passed his reins to Kaori to take off running towards the flames. The ignored the searing heat as thanks to his bonuses was mostly immune anyway. Once in a good spot in front of the blaze, he channeled his power.


The wall was now 40 feet tall and extended a good 200 feet. As soon as it was fully formed, he cast the follow up.


The wall fell and landed right on the flames, sending a massive cloud of steam skyward.


HE raised another wall and walked it ten feet forward.


Another massive cloud of steam. HE drank a mana potion before continuing the procedure until the area was both out and thoroughly drenched. He blew the signal and they regrouped.

"Okay, we'll do a fire walk. A line with ten feet between each of us and we'll go over the area with a fine tooth comb. I drenched the area, but I know better then to trust a wildfire."

They all nodded, understanding exactly his point. Tyler took the center, with Kaori to his right, Lily his left, Sera to Lily's left, vixen to Kaori's right, Wulf to sera's left, Lucy to Vixen's right, Malico to Wulf's left, Serafina to Lucy's right, Lillia to Malico's left, Thistle to Serafina's right, and Ashy to Lillia's left. Once they were ready they walked along at a steady pace, seeking anything hot or looking it. If one was found, Tyler would drop a waterburst on it. Tyler was not taking a chance with a plains fire, and neither was any of the others.

"Hey, Tyler. Look."

Lily picked a scorched arrowhead up. Tyler looked at it as the line stopped.

"We got an orc arrowhead. Heads up, Orcs were in the area."

They nodded and hands were placed on weapons as they moved. They were climbing a small hill when Wulf was heard groaning.

"Gods dammit. This is the idiot spot I told you all about."

The groan was felt throughout the party then. They crested the hill to find a now abandoned campsite. Tyler and Wulf went to look at the fire pit, as the other all looked around. The place had been left a mess, half eaten fruit, the smell of piss and shit, rotting meat, and the unmistakable smell of day old beer and vomit. Tyler sighed as he saw the firepit.

"Idiots. They didn't even bother making a bank around the fire for sparks or cinders."

Wulf stood and looked at the now blackened area.

"That fire started maybe four hours ago. This camp is maybe 6. So, they stayed here for the night, left before us, and didn't put their fire out right and it sparked, setting the tinder of the plains alight."

Thistle the blood elf sighed.

"A novice mistake, and a costly one at that."

Tyler used a small water spell, water ball, to thoroughly soak the firepit.

"Only piece that don't fit is that orc arrow."

kaori had a thought.

"Maybe a scavenged shaft? We did the same when we were low."

"Could be. It makes sense at least, only it was in a weird place."

Lily sighed.

"Yeah, sadly any tracks got wiped out by the water walls."

Tyler looked around again.

"Fire's out, and that's the important thing right now. I'm half tempted to do another once over with my water, but I don't what to water log the earth."

Ashy came to look at the ground.

"I'd agree with a once over. Same time it's risky. I get the feeling this area might become a marsh if too much water gets dumped on it too fast."

The Ranger was in agreement.

"It's happened before. A fire broke out in my homeland a century ago, and the water mage that put it out was a most cautious one. He used his spells to drench the land a good three times. It was a wise move at the time, but now that area is a dirty swamp where once it was a once beautiful woodland. We forgave him for it, as better an ugly safe swamp then a forest of burnt out husks."

Tyler was rubbing his chin when a thunder of hoof beats were heard down the hill. They looked to see a group of riders in leaf scale armour with am mage in a blue robe riding towards them. The party former up as the new arrivals reined in their mounts, as the mage in blue addressed them.

"We be friends, adventurers. We saw the smoke and came to deal with the flames. I be Yarrow. Who be ye?"

Tyler smiled.

"I'm Tyler the Outcast. This is my party."

The riders all looked at each other shocked by the name. Then they thumped their chests.



The blue mage looked at the campsite.

"I trust this mess isn't yours, sirrah?"

"It is not. We camped out over yonder."

HE gestured up the road.

"We saw the spot on our map this morn, and felt it best to investigate. Thank the gods we did."

Yarrow looked around.

"Pray tell, how did you put it out so quickly?"

"I am of the blue as well, and one spell I have is Waterwall and it's follow up Water fall. The wall is 40 feet tall and 200 long. So, I raised the wall and dropped it upon the flames. Raise, walk ten feet, repeat."

Yarrow was nodding.

"I see I see. A most effective strategy. I see the flames are out, yet may I ask why you're still here?'

"We're debating another once over with the water in case of a flare up. Myself, Kaori and Ashy there come from a forested town in our old world, and as such have seen what can happen when a wildfire is handled poorly. Plus, I keep feeling like we're missing something here."

The blue mage sat back in his saddle.

"The first issue, another pass with the water? It may seem like caution, and it is indeed justified when dealing with fire, but I'd advise against it. In this type of once over, dirt would suffice just as well."

They looked at each other.

"That works."

"Surprised we didn't think of it ourselves."

"A little TOO simple? We do love our convoluted schemes."

They laughed as Yarrow spoke again, now smiling.

"The second issue, this feeling of yours, can you elaborate?"

Tyler passed him the arrowhead.

"My party member found this during our fire walk. Plus we saw a small party of Warriors pass this way. We've determined the fire started by a poorly maintained fire plus drunken idiots plus novices. Happens all the time, and in itself is nothing too bad. As we all start somewhere. Only piece that don't fit is that arrowhead."

Yarrow was nodding as he looked it over.

"I see the problem. How old is the fire?"

Wulf answered now.

"The plains started four hours ago. This camp is six."

"This arrowhead, where exactly did you find it?"

Lily spoke up.

"A five minute walk that way in a trunk. I can show you if you need."

"I think that would be best miss. I agree with the Outcast in this is out of place."

The mken dismounted and followed Lily to the spot she found the head. She pointed out the trunk and Yarrow slotted it in and looked at it's flight path.

"It came from the road."

Tyler drew his blades.

"Let's check it out."

The group walked out onto the road, and saw evidence of a fight, bloodstains, tore up earth, but oddly no bodies. Tyler tilted his head.

"Okay, we tore through here to get in front of the blaze, and saw no dead nor wounded."

Wulf and Kaori looked at the ground.

"Looks like a party of horses were ambushed here, and they bolted rather then fight."

Tyler looked along the edge of the road.

"Hey, got a dead orc."

They came over to see the thing had an arrow in it's eye. The thing a yellow wood with a steel head and white feather flight. Tyler knew it.

"This is a shaft from Marissa's quiver. See that red band? Her arrows had it for some reason."

Tyler looked at the other side of the small ditch.

"Looks like something was dragged through there. Blades up."

They all drew weapons as they moved to the other side of the ditch. They found another few dead orcs, and one still breathing. Tyler walked over and healed it enough to talk. It went white with fear as it saw The Outcast.

"A quick death! Please!"

"The hell happened last night?"

It squealed.

"Wes was waitin to ambush some new toys when this group come ridin by pretty as ya please. We sprung our trap, only theys was Warriors, and gave us a good drubbin. They droves us off before taking off down the trail. I was hit in me lung and left to die."

Tyler looked back at the road.

"Okay, so a stray arrow missed and landed in the log before the fire got there. These things didn't have anything to do with the fire, and it would seem those Warriors are just idiots."

Yarrow was in agreement.

"The pieces fit now with this. At least it wasn't anything serious."

Tyler looked back to the thing.

"You have a camp?"

"That way, yonder."

Tyler looked to the sky, and saw a tell tale smoke column. He nodded.

"Number of creatures?"


"Orcs all?"

"A hill and a troll."

"Well, that's a new one."

He killed it before looking to yarrow.

"My party can handle the camp if you want to report back."

Yarrow seemed a little hesitant.

"I understand your powerful an all, Sirrah, and no disrespect, but you seem a little outnumbered."

"wanna watch?"

The group's eyes lit up at the prospect of watching the Warriors work.

"It would be an honor, Sirrah!"

"Well, this is a training session for a few members, so I'd appreciate it if you keep your weapons sheathed, hard as it will be."

They all nodded as Tyler looked to his party.

"Okay. Wulf, Lily, Sera, Lillia, annnnd, Let's see."

He looked at his party.


The named raiders all looked to weapons as the men looked at each other. Tyler followed Wulf to the spot as the now concerned men followed. The rest of the party was to guard the horses. The orc camp was in the bottom of an old river bed, and soon as they saw it, Tyler and Wulf laughed.

"Let's just walk in the front door. I'll claim the troll myself, as I have yet to kill one."

Yarrow and his men took spots where they could watch the action with a clear view.

"Lily with me, Sera and Lilla with Wulf, and thistle do yo thang."

She smiled as her new Magicite axe flared with her twin paths.

"Aye, lad. I need a chance to get to know me new friend."

"Why I picked ya my bloody badass."

Tyler pulled his short swords as Lily readied her shield. Tyler and the small girl walked to the gate, which was a blacken iron thing mounted between a pair of ten foot thick trees. Tyler was happily whistling as he stabbed his blades down, and tore it clean off it's moorings to throw it aside with a bang. The creatures inside all looked on stupidly as Tyler and Lily walked in and slew the first two creatures they reached before all hell broke loose. An ugly green skinned thing with a most putrid smell rose up to attack them. Tyler had a look of pain as he cut it down.

"Dear gods that is foul. Okay, you smelly fuck. Two words. Bath tub."

Lily was smiling as she used her training to make a pile of bodies at her small feet, as the creatures could not get past her shield. Tyler smiled as well.

"You're doing great Lily."

"Momma didn't raise no slouch!"

Tyler laughed as he split a random ogre in half.

"Damn right she didn't."

There was a loud thud as a 25 foot tall hill giant appeared. Tyler looked at Lily.

"That one's yours, Lily. If you get in a tight spot we'll help you, but let's see how you handle it."

The small girl nodded and readied her weaponry as Yarrow looked to where Wulf was standing beside him.

"Is he mad? That thing's big toe is bigger an she is!"

Wulf chuckled.

"He has faith in her. Lily is a far stronger girl then she appears, plus as long as he is standing right there, that thing WON'T kill her."

Yarrow shook his head.

"It seems cruel to me, seeing such a small girl being pitted against such a massive foe like that. But we'll see how it unfolds."

Tyler had just killed the last orc and was watching the battle between the giant and Lily. The massive thing would swing it's tree branch, only to miss as Lily used her small frame to her advantage to get close to slice off a piece of it's ankle. Lily needing to move like a frightened rabbit to avoid getting crushed as it kicked out at her. Tyler smiled as he saw her chess game unfolding. She was far faster then the giant, and far more nimble as well. She worked the thing's ankle for twenty minutes, before it finally buckled and feel. Only for Lily to leap up it's frame like a deer to stab her small mythril blade in the back of the thing's neck, killing it. Tyler clapped as she tore it free and hopped back down. He then lifted her up in a hug.

"Well done, Lily. You played that exactly as I would have in her shoes."

She was breathing hard and was coated in sweat from the hard battle, but was smiling nonetheless.

"Thanks. I think I should just use arrows for them though. I'm not big enough to get in it's face like you or Lucy do."

The others came forward to congratulate her on a very good kill. Yarrow was a little intimidated by her successful kill.

"That was a sight to behold. A giant of the size normally needs ten men working together to bring it down. Yet that girl that's not even at my waist killed it alone."

Tyler smiled.

"I taught her myself."

The blue mage understood then.

"I see now. She is a truly dangerous one then if she's YOUR apprentice. You have a terrifying party here and no mistake."

Tyler set the tired elf on her feet as the others began searching the dead.

"We're not done yet. We got two full camps of these things to kill."

yarrow looked at Lily as she dug around in an orc's pockets.

"Don't you think you're being a little harsh? She's a mere child afterall."

Tyler smiled fondly.

"I don't think I'm being harsh at all. Lily is a smith as well, so this is also to help build her stamina. Sera and Lillia need more sword practice, but are very good learners."

Yarrow smiled.

"I mean no disrespect Sirrah. I just have a daughter their size and it goes against the grain a bit."

"I understand. We lead a harsh live compared to most. So, sometimes we need to use more extreme means to test ourselves."

The blue mage shook his head.

"A harsh life indeed. I am rather afraid of the kinds of Warriors they will turn into after your training."

Tyler laughed.

"Damned good ones, yarrow. Damned good ones. When I'm satisfied with their skills, they'll be able to eat these things for breakfast."

They all laughed as Sera came over with a ring.

"Got a few."

"We'll give em to Malico."


She ran off to search an other body. And Yarrow looked at Tyler with a raised eyebrow,

"Is that who I think it is?"

"Yup. She killed a minotaur Balor yesterday."

The mage blinked, as his men all looked at the happily smiling girl.

"I'mm afraid I must see her bestiary."

"Sure. Just do NOT tell anyone she or her sister are with us. Okay?"

"Of course Sirrah."

"hey, sera, wanna brag?"

She came over giggling and pulled her HUD up to show off her kills. Yarrow gasped.

"A elder Lich, a greater Minotaur Balor, hill giants, Oricah."

He looked at the smiling girl.

"Aren't I great?"

Tyler hugged her as Yarrow laughed hard.

"Just really, Sera."

"miss, it is good to see you are thriving."

"Lillia is too! She killed a high draugr yesterday as well!"

The older sister smiled shyly.

"I'm still learning."

They all smiled fondly as the rest of the camp was cleared. All told, 50 silver and a few licenses. They left the dead to return to the group. Yarrow and his men mounted up as well as the Outcasts.

"That was a sight to behold, Sirrah."

"Tell your girl ya met the Outcasts and got to see em work."

He laughed.

"Aye Sirrah. I will at that."

"Question before you go."

"Of course Sirrah."

"Where'd you all come from?"

They laughed and Yarrow pointed in the direction they'd came from.

"we have a small village over yonder. Maybe an hour ride along the road."

Tyler pulled the map out, and smiled as he saw the small ring of buildings.

"Well, after the first hill giant camp, we'll pass through on our way to Yalik. Nice."

Yarrow had a wide smile now.

"Then me girl will get to see heroes herself."

"We'll make an entrance. Just for her."

That got a smile.

"She will have a tale to tell."

"Just don't tell her we're coming through. Watch her mind go boom."

Yarrow swung his horse around.

"Aye lad. We'll go tell them the fire's out."

Tyler and his crew waved goodbye as Wulf pointed to the map.

"If we head this way, we'll reach the hill camp in two hours."

"Let's move outcasts."

That got a laugh as they moved along. Wulf leading as Kaori set the pace on the treacherous terrain. Once in a good spot they dismounted.

"Wulf, Sera, Lillia, Thistle, Serafina and Ashy."

They nodded and followed the ranger to the camp. They felt the footsteps in the ground before they saw the camp. The place being at the top of a small rise and from what they could tell, 25 creatures lived in it. Tyler drew Gliepnir and Fafnir and looked to his crew.

"Wulf, Ashy, Sera and Lillia shoot arrows. Thistle with me, Serafina use the Wraith to make em hurt."

They nodded and spilt again. Tyler and the blood elf walking through the 20 foot tall gate as Serafina used her stealth skills to move unseen. Tyler walked up to the first creature he saw and sliced it's leg out from under it to impale it's head on Fafnir before turning and doing the same do another one as Thistle cut legs out from beasts as well. The creatures surged forward to crush the intruders, only for another four to grow arrows out of their heads. Then Tyler ans Thistle were surrounded. Tyler smiling as a few started hopping as vials of acid hit their unguarded ankles. Tyler moved in with the blood elf to slit throats as clubs and hands swung and reached. All to no avail as the creatures died to the last. Then they regrouped.

"How'd we do?"

Sera and Lillia were rubbing their hands.

"My fingers hurt."

"Yeah, that was a little rough."

"well, we got one more to take before we're done."

The girls nodded as Wulf noticed something.

"Hey, is that a chest?"

The group looked over and sure enough, a twelve foot long chest was seen near the back of the hollow. Tyler took one look and blew his whistle.

"We are NOT touching that without all of us here."

The camp was looted as the rest of the party arrived. Soon as they saw the chest they understood. Tyler looked at them.

"I'll throw the lid. Rest be ready for anything."

They nodded and stood back as Tyler went over to it. Thing was twelve feet long, four feet high, and seven across. It was made of rocks and metal with curious writing on the lid. He sighed as he grasped the lid.

"I am willing to bet undead giant."

They snorted.


"Do it."

He tore the lid clean off and jumped back as a fist the size of a ten pound boulder came out with a woosh.


"Grand Lich! Heart AND skull!"

"Get back! Sera, lily, Lillia, arrows only, everyone else, find a spot."

Tyler had Gliepnir out as the thing sat up to rise, he slammed the blade against it, locking it against the box.

"Got it! Do it!"

Lilli came running over to fire a pair of arrows into the beasts ribcage, as Sera put arrows into it's three foot wide skull. Tyler felt the dirt under him slipping as it was stronger then the earth he stood on.

"Dammit. The dirt's giving!"

He jumped back as he felt it go, and the thing surged forward from the force of it's pushing. Lillia was right there with her Pink Piercer spell, Rose Thorn. She had it on four shafts, and as the Outcast jumped back, she fired as the thing shot forward. The dragon scale shafts piercing the skull, and splitting it. It died with a howl as Lillia just looked at it stunned.

"Did. I do it?"

Vixen held up a hand.

"It's dead again. Well done, Lillia, you killed a grand Lich."

Tyler was right there to hug her.

"That was a brilliantly timed attack, Lillia! See? You can handle yourself just fine!"

She had tears in her eyes as she hugged him tightly, and the rest of the party came in as well.

"We didn't even have to do anything."

"Aye, Kaori. Those three lasses had it well handled."

"Their teamwork was flawless as well."

Tyler stroked her soft black hair as she basked in their praise.

"See, Lillia? We all believed in you. You can do it too. Well done."

She smiled as she let him go.

"I killed a grand Lich. Me! A royal princess!"

Sera giggled.

"We're adventurers sis! Not JUST a pair of pampered palace pets!"

That got a laugh. The looting began and it did not take long. Though Tyler had to lift the grand Lich out of it's coffin. All told: 1212 gold, 333 sliver, 546 copper, a Magicite battleaxe Lucy claimed as her own was chipping badly, a few licenses, one being a new water spell called Ocean Splash. Another addition to Waterburst. It made the waters inside the ball like rocks, in short shredding anything within like a grinder. They then mounted up to head to the village to make a girl's dream come true. They returned to the road and headed along at a steady clip, as they felt the need to make up some distance. They came upon the small village after an hour of riding, and Tyler smiled as he saw the now curious group of villagers looking down the road to see their new visitors. The village was indeed small, only like twenty buildings with a small fence around the perimeter. As they rode through the gate, a small group of twenty militia came forward to address the newcomers.

"Sirrah. Be ye Warriors?"

Tyler smiled at them.

"Aye, Warriors we be. I am Tyler the Outcast."

The gasps of shock and awe went through the gathered people like a wind gust. The leader of the militia dipped his head.

"I see, Sirrah. Welcome to our village. We don't have much, but yer welcome regardless."

Tyler looked around, until he spotted the familiar blue of Yarrow's robe.

"Truth be told, we came cause we heard that mage's girl needed a tale to tell."

Yarrow laughed as he came forward with a small girl Lily's size with bright black hair, light skin, big blue eyes, and clad in a light gown. The himself was a tall, lanky fellow with a wispy beard of white with the same blue eyes. Tyler got off his horse to meet the small girl.

"Hi miss. Heard you were a fan."

Her mouth formed a cute O as he hugged her, while Yarrow just laughed again.

"I see the rumors of your fondness for the wee ones was true afterall."

Tyler just chuckled as he patted her.

"I like to play big brother sometimes. Since I never really got to growing up."

The girl recovered and squealed happily.

"The Outcast came to see me!"

Tyler looked to sera, who smiled and got off her horse to give the small girl a dose of hug death. The girl gasped hard ass he knew her.

"I got a hug from YOU?"

Sera giggled.

"Our secret."

The poor girl's mind was effectively destroyed by this turn of events, and she just gaped blankly at her father as everyone just chuckled fondly. Then Tyler noticed something on her arm.

"Here, miss. What happened to your arm?"

She jerked out of her mind shattered state to show him the bandage on her arm.

"Another group of Warriors came through this morning while I was doing my chores, and they took a shot at me with an arrow and it grazed me. It's okay now. Papa fixed it up."

Tyler sighed.

"Just to be sure. Holy Relief."

He cast a full powered relief upon the now awestruck girl. She then started giggling like he was tickling her as the magic did it's work, healing her arm, and curing the start of an infection as well. Then he hugged her again as she looked at her arm in awe.

"We'll smack those idiots for making you cry."

She giggled again as Yarrow laughed.

"I see even your generosity is true. Thankee kindly."

Tyler stood pated the girl.

"Like I'd let her down. Well, we need to keep moving."

She sighed.

"You'll be back through, right?"

"Sooner or later."

She smiled again.


Tyler got back on his horse,

"Hey, watch this."

She looked up as he breathed his blue flames for her, putting a mass of stars in eyes along with the villagers. He then looked at her.

"What's your name missy?"

She was looking at him with worship in her eyes.


"Nice to meet you Clare. I'm Tyler."

They moved on then, as Clare looked at her father.

"Papa. I met the Outcast!"

Tyler and his crew left the village with smiles as they listened to Clare's mind struggle to process what just happened. They rode on, Kaori giving the nod for a full gallop as the ground was flat and even, and they went some good distance when they stopped for lunch. Tyler took the map out again to get a feel for the road ahead, as Wulf and Ashy got in to each other again. Tyler smiled as Kaori sat next to him.

"It looking good?"

"Yes you are. The road? Sure."

She kissed him for that.

"So, how close are we?"

"Very, and I want to get closer. As for Yalik? Maybe, halfway."

She sat in his lap and he wrapped her in his arms.


He smiled and pulled her against him.

"Sure. I still want in you, but we'll wait for a bit."

She just smiled as she leaned back against him.

"I want you in me too, but we'll wait until we can take a proper ride."

He smiled as they looked at the map. The next hill giant camp was another few hours away, so they would try and rest a bit as they went. If they saw bandits, it would be a wholesale slaughter rather then a training bout. They ate the food and were back in the saddle to continue their trip. Wulf taking a spot beside Tyler now, as they were nearing the next camp.

"We'll need to go easy to get there, as it's on a mountain side."


They went along, every now and then hearing a giggle from Sera was Sallie or Sylvia would poke her in their spirit forms.

"Okay, we leave the road here."

Tyler nodded and they slowed to a walk as they followed the elven ranger into the bush up the small mountain. The path they took had no road, so Kaori was also right beside them to get make sure the way forward was safe for the horses as well as them. They came to a point where the grass gave way to stone, and the clip clop of hooves was heard on the rock.

"It weird I kinda love how that sounds?"

Kaori chuckled.

"I do as well. Oddly soothing."

"Yeah, like sirens and horns in the city are soothing to those that live there."

They smiled as Wulf pointed to a tall bit of rock.

"Okay, we're nearly there. We'll hitch the horses there and walk."

"Got it."

They hitched the horses to the tall rock and the whole party went this time, as since it was in such a dangerous spot, no chances were being taken. They were as silent as shadows and fast as wind as they neared their prey. They came around a small corner, and saw the camp head on. The creatures had not yet noticed them, and there were maybe 45 of them in it. Tyler looked to the group.

"We'll kill all but three. The girls' exam will be to kill one each single handedly. We clear?"

Sera and Lillia gulped and nodded as Lily gripped her shield.

"I'll do my best."

"As will I."

"I got this."

The party drew weapons and moved in. Tyler had Gliepnir and Fafnir out as he sliced the legs out from the first creature he saw, and splitting its head on his other blade as the others moved in like a broom, sweeping the giants away before them. Tyler smiling as he and Kaori were back to back carving the beasts apart, while Wulf and Ashy fired arrows to keep them off balance. Thistle and Lucy were also back to back with their axe blades in sync as Serafina moved through the shadows to throw acids and cut tendons in ankles, whereas Vixen was casting illusions on the three selected for the test. Malico was firing arrows with the three girls, Sera, Lilli and Lily as they waited for the nod to begin their exam. After a thirty minute fight, only the three remaining giants still stood. Tyler cleared an arena out and looked to Lillia.

"Your up, Lillia. No bow, as you're already up to snuff with it."

She gulped and drew her sword as she took her spot across from the 25 foot tall hill giant. She took a deep breath and readied herself as Vixen let it free from her spell to attack the nervous princess. The lumbering giant swung its club, as Lillia ducked underneath the long thing to slice a chunk out of the back of its ankle, before rolling away as it kicked at her. Her blue eyes locked on the beast before her as she dodged another shot to carve another chunk from the same place. She did this same process twice more, before it buckled to the ground, as she leapt up its side to stab it in the neck, killing it. She tore her blade free and dropped down as it hit the ground with a thud to a round of applause from the team. Tyler walked over and hugged the panting princess.

"All you need now is experience. Well done Lillia."

She smiled as she got a hug from the team before taking her seat to rest.

"Sera, you're up."

She nodded and moved to the center as Tyler moved Lillia's kill out of the way. Sera's giant was the same height, only wielding a stone club this time. The small princess raised her blade as it charged her, dodging exactly like Lillia had before her, only instead of going to the ankle, she used a dagger to climb up the leg of the beast as it tried to grab her, only to realize it couldn't reach her as she got to a point on its back where she drove her sword through the beasts skin and pierced its heart before dropping as it fell to the ground. She got a round of applause as well, as Tyler hugged the small girl.

"Damn, Sera. Nice thinking."

She giggled.

"I been watching!"

"Atta girl!"

She sat next to Lillia, getting a hug as well from her big sister as lily took her spot. The giant she faced now was smaller then the other she'd killed, but still imposing at 20 feet. She readied her sword and shield as the thing swung a hunk of metal at her as she rolled under it to stab it in a knot on the ankle that brought he beast to its knees, before springing up to stab it in the neck like she'd killed the other. Then she dropped to the ground to applause. Tyler smiled as he hugged the small girl.

"even easier the second time."

She smiled.

"Yup. Things are easy."

Tyler looked the girls.

"Next test is killing a bandit camp…WITHOUT my help. At all."

They nodded as the looting began. They walked away 50 gold richer and returned to the road to keep going. The three girls with a newfound pride in their accomplishments and a new confidence in themselves. They rode along until the shadows lengthened when Wulf called out.

"There's a decent spot not too far from here for a campsite."

They followed the ranger to the spot and smiled as they saw it was another place like the alcove they'd slept in the night prior. It was a well hidden spot, invisible from the road with a clear view of it as well, and the pocket inside the alcove was like a small cave. Tyler and Serafina cleared it this time, and he found something different this time.

"Hey, Wulf, the hell is this?"

He came in with a lantern and looked at the odd stone Tyler and the Wraith were looking at. It was a deep blue, and glistened like water in the lantern light. Wulf tilted his head.

"A water stone? Try Appraisal."


Tyler's eyes glowed as he looked at the rock.

"Okay, says its called Watercite. Used to make Blue path weapons and gear. Neat."

Wulf smiled.

"A vein like this is rare. You should grab it."

"A chance to use that damned pickaxe."

They laughed as he used his Mine skill to remove the thirty foot hunk of ore from the wall. Once stored he used his Prospect skill on the hole, finding another two veins, a diamond, and a rather brilliantly shining sapphire. Tyler added the goods to the crafting pouch before setting the defense spells up along with the tent. Once all was set, Sallie and Sylvia joined them in their physical forms. The green haired girl sitting right in Tyler's lap as Sylvia was nearly throttled again by Sera as they all sat by the fire. Lily was rubbing her arms as she relaxed with Lillia.

"Sore, Lily?"

She smiled.

"Like I do at the end of a busy Smithing day. It feels good, but I'll need to take it easy tomorrow or I'll hurt myself."

Tyler nodded.

"I understand. We should reach Yalik by tomorrow night, so you'll get your rest. You three earned it."

They smiled proudly as Lillia had a thought.

"Our next test is us killing a camp alone, right?"


"What will that look like?"

"Wulf will guide you to it, and you four will kill it. I'll stay with the others."

She nodded.

"Okay, so this is what training under you is like when you get serious."

"Harsh, and against the odds. Yet when you beat them, you feel like you worked for it."

She smiled as she laid by the fire.

"I get it. I'll try and rest then."

Tyler chuckled as Sallie snuggled against him. HE was seated against a rock, with a clear view fo the road. HE pulled his HUD up to see the day's news.

"Today in Vernillion. The Outcasts are once again owed a debt of gratitude, for early this morning, a fire broke out in the eastern plains near Yalik. The Outcasts were camped out nearby, and were alerted by the map they hold, which updates magically every time it is opened, and since Tyler is the thoroughly cautious type, he looks it over every morn and night. Upon noticing an area of black in the otherwise tan plains, he roused his camp to deal with the blaze himself, as he is a very powerful blue path as well as a white. Tyler put the flames out using his own water spells, which I myself have witnessed and can attest to the strength of. The mage and rangers that were sent to put it out themselves, led by the blue mage Yarrow met the Outcasts as they sought the find the cause of the fire. It turned out a small party of Warriors passed through earlier, and were mere novices in the ways of camping, for a poorly maintained and doused fire sparked after they left and set the dry plains alight. A sadly all too common occurrence in our world. Yarrow and his men were then permitted to witness an Outcast training session, and in his own words.

"The Outcast does NOT go easy. He pitted that small elven girl he has with him in single combat with a hill giant 25 feet tall. She killed it without a scratch, which was a sight the behold. When I asked him if he was being harsh, he shrugged, saying they lead harsher lives an most. Plus he has faith in them, especially that Lily. The girl he pitted the giant against, as he trained her himself. That girl is going to be a terrifying force if the Outcast HIMSELF is training her."

I know Lily personally. She is indeed a most fierce girl with the courage to boot. Her mother, queen Willow, had a response for this news.

"It seems me girl's winning her battle. Or the Outcast has merely taken a most brotherly fancy to her. If HE is training her, then she will become a true force to deal with."

The story does not end there, for it would seem the Outcast's training regiment is indeed as harsh as is described, for Tyler told Yarrow they were hunting hill giant camps as well. If giants are a mere training run for his party, then I shudder at what is considered the real thing. King Ishtar also weighed in on the Outcast's methods.

"It is a most harsh and intense regiment indeed. Yet, it is no less harsh then his own training when he got here. As running from the guard in the pope's tower after a most noble defense of his love is indeed a baptism by fire. If he is satisfied with their progress, woe to any who dare try them."

The king has faith in the man's methods, and we eagerly await the results. In other news, the trials of the Warriors still continue, as more brands were handed out before being cast out. There is now three distinct factions of Warriors in the land. One is led by Max, and continues to rape and pillage as they please, this being the largest with the most Warriors under the brat's banner, a smaller group under Kazuma that are trying to make the best of the current situation by killing monsters, helping people and other such deeds. Me thinks these Warriors just needed someone to point them in the right direction. And the last faction, and the smallest, is led by Tyler the Outcast. Them just living their lives as they see fit to, while going on adventures and living as Warriors of old did. Plus, it seems the Outcast has indeed taken a new Warrior into his camp. A girl by the name of Ashy, who until a few days ago was roaming the wilds alone, as it would seem people are not her type. From Yarrow's report, she has a trusted spot with the lady Kaori on the team. And since Kaori's position is survival expert in the wilds, it stands to reason this Ashy holds a most similar skillset. It seems the number of True Warriors in the land has gone from 3, to 4. Let us pray that the number keeps growing. Other news is in regards to a small village in the west called Trost. The mayor of the small grain farming town was tried on charges for intentional horse poisoning when it was discovered he had deliberately sold contaminated grain a passing group of Warriors had used as a latrine to the local area. The tainted feed was discovered by none other then the Outcasts as their horse expert Kaori had noticed an illness in a draft horse the family of Yorlund used to pull their cart. The mayor was found guilty and sentenced to hang for the poisoning. The town of Yalik is bracing for the Outcasts' visit in the day or so, as in Lymir's words.

"When the Outcasts come to town, the gutters get cleaned, trash taken out, and beauties bedded with a passion. So, we're prepping them all."

The Outcasts are truly sought after company. I, for one, long for the Blonde."

Tyler looked at Kaori.

"Hey, lookee here."

Kaori came over curious and read that last line.

"I, for one long for the Blonde?"

She looked at him with a knowing smile.



That got a soft chuckle from the tired group. Sallie was happily settled into Tyler's lap as Sylvia was nestled against Vixen's pale form. The sexy black mage had taken her robe off and was laying on it as usual, and Sylvia seemed to love it. Tyler and his friends enjoyed their meal of lisk and some sweets they'd packed for the trip and just relaxed by the fire. Then Lily yawned.

"That's the bell."

They laughed as they filed into the tent as Sallie and sylvia grumbled at having to return to spirit form. But a warm hug from each made them feel better. Tyler settled down between Malico and Kaori as Lily stuffed herself between him and Malico.

"Good night ladies and Lily."

"Good night my future husband."

They chuckled fondly as they drifted off.