Tale of the Outcast Warrior: Meeting the Legendary Fireball.

HE just went with it. Fantasy world. Smile and nod. They rode out to deal with the demon wall first as it was most likely sitting over a dragon den. The wall was found easily enough, and it was an odd looking thing. 49m long and maybe 50m tall, it had long ribbed crab legs it used to drag itself forward with a face like a mummy and arms wielding a scythe and axe. Tyler whistled as he saw the massive thing.

"I'm just gonna hit it with Holy Sanctity."

They laughed as he did just that, killing it outright before riding away as it collapsed. Tyler pulled the map out a looked for the den marker.

"Yup. We got a dragon den here. I'll call Tempesta in case of second dragon."

The party got to mining the demon stone as he looked at the sky.

"Got another den here, Tempesta."

He landed not long after and chuckled.

"A Demon wall. A rare construct. So, shall we hunt?"

Tyler grinned as he pulled Gliepnir.

"I love fighting dragons."

They blew open the hole and Tyler sighed.



The dragon came exploding out of the hole as Tyler launched his own assault.

"Ocean's Fury!"

the dragon was encased in the now 50 foot tall waters and was fighting against them. Tyler chuckled.

"Ice dragon."

He froze the block solid, locking the dragon's head inside the thing as he was half in half out of the hole. Tyler walked to the spot where the heart was and, whistling like it was just another day on the trail, stabbed it in the heart.

"Worm death it be."

The dragon died without even using his breath and Tyler bowed to Tempesta.


The Sky king laughed.

"The hell you need me for?"

"In case of second dragon. I can kill these things in single combat easily enough, two on one's more a hassle. Plus the usual chances of gold anything down there."

The black color left the body of the dead dragon, revealing a beautiful shade of red. Tyler and the party collected the scales and head of their THIRD dragon before dropping into the cave for looting the trove. This one being ten feet tall and ten wide. The weapons and gems were divvyed up as Ore was claimed. Tempesta was mildly disappointed no golden items were found, but was happy to lend his dragon sense to the count.

"In this pile, we have 564,785 gold, 1,232,985 silver, 3,443,887 copper coins. Not bad for a lesser dragon."

"Still a lot to us. Load up."

The cave was strip mined to the last copper and lump of usable rock before the party rode out for the Toads. Sera getting an intense chat from her mother and the older ladies as they went. Tyler and Wulf way out in front as men had no place in THAT discussion. The toads were hunted without issue and the slime harvested as well. Tyler smiled.

"We'll get them to you, Sera. It's too dangerous having you just walk around the town with us."

She hugged him tightly.

"Thanks Brother."

He patted her head before they got back on the hunt. The next target was the Titan convoy. The party enjoying the rush of felling the massive beasts before they butchered them to the last bone. Tyler smiled as the hell sheep was next. The thing was just a giant sheep that fell to a well-aimed arrow from Ashy before the thing was sheered. Kaori and Ashy were looking at each other once they felt how warm and soft the wool was.



"We've seen this one before, haven't we?"

"Indeed we have. Wonder what the plan is this time?"

"Wonder indeed?"

Tyler and Wulf just smiled as they put the wool up as the meat was taken. Tyler smiled as Wink the sprite sat in front of him on his horse.

"This is kinda nice, Tyler. Just riding out to do whatever."

He hugged her warmly, careful of her wings.

"Wait till we just roaming again, Wink. It's a special kinda fun. And is it safe to touch your wings?"

She smiled.

"Just don't rip them. It'll hurt."

He ran a light finger on the thin membrane, and it reminded Tyler of gossamer silk he'd felt once in a store. Wink giggled like a little girl as he touched them.

"And it tickles too!"

He smiled as he hugged her again.

"We'll get an idea of how you work in our dynamic on the Gnoll Lodge."

She kissed him.

"Of course, Soul."

Kaori rode up beside him and plucked the sprite to sit her on her own horse.

"C'mere, I wanna feel these."

Tyler just burst out laughing as Kaori felt the small lady up on the wing.

"I forgot Kaori wanted to be a-"

"Say it and no sex for a while."

"I got Wink, Barbie. But understood."

Ashy smiled knowingly.

"Really Kaori? How cliché."

She huffed, as Wink just let her wings get teased. The next hit was the orcs. Tyler looked at the party.

"Hmm, Serafina, Ashy, Thistle, Erica, annnnd Whisper. We'll see how that team works out."

They nodded smiling and rode out as Malico came up beside him.

"The new article?"

"Hell yeah kittycat. But first."

HE kissed her warmly.


She purred as he pulled the HUD up.

"Today in Vernillion. All spit on Kazuma the Honorless. That's right reader, The one known as the Kind has at last revealed his true colors. Let us start at the beginning of this tale. As was reported this morning, the prince was cast out of the hall due to his honorless challenge. Well reader, he did not learn his lesson. As not even a few hours later he summoned a doppelganger demon inside the royal palace to make a contract with the foul creature as is common practice in other parts of the world. Only in Vernillion the summoning of such a creature for such a contract is ONLY permitted under the watchful eyes of a Demon Hunter Temple or the Outcast himself. Kazuma's summoning circle was discovered in his chamber under a rug! The idiot didn't even have a ward set up to prevent an unintended creature from coming through! This idiocy was brought to light when the evil of the creature overwhelmed the naïve boy's mind and he was found torturing a small elven girl that was serving as the Outcast's maid. She was the very same elven girl Tyler had given 25 gold coins as a means of apology for a past misdeed in a time of desperation which she absolved him of. From reports inside the palace, Tyler and Thorn, the elven girl in question, are a rather intense pair of siblings. The poor girl was found mid cut with the knife of Kazuma in her light skin by Whisper. She had ben cut hundreds of times with horrifically bad knife work. Tyler was in the building thank the gods and was able to heal her injuries to the point not even a scratch was left. Tyler cast his Doppel spell as a means of insurance, for what kind of monster turns the knife to a child? That was when the doppelganger was discovered and the true character of Kazuma laid bare. King Ishtar has cast him from the royal family, and he is now locked within a cage naked for the sentence of Public Humiliation as outlined by the Outcast himself! The punishment as death is off the table? To be pelted with rotten fruit while chained inside the cage naked with all laid bare for two days and nights. A town crier reads off Kazuma's list of misdeeds every fifteen minutes as the masses get to fling rotten fruit of every variety at the Honorless for amusement. Upon exiting the cage, he is to receive 150 stripes, give satisfaction to the poor girl and the new crown prince Axe of the fierce Spirit and was cast out from the palace. Tyler the Outcast knows how to properly humiliate someone Readers of Lectis. Kazuma has also been removed from power as Viscount of Dragul and the Tailed Council replacing him by the king. It would seem that under the rule of Kazuma the 'kind' kidnappings and rapes were the run of the day, along with torture at the hands of Kazuma and that vile man VALDIC Sharpspike. The council has issued a formal apology to the Outcast for their utter helplessness under Kazuma's rule. Tyler has yet to respond to the apology, which, knowing him? He's just going to ride into town to handle it himself. Kazuma is now a ranting, disgraced, fallen shadow of the hope we all had placed on his shoulders. In an odd way, readers of Lectis, this seems most fitting. Kazuma was so desperate to BE the heroic white knight and was for a time. The OUTCAST does NOT want to be a white knight hero, yet is! Tyler is NOT a kind hearted person to any but Kaori, but aids freely. An odd mismatch to be sure, but there it is. In other News, the Fireball was sighted again."

Tyler blinked.

"Kaori, Lyrica, ya might wanna read this part."

They came over curiously and read the line.

"Oh shit."


The fireball was sighted riding her white steed near the town of Rookland on the border of Erolagard and Vernillion. Outcast? RUN."

Tyler closed the HUD and opened his map.

"Rookland. We got a day. MAX."

Kaori was shaking hard as Lyrica gulped.

"I just pray she's willing to LISTEN to you, Tyler."

He sighed.

"I will MAKE her listen. Or, Kaori will. Since she'll be right next to me. We need to hurry this up, and warn the-hol up."

Tyler pulled the coin up.


The king appeared.

"It is better to be feared then loved if one cannot be both."

"Have you seent he latest guild article?"

He frowned.

"I have it right here, yet haven't looked at it yet."

"We got a day Ishtar. Eri is in the country."

He went white as he looked at the thing.

"Oh may the gods have pity upon my soul. Okay, tyler, how long until you're back inside the walls?"

Tyler was about to answer, when he caught movement to his left.

"We got a lone rider. Hol up."

Tyler used Farsight to look, and smiled widely as he saw the trademark blonde hair.

"Never mind. She came to us."

He put the coin away as Kaori was shaking extremely badly as the rider approached them. Tyler blew an alarm on his whistle as the party formed up behind them as the rider got closer. Tyler and Kaori took the front as they got a good look at the rider as she approached. She was a tall blonde haired lady with green eyes that was lit with a fire Tyler found interesting, moderate cleavage that made Kaori frown, and was clad in a light tunic and leathers with a cloak of red dragon wing on her back. Her horse was a magnificent white steed as tall as Thunder with feathery fur on the shins and a three foot horn on the head. Tyler took Kaori's hand as the couple waited till the lady was in yelling distance.

"Hey! Yer late Eri!"

Lyrica went a little pale at that as the lady on the horse raised a staff tipped with a ruby. TTyler frowned.

"Ice wall."

The lady was surrounded by 25 foot tall ice walls as he dismounted.

"Ocean's fury."

The walls were then encased in the waters of the ocean as she and her horse were caught off guard by the utter power behind them.

"Tranquil waters."

Then lady was furious as she couldn't even voice a spell from the lack of air. Now her movement speed was impeded from his defense spell. Tyler smiled widely as he cast his last piece.

"Ice dragon."

He froze the wall solid as Kaori laughed.

"Ya made yer point!"

Tyler walked over as the wall shattered at the lady was dumped on her face as the unicorn huffed.

"Shut it horn boy."

It just looked away offended as Tyler kicked the coughing lady's staff away and drew Oblivion. She was glaring at him with rage as he pointed it at him.

"Ya get me point?"

Wink snorted laughing at his joke as Kaori walked up, and slapped him.


At the sight of the blonde, the fallen lady gasped.


Tyler stepped back as she helped her mother to her feet.

"Yeah. Hi?"

"Holy sanctity."

Tyler's doppelganger spell hit them all with his power and no flames. The woman blinked as she saw that spell.

"The hell?"

Kaori hugged her then.


That did it, and the tearful reunion was underway as Ashy came riding up.

"We got the last copper when you blew the whistle. Was a fun fight."

Tyler smiled as he got the coin.

"Okay, just 55 silver? Eh. We're more after blood anyway. Thanks Ashy."

The woman went back to glaring at Tyler now.

"Okay kid, answers now. Is Gruven dead?"

"We got a lot to go over toots. And fair warning? I went EASY ON YOU."

The lady glared at him.

"I'd love to see you fight me one on one."

"Whatever toots. You want me to spank you so freakin badly, fine. Kaori?"

She grinned.

"Make it a good pounding."

Tyler kissed her right there as the woman was seen to go nearly red with rage at the sight. The two took a spot away from the party thirty feet apart and Tyler just grinned at the woman.

"Yer name IS Eri, right?"

She glared at him.

"Erica Von Lectis. You the fuck are you?"

"Names Tyler the Outcast. Nice to kick yer ass."

Her fist on her staff went white.

"Did you kill Gruven?"

"I did. To save Kaori."

"Liar! Gruven would NEVER hurt Kaori!"

"He would if the pope ordered him to. Which is what happened, Pope wanted kaori in bed. I said no. He orders Gruven to take her anyway, I say no. Gruven throws the fight to boost me levels, aid our escape and give me his sword."

Eri was glaring at him as Erica came over.

"It's true Eri."

She gasped as she saw the black haired woman.

"Erica? You're here too?"

"Oi, don't fergit the red head."

Lyrica smiled as she came to stand beside the Queen.

"Been a long time, Eri."

At the sight of her two friends in Tyler's party, Eri looked at him again.

"Okay kid. You said your name was…Tyler, right? If what you say is true, prove it."

Tyler looked at kaori.

"Ask Kaori herself. She WAS standing right there."

The mother looked at her daughter.

"Okay, Kaori. Look me in the eye and tell me the same thing."

Kaori had a tone of pride as she retold the tale of their summoning, the Pope and their escape. Eri's eyes did not leave kaori's the entire tale as Tyler looked into hers. Once the tale was finished, she looked at Tyler again, this time her blazing eyes were softer as she saw the truth of it.

"You were saved by Gruven. There is no other way you would have escaped the tower otherwise."

Tyler smiled an unpleasant smile.

"Oh we woulda escaped, Eri. Either we did or die by our own hands rather then let that bastard get Kaori."

The blonde beauty nodded.

"I'd have wielded the knife meself."

Eri just smiled at her daughter.

"That Pope still live?"

The party grinned darkly as Tyler walked over to her.

"HE screamed for six hours. Eri, we have a LOT to tell you. And we got work to do besides the point. So, less you wanna be left in the dirt, mount up! Kaori, Malico, Wulf and Lyrica, get the new barbie up to speed on the mess. We're hitting the Dark drake next! Outcasts, move out!"

The party moved as one to their horses as the gears were switched. Eri was blinking in shock at the sudden shift from discussion to war raid in a split second. Kaori pushed her towards her unicorn.

"Hurry up, Mom! I don't have time to play coddle!"

She laughed as she mounted her horse and rode beside the ones that were there in the beginning for the explanation. Tyler had Whisper leading the way now,

"Hey, Tyler!"

"No camp secrets!"

"Love you!"

"Love you too, Kaori!"

Eri just looked at her daughter.

"What the hell? Okay, Kar, tell me everything. I'll get the camp secrets later."


The entire party's en mass response made her laugh.

"Yo runt! I can join this nuthouse right?"

"Long as you agree to my camp rules."

Eri rode up beside him now.

"This oughta be good. Lay em out touch guy."

"1. As the strongest person in the party, I hold the coin. 2. No work no food. In my camp you pull your weight."

Sera and Lillia chimed in as usual.

"Trust us, he's a dick about it."

"Still mean!"

"Love you too Sises!"

They laughed as he laid out the next rule.

"3. When in a town or city we all share a room to save coin. When the bed calls we get a separate room. Unspoken are easier, keep our secrets, we do dark work from time to time, and don't get on a high horse."

Eri's green eyes narrowed now.

"And HOW much do you bed my daughter?"

"We play a lot Mom!"

"I'll have you at some point tomorrow, Kaori!"

"Love you too!"

The party laughed as Eri's eyelid twitched.

"Okay. Ummm, yeah. I hate you."

"She loves me, so good enough."

That got a grin.

"Good answer. So, is she your only one?"

Lyrica, Vixen, Malico, Erica, and wink all came in for warm kisses as Kaori leered at each lady in turn. Eri knew what THAT meant, and grinned the wider.

"Ohhh now that's precious! Yo, Erica, who gets more action, him or her?"

The queen laughed.

"He does. Ask him about THEM!"

Tyler smirked at the lady.

"I'm the Mortal Husband to BOTH Minus and Vulpix."

Eri's jaw dropped at that one.

"I'll prove it after we go on a quick rampage. Trust me toots, we BOTH play the right way."

The blonde haired firecracker just busted out laughing.

"Okay playboy, who else?"

"Seline, Yoko, Verilica, I've outlasted Lymir, Aqua of that magic shop, Sylvain of the Dark Forest, Kirya of the Leezards, the thus far named beauties ya met already, and I think that's the list."

Eri just shook her head in awe.

"Kaori landed herself Hue heffner."

Kaori smiled.

"I'd look really good in bunny ears."

"That's it, I'm getting you a set. Okay, Eri, once we've leveled the Lodge, we have a few secerts to tell you. Oh, and for the extra kick to the teeth? We bought Spearview."

She gasped in shocked, then looked at Kaori.

"Did you find it?"

She nodded.

"Tyler's that angry looking boy in the photo mom."

She looked at him with new anger.

"You killed your own father."

"To protect kaori. If even Sera there were to try for her life, she dies screaming."

Tyler looked at Eri in the eye, and glared at her with HIS will.

"If I have to slaughter every living thing that walks this earth, skin every orphan alive or set babies on fire to keep Kaori alive and safe I WILL do so. Smiling happily the entire time and I will still sleep like a baby that night. SHE is my number on priority in this world."

Eri was shaking like a leaf as she felt the weight of his will, and the strength of his resolve. Then she smiled widely.

"Well said kid. I don't like the examples you gave, but I love the force behind it. I still hate you outta principle, but getting there."

"I got Lily's seal of approval. So, if I can touch HER bar, I'm sure I'll get to look at yours."

Eri just smiled.

"a proper man. I see that whale raised you well!"

The party went dead silent except for the hoof beats of the horses. Eri picked right up on the sudden silence and looked at Tyler.

"Tyler, what am I missing here?"

He lifted his vest and showed off his scars.

"These three are from the first lisk me, Malico and Kaori killed. Rest from me family. They didn't like me very much."

Her green eyes went wide with horror, then were full of sorrow.

"Oh you poor boy. Did they come here too?"

"Eri, you need to know something about the rest of YOUR family. And it's not a good tale."

She looked at a grim faced Kaori.

"Not you too?"

HSe shook her head.

"Because of Tyler, mom. He's been protecting me for years now. From dad AND Kazuma. Tyler, we need to have this chat before we hit the Lodge."

HE sighed.

"Right. Otherwise we'd never be able to focus. Wulf, Whisper, we got a decent spot for an update?"

The Ranger and Scout looked around.

"There's that small rock outcrop a few minutes from the road."

"That works. Tyler, we got a place."

"Lead the way."

They rode to a small semicircle of stone that Tyler set up his defense spells before sitting in the grass and laying the moaning scroll out. Eri sat across from him with Kaori right beside him and Ghost on his other side. HE looked at the fiery blonde.

"We'll start with the heavenly beauties. Eri, meet my Goddess wives, Minus and Vulpix."

She gasped as the scroll spoke in the goddesses voices.

"A pleasure to meet you miss."

"Nice too."

Eri looked at the wolf as Tyler patted her.

"This is Lupa the wolf Queen. She's a little more difficult to explain. Here, title time."

Eri went white at the numbers, kills, and titles.

"Gru sucked at this compared to you. Okay, she's your spirit friend. Wait, Holy Muse?"

As if on cue, Sallie and Sylvia appeared on Tyler's shoulders giggling. Eri's eyes went wide with sadness.

"I remember now. You poor girls."

They hopped down to hug the lady.



Tyler and Kaori smiled at the flabbergasted lady.

"They chose us."

"When the time comes of course."

Eri glared at Tyler now.

"If you back out, I-'

"I know, Eri. I know everything."

She went a little pale, then sighed.

"Then be warned. Cuties like this need to be in the world."

"Lady, sword'll get hung up just .long enough for them to come out. Then, it's coming off that wall. We'll raise hell the only way the Outcast family CAN!"

That got squeals of joy from the girls as they hugged Tyler and Kaori as Eri smiled.

"Oh I like the way you think."

Tyler shrugged as he hugged Sallie.

"I'll train em meself. Next up is Sylvia there. My family found her for their games and Craig raped her repeatedly. They killed her and tossed her in a well."

Eri was gaping at him in horror as Kaori went on.

"HE was also raping Kazuma regularly. Kazuma's a closet sadist/rapist as well. When we get back to Term, you'll see the results."

She had tears in her eyes.

"The results of what?"

Tyler grinned darkly.

"Of what happens when I CAN'T kill you, but get to hurt you."

Eri shuddered as Kaori explained smiling.

"Tyler's got him locked in a cage naked with boxes of rotten fruit around him for the masses to throw for kicks. Here, read these. They'll get you up to speed."

Kaori passed the archive crystal to her and she started at the first one. Tyler was happily hugging Sallie as Sylvia was locked in sera's hug death as Eri's face went from anger, disgust, rage, pain, horror, awe, to most horror. Then she sighed as she passed it back.

"I see now. Okay, Tyler, what are the other camp secrets?"

HE smiled.

"Me, Kaori and Malico found Vernillionia's body."

She jumped.

"We spent YEARS looking for it! How the hell did you find it?"

He chuckled.

"Be amazed what ya find in a Lisk trove. Guy was in a blind alcove. Only way to find him was to actually be, ya know, thorough."

She rubbed her eyes.

"Okay jackass. What was the haul?"

"We got his ring, crown and last will basically handing the kingdom to whoever finds it. Yeah. I am NOT going to be king. So, we're holding it in case of royal mess. Plus this beast here."

Tyler drew Gliepnir and laid it out in view.

"Was Fenrir his sword. I named it Gliepnir."

Eri blinked.

"Ummm, that's a Mythril Magicite sword."

"Show off time ladies and Wulf!"

Eri's eyes went wide as she saw the gear.

"I have never seen so much Mythril in one place before! Wait, adamant? RUNE? Additite?"

Tyler smiled.

"We're good at this shit. We're loaded as well."

She narrowed her eyes now.

"How loaded?"

"2.3 million gold coins. Not including the gems we're sitting on either."

She blinked.

"Umm, no way. Nu-huh."

HE pulled the coin pouch into view and she went white.

"You've only been here three MONTHS! It took us years to break 5000 gold!"

Tyler smiled.

"Lady, did ya never stop to LOOK in the damned WALLS of the caves?"

Erica and Lyrica nudged their friend.

"We'll literally spend more time mining rock t5hen fightin sometimes Eri."

"On top fo the creatures this party fights for FUN."

Eri just sighed again.

"The hell did we DO for all those years ladies?"

Tyler smiled.

"We'll show you how we made our wealth. We got a few more bills to deal with today."

She looked at him now.


He passed them over and she just gaped at them.

"The wave is in fifteen days! Are you insane?"

"He is. We'll hit more like that tomorrow."

Tyler looked at Wulf and whisper.

"I want to focus on large scale hits tomorrow. We need more practice outnumbered."

They nodded.

"We'll look at the board when we get back for the morning raid."

"There are a few outright castles in the area creatures take over from time to time. I'll ask Ruby if any have been occupied."

Eri passed the bills back with a shaking hand.

"You're going to wear yourselves out before the wave even starts!"

Kaori snorted.

"Bitch please. Theses things are small fry compared to the things TYLER has to fight. Least we can do is TRY to get strong enough to help."

The party banged fists in agreement as Tyler passed his bestiary over.

"I fight the big guys. Look closely this time."

She did, and went white again.

"three dragonslayer titles? 9 LICHES' BANE?"

She looked at him in horrified pity.

"That's just not fair. You stand alone against monsters not even I would fight."

He smiled.

"Welcome to MY camp. We fight the things others just can't. The lich kings were fun though. I actually needed to think for once."

She just sighed.

"Okay, Tyler. I need to see this myself. The Lodge."

"Want me to prove my point? I'll take it alone then."

She was shocked.

"That's easily 250 creatures!"

HE looked at her confused.

"Didn't you blow up an army of giants numbering in the thousands not too long ago?"

She blinked.

"I did. But I needed to charge that shot for nearly two days."

He frowned.

"Let me see the spell a sec."

She passed the spell and he looked at the fine print.

"Explosion. Cost is 250 mana. Surge based spell, converts feelings into explosive power. Usable as often as it can be charged. Depending on the fuel used, can devastate an entire city. That's it? Just ONE city?"

Eri blinked as he gave it back to her.

"Hey! I killed a high dragon with this spell!"

Tyler looked at Kaori.

"We need to get a look at that picture again."

Lyrica smiled.

"I always carry a copy on me. Here."

Tyler took the shot of the old party posing in front of the dead dragon. Tyler laughed soon as he got a good look at the dragon's scales.

"Toots, that's not a high dragon, that's merely a lesser brown dragon!"

The three blinked.



"Hell? It took us three days to kill that thing!"

Tyler took out his map and looked at it.

"Hmm, let me see...ah! Got one! Wulf, Whisper, fifteen minutes from us is another hole. 65m across. It ain't marked so let's go knock!"

Tyler looked at the shocked ladies.

"Allow me to make a new point. Mount up! We're going dragon hunting!"

The party laughed as they swung into the saddle before taking off as Eri scrambled to keep up with their frantic pace. She was right beside Tyler with an incredulous look on her face.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You don't HUNT DRAGONS!"

Tyler smiled as a shadow passed over head. He looked and saw Tempesta gliding just over head.

"what up big blue? Saw it too?"

The dragon laughed.

"I did, Tyler! You looking for another kill?"

"More to make a point. Kaori's mother's all full of herself for killing a lesser brown dragon. Looking to show her how it's DONE!"

The blue dragon snorted.

"How long it take?"

"It took her and her party three days to kill it!"

That made him burst out laughing.

"That's pathetic! Ha! Okay Tyler, same deal as usual!"

"Got it big blue!"

Eri was gaping at the dragon just casually gliding above their heads. Tyler smiled as he nudged her.

"THAT is a high dragon Eri. Meet Tempesta. The Sky dragon king."

She gulped as they reached the spot.

"This kid's a monster."

Kaori smiled darkly now.

"No, mom. Tyler's a Demon."

The entrance was blown open and Tyler walked into the opening.



The black dragon came rocketing out as Tyler laughed.

"Ice wall!"

The thing was tripped by his ice and it landed heavily. Tyler was right there to stab it in the heart as a SECOND dragon came racing out. Tyler smiled widely now.

"Oh this just got fun! Demon's Wrath!"

He was gone as the second dragon's jaws snapped shut where he had been standing not a second before. The dragon tried to retreat into the cave, only for Tyler to grab it by the jaws and pull it back out smiling the whole time. He twisted with savage force and a loud snap was heard as the dragon went limp from a shattered neck. He then stabbed it in the heart to be sure and bowed to a trembling Eri.

"And THAT is how dragonslaying is done the right way, Eri! We'll be right back, after this flop."

He fell over panting as Tempesta sighed.

"Greedy bastard."

Kaori snorted.

"Like you won't get the meat, Tempesta."

He looked at her indignantly.

"I am not fat!"

Tyler smiled as he recovered.

"She didn't say anything about you being fat Tempesta. She just said you'd get the meat."

The dragon blinked, as the rest of the party burst out laughing as he saw he'd been caught in a verbal trap. Eri was beside herself at the sight of her daughter and Tyler outright TEASING a high dragon like they were friends. Tyler smiled as he looked at the bodies.

"Get to it everyone! We got a helluva a payday here!"

The party pulled knives and got to it as Eri was stunned by the highly efficient party butchering two dragons with the ease that only practice grants. Tempesta looked at her as she just stood there watching.

"Ya gonna help or not?"

She jumped and got a knife from Kaori as the party laughed at her.

"Ya wanna eat? Get to work!"

The dragons were stripped to the meat and Tyler led the way into the cave to the trove hollow. This one being fifteen feet tall. Eri was smiling as she wento start looting, when her daughter put a hand on her shoulder.

"Not yet, Mom. Place ain't safe enough yet."

She watched as the party ran a hand on the walls clearly using prospect.

"What are they looking for?"

Her daughter sighed as she explained. Tyler and Lily met up with Erica and Lyrica in the center of the room, and were smiling as they watched Eri's reactions to Kaori's stories.

"we got a helluva party, right Lily?"

She smiled as she hugged him.

"It's a little scary. But, we do."

He hugged her tightly as the all clear was given. Tyler wand the party walked to the pile as eri looked at it too.

"How's it usually work sharing loot in the party?"

"Watch. Weapons and armor first!"

The gear was dug out and laid in rows until the last dagger was found. Then the party began the walk to see what they wanted or could use. Tyler smiled as he spotted a pair of silver gauntlets.

"Hey, Sera, think you can use these?"

He passed her the things and she tilted her head.

"Hmm, not really. My Balor horn scale armguards are better. Plus I don't really need to boost me path."

"Let's give em to Axe then."

She smiled.

"That works!"

She hugged him as the party went over every weapon and armor piece until they were gone. Eri scoring a few ruby pieces herself. She smiled as she looked at Tyler.

"I get it now."

HE looked at the pile.

"Ore next."

The ore was dug out and gone over before Tyler smiled.


The stones were also laid out, and Tyler's sharp eyes spotted two more bloodstones. He chuckled as he took them and looked to where Lyrica was standing.

"Hey, Lyrica."

she looked over, just to get two more Bloodstones placed in her hands, getting him another warm hug as Eri looked at Erica incredulously.

"Oh he does NOT want to let her go."

The queen was looking at a large pearl as she replied.

"He loves that succubus quite a bit, Eri. From what Kaori has told me, she reminds him of his 'waifu' or something from his world."

Eri just hung her head now.

"Rias Gremory. Dammit now I see it."

Ashy smiled as she stood next to the blonde MILF.

"Tyler is a most loyal servant of the house of Gremory."

Eri sighed in abject misery as she saw her daughter get a kiss from him.

"And my daughter loves him."

Ashy smiled again.

"Kaori's as loyal as he is to the lady Rias."

Eri just groaned.

"Stop, Ashy, please let me keep the image of my little angel a bit longer!"

Ashy laughed.

"Malico's tail? She's had it. There."

Eri just started laughing at that one.

"And there it goes!"

Erica nudged her.

"It feels AMAZING Eri! Would recommend!"

Tyler smiled as he spotted another Cats-eye the size of a soccer ball. He picked it up and walked over to were Malico was looking at a rather pretty bit of Aquamarine. He kissed her suddenly and she purred.

"Miss me?"

He placed the stone in her hands and she purred the harder.

"Just making sure MY tail is NOT going anywhere."

She kissed him as he petted her long tail.

"I love you too."

He smiled. The gems were gone over and all that was left was the coin mountain. Tempesta loaned his treasure skills again.

"by my count there be 1,523,324 gold, 1,987,453 silver, 3,432,434 copper coins in that pile."

"Thanks big blue. Odd how we didn't find anything gold this time."

Eri just sighed.

"Okay, this point, just smile and nod."

Erica patted her friend's back sympathetically.

"When it comes to Tyler, Eri? Best choice."

The chamber was swept and the walls mined until it was tyler-level clean. Eri understood then how they'd made the vast majority of their wealth.

"They flip over every rock they see! Scary."

they left and headed for the lodge, which stunned the new blonde.

"You just killed TWO dragons! And STILL going?"

Sera laughed.

"Welcome to the outcasts!"

The Lodge was just a large pile of rocks in a circle formation with a gate. Tyler smiled.

"Alright, ladies and Wulf. You know the drill. Eri, you got anything else besides that stick?"

She snorted and pulled a slender one handed sword.

"This too."

"Kaori, teach your mother how MY lover brings the pain."

She grinned and pulled her ruby katana.

"With blood."

Eri grinned now herself.

"Oh THIS I like about you, Kar!"

Tyler walked u[p to the front door twirling his staff sword and booted it open.


He dove smiling into the first pack of Gnolls he saw as the sides of the spear he headed fanned out with Lucy and Thistle leaping with their longer weapons to scythe beasts down as Sera and Lily backed up by Erica took the center between them. Lily and Erica making a mini shield wall as Sera fired her arrows between legs and gaps as the ladies moved like a tornado of death. Lillia was working with Whisper and Serafina to cut done Gnolls left right and center. Malico was dancing with Wulf as the pair went sword to dagger against the dog headed beasts.

"This is fun Wulf!"

"Idiots every one."

Ashy was with Lyrica and Vixen firing arrows as the mages cast spells. Wink fluttering beside them casting buff spells to raise defense and attack power as Kaori tore through eight creatures as her mother struggled to keep up with her sheer speed and agility. Lupa and Sasha were working together to kill the larger beasts as a team with one dragging a creature down for the other to get the killing blow before reversing the attack. The nineteen-strong party killed the 300 creatures with ease. Tyler sliced the leading ogre to pieces and rejoined the others.

"How'd we do?"

Serafina smiled.

"I'm unharmed. Was fun to go rampaging."

Thistle was rubbing her shoulder.

"I be needing a spell. Bastard got a lucky shot with a spear."

Tyler smiled as he healed her shoulder.


She rolled it a few times.

"Thankee kindly."

Eri was panting hard from the rampage as her daughter just looked at her.

"The hell mom? That's IT?"

She glared at her still relaxed daughter.

"The hell you mean that's IT? We just killed 300 creatures!"

Erica and Lyrica snorted.

"Eri, this is the THIRD such sized battle we've had today."

Lyrica tilted her head now.

"Wait, the bandits, Kobold hold, wow, this is the third rampage."

Eri just gaped at the two as the party dove to looting.

"We're hitting the plains walkers next. Sera, lily, you're in the center. Ashy, Kaori, we're hunting raptors now."

They nodded as the camp was stripped bare and they were back in the saddle with Eri just getting swept up for the ride. She was still panting raggedly as Kaori tossed her a vitality potion.

"Better put your balls on mom. You in OUR camp now!"

Tyler smiled.

"Cut the old lady some slack, Kaori. Sadly, unlike Erica and Lyrica, SHE got rusty!"

Eri was seen to go red with rage as Erica and Lyrica looked at each other.

"He played the age insult,"

"And complemented us in the same manner."

"A real man and no mistake."

Eri was still panting as they found a section of the plains that was all long grass. Tyler smiled as he saw it.

"Ashy, don't go into the long grass!"

She laughed.

"We're binging those sometime."

"Oh damn right we are. Okay, I'll draw em out."

He took in a breath.

"Frigid cone."

HE breathed a breath of frozen air into the sun warmed grass. The stalks shattered like glass as a pack of thirty creatures all died from extreme chill before they knew what hit them. Tyler saw this and looked at the party sheepishly.

"I think I overdid it."

They laughed as they got to butchering the pack as Eri looked at Erica stunned.

"Hey, remember that time Gru killed at Kobold den by yelling into it?"

Lyrica had a better one.

"Or that time he was nearly flattened by that Durandal? Tyler's nearly been flattened by Golems, what? Twice now?"

Eri slumped in the saddle.

"HE can kill dragons and Lich kings. Yet nearly gets done in by a walking rock."

Erica sighed.

"Tyler's Gru's kid alright. It's terrifying sometimes how similar they are."

The creatures were collected and Tyler claimed a 9 inch claw for himself which made Ashy laugh.

"Doctor Grant?"

HE smiled as he put it in his pouch.

"I always wanted to have one of these."

HE looked at the bills as the grass thawed out.

"Okay. The plains walkers, orcs, sheep, toads, Demon Wall, and Gnolls are dead. We got the Slythnier, Titan convoy, Plains flattener, Tyrant, the air elemental, dark drake, and the ogre toads. We'll hit the convoy next."

They thundered along as Eri was panting again from the frantic pace of the Outcasts at work. Lucy laughed at the lady.

"Ya be the legendary Fireball? Ha! I pray ya enjoyed the light work. We be doin this till the ball then the day BEFORE the wave!"

Eri was seen to go pale as she looked at Kaori.

"Are you seriously trying to kill yourselves?"

The blonde daughter snorted.

"In Lectis you either step the fuck up or GET fucked up. Make a call mom."

Eri blinked and smiled.

"Whoever taught you that was a wise one indeed."

Sera perked up.

"Tyler taught it to us, Eri."

She looked at the princess.

"He did?"

"Yup! He also taught me and Lillia how to survive out here. Lily how to shield as well!"

Lillia came up to tell the tale. As Tyler looked at Lyrica beside him.

"We're still together tonight, Lyrica."

She smiled atop her Dullahan.

"I'm looking forward to it."

Wink was happily seated on his sword hilt as she perked up.

"Mind if I join? It kinda the last bit of the Sprite rite we share our first night together in the bed."

He looked at Lyrica and she smiled.

"I have no issue. Sprites make excellent bed mates WITHOUT sex."

He patted Wink's small leg.

"Sure Wink. Looking to get a recharge of flutter power."

She laughed as Eri heard the tale from Lillia.

"That's horrible! I'mma smack Fishy when I see him!"

Erica smiled.

"Tyler tore him a new asshole for that one. He's got the Warrior's Council title, Eri."

She blinked.

"Seriously? Who was the second monarch?"

Wulf spoke up.

"My sister. Tatiana."

Eri looked at him closer now.

"Tatiana? Wow. Been a few years since I heard her name. What happened?"

The Titan convoy was slaughtered and collected, as Eri was once again stunned by just the sheer ease the party dealt with the colossal beasts. Tyler smiled now.

"I'll take the Dark Drake alone."

They laughed as Eri looked at her daughter in horror.

"He's trying to kill himself!"

Kaori sighed now.

"Lady, just sit back and watch, okay? Tyler's the strongest in the damn party for a REASON."

The drake was just a mini dragon, and Tyler killed it with his spear.

"Huh. Not even a warm up. Lily, I'd like you to join my horse for a bit."

She smiled widely as Eri blinked at the meaning.

"Ummm, is SHE one of his?"

Lily smirked.

"Not yet. But he WILL be."

Tyler hugged her.

"Ya got a few years growin but, ya know the rest."

Eri looked at Wulf,

"What the hell?"

The ranger sighed.

"Lily's chosen Tyler as her future husband. Don't make her mad, Eri, okay? She's Willow's daughter."

She got it then.

"Ah. I've met Willow a few times. She's a fierce one. Good for the Elves."

The drake was stripped of everything useful and it's trove looted. Netting the party a further 13,232 gold, 15,879 silver, 43,231 copper coins. Tyler was smiling as they went to the next hit.

"Eri, we're hitting the flattener. I been wonderin if you HAVE a fireball spell."

She laughed.

"I do. I'll show you when we see it."

Lyrica smirked.

"Let's see if you've improved it at all, Eri."

The fiery blonde laughed again.

"Wait an see bedbreaker."

"Nice to see the fire isn't an overstatement at least."

Wink smiled.

"Got anymore?"

He thought for a moment.

"Hmmm, I'll have to ponder it a little."

She burst out laughing as they did indeed pass a small pond at that moment. HE smiled again.

"Nice to see my favorite Sprite is feeling very spry today."

That got a grin from the others as Wink was cracking up laughing as eri sighed.

"That wasn't too bad."

Tyler looked at a rock.

"I'm glad I'm a lot boulder now, Wink!"

She was wheezing as Kaori rode up and smacked him hard.

"I lost ten years life from that one! No!"

"Smacks, Kaori. Smacks a lot."

Wink was outright wheezing as she fought to recover from the jackassery as the ENTIRE party smacked Tyler hard for that one. Now seeing stars with a face redecorated by handprints, he laughed.

"Worth it!"

Wink was coughing as Lily rubbed her back soothingly. Tyler remembered what he wanted to tell Lily.

"Hey, Lily, about the smithing."

She looked at him curiously.

"New tricks?"

HE smiled.

"More a thought. I know you're at Lisk scale right now due to the skills and all, but, and this is just me thinking, I think you should master the other metals FIRST before getting to lisk. Follow?"

She smiled as she pressed her head into his body.

"I do. I was actually debating whether to do that or not. Thanks for helping me decide."

He hugged her as the beast came into view.

"Love you too."

Eri smiled as she raised her staff.


She sent a ball of flame three feet across hurtling at the thing that was merely a living at-st from a movie. The ball hit the thing, rocking it to the side before it recovered with a low rumble. Tyler noted the lack of any real damage on the hide.

"Nothing to brag about. Waterbolt!"

His own equivalent to fireball tore a hole through the thing's shield sized eye and dropped it to the ground with a thunderous impact as Tyler looked at a white faced Eri.

"Okay, Eri. We need to have a chat about something."

She gulped as the party looked at her curiously. The party got to work butchering the beast as Tyler, Kaori, Lyrica and Erica had Eri a distance from the party for a chat. Tyler got right to the point.

"Pick your sword back up."

She was white in the face as Erica and Lyrica looked at her in shock.

"You laid your sword down?"


Kaori sighed.

"Just let Tyler handle this one, Lyrica, Erica. He was looking into her eyes for quite a while back there."

They nodded as Tyler confronted the woman.

"You DID hang your sword up when Gruven hung his up. But, once he backed out of the agreement, if you picked it back up, you wouldn't be able to get pregnant. So, you left it on the wall to TRY to get knocked up. But, every time it came to it you ran because you didn't want anyone else's kid then Gruven's. You trapped yourself in a cycle of redundant rejection. You rejected the sword, then you rejected the reasons for hanging it up only to reject picking it up again. You still look like that due to that boon from that Love Goddess. Now, make a choice Eri. Pick your sword back up NOW, or get left behind. Right now you're borderline helpless."

She was shaking as tyler spoke her heart like he WAS her.

"How did you do that?"

HE sighed.

"Did you see my perception?"

She shook her head dumbly. So he showed her. Her shaking was even more severe as she saw it now. She looked at him with sadness in her green eyes.

"If I pick it up again, I won't be able to have anymore kids for another three hundred years when I can next lay it down."

He sighed.

"Annnd the hell is Kaori? Chopped liver?"

That made her gasp, then look at her daughter anew.

"Oh my god I am so sorry, Kaori. I…I forgot!"

The blonde daughter sighed.

"YOU get the barbie nickname now."

Tyler kissed her.

"You are still Shadow."

She smiled as Eri looked at Tyler now.

"Sallie and Sylvia?"

He glared at her.

"MY and Kaori's girls. FIRST. You are their grandmother."

She smiled at that.

"I love children, Tyler."

He and Kaori exchanged MORE concerned looks as Eri sputtered.

"Jesus you two! What the hell you take me for? I love BEING a mother! Not that shit!"

The pair deflated from relieved sighs.

"Riiight. The Mother barbie."

"We really need to watch that one Tyler."

HE looked at Eri intensely.

"Your sword?"

She sighed.

"Understood. And I'm sorry I made it sound like I was trying to replace you Kaori."

Tyler snorted.

"Kaori is irreplaceable. Plus, no matter how many run around looking like her, she is STILL a one in a million kinda girl."

Every lady applauded the on the fly retort as Tyler got a most passionate kiss from her as Eri nodded with green eyes full of approval.

"well said kid! Okay, you're just above shit now."

HE smiled as he watched her glow a second and a small shockwave was felt in the area as Eri picked her sword back up. She smiled widely now.

"That feels SOOOO much better! Here loverboy get a load a these numbers."

She passed her HUD over for inspection.

"Eri Von Lectis. Strength….355, Speed, 435, stealth…455, agility….435, magic, 675, mana, 1250, stamina….150. Not bad for a pure mage build. Get a load a THESE numbers toots."

He passed HIS HUD over and Eri went white.

"Strength, 1000, agility 750, stealth 900, physical defense 1200, stamina 1500, magic 1250, speed, 750, mana 2500?!"

She looked at him in horrified awe as Tyler smiled.

"wow, looks like I got like 350 extra points to throw. I'll look at it later."

Eri just busted up laughing.

"You're a god. Okay, Tyler. What next for me?"

He smiled and opened his mouth.

"No getting my MOTHER pregnant when her time comes again."

He closed his mouth as Eri looked at her daughter in disbelief.

"Was he REALLY about to say that?"

She sighed with exasperation.

"Knowing him, mom? Sadly."

Eri just looked at him as he shrugged.

"What? Can you BLAME me for liking the beauties?"

She smirked as Erica and Lyrica looked at each other knowingly.

"Very well played. No mother-daughter threesomes either."

"She beat ya to it already."

Kaori whacked him with a look of pain on her pretty face.

"Guy's an immature jackass mom. Love em to death, but yeah."

Eri hugged her daughter.

"It's the burden of us beauties to have to deal with the idiots."

Tyler smiled.

"So, Eri, the ball."

Kaori picked RIGHT up on that one as her mother blinked.

"What of it?"

"Look at her hand."

She did and saw the ruby ring. Soon as she did she rounded on Tyler in a fury.

"Is that what I think it is?"

He smirked.

"Not yet. Once the waves end. Well, once they end."

Eri walked at right up to him and got in his face.

"She is NOT to know a thing."

"Ooooh, she is NOT. Butta, wait till the ball. Annnnd, I hope you ladies take notes."

THAT got him a few looks from some VERY intense ladies now as they looked at Kaori's ring anew. Lyrica was about to raise her hand to use a detect magic when Tyler glared at her with the Demon glare, she got the hint and let it go. Eri was still looking at him.

"Okay, Tyler. I'm curious as to just HOW you care for my daughter. I'll see this surprise at the ball."

He patted her reassuringly.

"I got a few talents and tricks that'll MOST likely shatter her AND your mind."

Kaori gulped now.

"Oh shit I know that look. What'd you do?"

HE smiled at her.

"Just wait an see."

She was shaking now.

"Jesus that's terrifying! Last time you got that look you set me up with a freakin ring of silver with a small emerald you bought from the local jewelry store!"

Eri looked at her curiously.

"How'd he get that kinda money?"

Kaori smiled at the memory.

"Guy started a side hustle one winter shoveling driveways. made close to 2500 dollars doin it too. The ENTIRE reason he started it was just to buy me that ring for my birthday. He even went so far as to hide it in the small box with the ribbon he'd bought me for my hair. I didn't find it until AFTER he left."

Tyler looked at Kaori's hair.

"I KNEW that ribbon would look good in your hair, Kaori."

Eri noticed it as well now, and felt a grudging admiration for the boy and his gifts.

"Okay, Tyler, you have a FEW points here. What else?"

HE smiled.

"Some thunder toad skin cream. Here, look."

HE showed her the phot he'd taken from his eyes of Kaori in the doorway. Eri's heart caught at how beautiful her daughter looked to him in that moment, as the magic was able to capture her appearance to him perfectly. Tyler smiled as he kissed Kaori.

"I may suck at this, but I try."

Eri sighed now.

"Okay. Just what the hell?"

Kaori smiled proudly.

"Just wait, Mom. You ain't seen NOTHING yet!"

She sighed.

"Fine. I'll be patient."

The party got back to work and headed for the next kill. Tyler smiled as he killed the Tyrant with a well placed arrow. The beast was taken and on they went. The ogre toads were slaughtered next and Tyler looked at Lily.

"I'll get you half this haul, Lily. That arm is still worrying me."

"Love you too."

Eri looked at Kaori who explained the mess in Yalik. She sighed once she heard it.

"Yup. Only Gruven's son would be so utterly fooled by a pretty face. That bit with him and Lily was adorable though."

Malico was nearby and smiled.

"Tyler and Lily are siblings with benefits. He loves her fire and ferocity dearly. She loves him like a lover and role model. Plus, well, he loves her trade."

Eri smiled as she watched Tyler hug the small elven girl for the hell of it.

"It seems he's the loving big brother type."

Tyler looked att he bills again.

"Okay, everything except the air elemental, and the Slythnier are dead. Kaori gets the kill on the poor beast, Lily the hide."

Eri looked at the more experienced one in the party then her, Wulf.

"Why did he give her that one?"

Wulf smiled.

"Kaori is the best horse care giver in Lectis. Period. She is our party's horse tenderer. I have witnessed her diagnose a tapeworm in a steed two days after it was ingested."

Eri blinked.

"Kaori's that good?"

"Better. She's the best there is when it comes to horses and how to care for them. Plus is our survival expert as well."

THAT caught her mother by surprise. Kaori dropped back to tell her mother more.

"I spent a lotta summers up at uncle Greg's cabin mom. He taught me a lot."

Eri was now just proud of her daughter.

"You've grown into a fine lady, Kaori. I'm proud of you."

She smiled happily as they rode up on the tortured steed. Kaori put it down and had to be held by Tyler for the act as the thing was collected. Last up was the air elemental. The thing just a black cloud floating along the ground. Tyler just looked at it.

"Holy sanctity."

The thing thundered before dissipating entirely. It left nothing behind and Tyler shrugged.

"Weird creature. Whatever. Eri, we need to set a few rules for Term."

She rode up for the talk.

"What's wrong?"

Tyler sighed.

"Look, we're a marked party for everything we are. In town NO ONE, not even YOU go anywhere without five. I count as four. Sera and Lily even more. The other Warriors are rapists, torturers and predators. Wulf and I unload the loot and get paid as YOU all rest in the palace. We'll get the next batch of bills for the morning, but, and this is the most important thing, do NOT let your guard down in that town. Understood?"

She sighed.

"I saw the articles. Are they that bad?"

"Worse, Eri, worse. My own family are among them."

She sighed deeper now.

"Understood, Tyler. Plan for the wave?"

"Once I get a look at the terrain and a look at what we're fighting, we'll go from there. But, the general plan is to carve a spot out of the field, set up our wall spells, and kill everything that is NOT our party."

She smiled.

"I see. Your paths? I've seen you cast a few different colors and looking for a straight answer."


She blinked.

"Damn. A healer defense mage. Scary."

"Are you a pure red?"

She sighed.

"I'm a red/white. But I prefer the red immensely."

"Not good enough. We'll get you loaded with undead and healing spells as well now. More healers is always a good call."

She nodded sheepishly.

"Agreed. I'm beginning to wonder just HOW we survived our own sets of waves like we did."

Tyler patted her back reassuringly.

"You had your own plans and they worked for your own problems. Ours are just far more harsh then yours were. That is the only difference."

She smiled now.

"A wise way to see it. And a way I agree with. Now, before I forget again, camp duties?"

"Just be helpful. I set the defense spells up, but as long as you help to some manner we don't care."

"Fair enough. Plans after the first wave?"

"We got a fix on a demon chamber I need to clear, a trip to Dragul to put Valdic Sharpspike on a spike, a two day break in Raylik, then a trip to Cragspire. Beyond that, no plan really."

She did a little math.

"Ummm, how long do you think it'll take you to get to Cragspire?"

"We'll make it in four days."

Wulf and Kaori looked at each other.

"That actually sounds about right."

"Yeah. Plus since I know the ground better, we can afford to go a little faster with the horses."

Eri just looked at him.

"Okay. And the moving of the staging ground?"

Ashy snorted.

"We all know it'll be Cragspire."

They laughed at that as Eri slumped.

"Even predicting the waves. Great."

The walls were seen and Tyler smiled as they went.

"We got a helluva party now."

They laughed as they rode into town. The trumpets blared as they did whenever the Outcasts rode into town and they headed for the palace. Eri gasped as she saw Kazuma's cage.

"Okay, Tyler. Fair point."

They stabled their horses and Tyler led the mother into view of the still ranting boy. Kazuma was smeared from head to foot in foul smelling liquids as even more were thrown at him by the masses. Eri was let through and Kazuma gasped.

"Mom! Get away from him Mom! He's a monster!"

Eir just looked at her boy.

"I've seen the news, Kaz, what happened to my sweet, kind, brightly smiling boy? Rape, torture? You should be ashamed of yourself."

Kazuma's eye was twitching at this condemnation as Kaori passed her mother a rotten orange.

"Wanna mom? It's kinda fun!"

She smiled.

"No thanks. I prefer that pineapple there."

Kazuma just glared at Tyler as the men laughed.

"Whaddya lookin at ME fer? This yo fuck up!"

Tyler walked away as more fruit was hurled by a smiling Kaori and Eri before the group walked up the palace steps into the building. Axe was talking with Thorn again, and soon as Lily sighted the elven maid, she marched over and all but dragged her to her bed chamber.

"We need to have a chat."

Sera was shuffling her feet shyly as Axe came over to pat her kindly.

"She's nice Sera. Plus kind too."

He was nearly throttled for his efforts and Tyler smiled.

"Yo Axe, try these on for size."

HE took the silver gauntlets and put them on. HE smirked as they glowed to form spiked gloves in the style of a street fighter.

"Oh I like these. Okay, you're just above the floor."

Tyler smiled.

"Moving up in the world!"

Wink lost it as Axe snorted.


They left the strong boy to his tasks as Tyler spotted a nervous Ishtar by a pillar.

"Hey, Ishtar! Fireball's hit!"

HE gulped as he was seen by Eri, and she burst out laughing.

"It's been a while Fishy! The hell is up with that beard?"

She hugged her friend and he sighed with relief.

"I'm happy you're in a good mood Eri. It's wonderful to see you."

She snorted as she jabbed a thumb at Tyler.

"Guy runs a tight camp. Was nearly already drowned once today. Not looking for a repeat."

Tyler smiled at that.

"Best way to put out a fire? Dump water on it. Or if you're me, the ocean."

Tyler looked at Wulf,

"Let's get paid and see about the next batch. Everyone else, go relax till the next crisis or mess."

They laughed as he went with the elven ranger. Eri went with her daughter for a mother daughter chat not a soul wanted to be a part of. First stop was the guild for the bills. Ruby was itting in her booth and he laid them out. She smiled.

"Your total this time is 505 gold, 340 silver. The air elemental came with the white spell Air Purify. It makes toxic air safe to breathe."

Tyler smiled as he got the payment.

"Thanks Ruby. We'll get tomorrow's batch after."

She smiled happily as the two men left. They walked into the exchange and Tyler smiled as he looked at Wulf. He gave him the pouch of slime and 15 gold.

"You know the place."

The Ranger bolted as Tyler placed another few veins of blood platinum on Minus' scale.

"I love you too."

"Love too!"

HE smiled as Wulf came back with another pouch.

"She said we're doing it right. 30 of each."

Tyler placed another six of each cream on the scale and Minus and Vulpix were heard laughing before they went to get paid again. Mya led them to the scales and sighed as they unloaded.

"Ya keep this up ya just might ruin the markets! I can give you 1343 gold, 44 silver, 77 copper."


They went to Bark's yard now and the foremen laughed.

"Let's see what ya got this time!"

HE nodded as he saw the material.

"Not bad. I'll give you 324 gold, 22 silver, 88 coppers."

"Good deal Bark."

The last bit was the bank. Gold was smiling as the two men loaded the slabs.

"Queen Minus looks beautiful."

He smiled at her.

"Yes you do. Love too."

She sighed happily as she looked at the ore.

"Hmm, how does 2354 gold and 55 silvers sound?"

"like a good deal."

Wulf stayed for the conversion as after they were getting the morning batch of bills. Rune was waiting and smiled as she led them to the room.

"Let's see how much it is this time."

Tyler took out the pouch and she shook her head.

"Duly noted. Let's get started."

He dumped the coppers in first and Rune looked at the total.

"Okay, 69,198 silver, 5 coppers."

Tyler tilted his head.

"13,840. Sound good?"

She waited for the magic to do the math and smiled.

"Agreed. That's a total of 55,358 silvers."

Tyler added them to the silver before dumping them in next.

"That makes 32,921 gold, 63 silver. How does 6,585 gold sound?"

Tyler smiled.

"Fair. That nets us 26,336 gold. Thanks Rune."

The two men found Whisper in the hall looking at bills with the rest of the party when they walked in. Wink fluttered over to sit on his sword hilt as Eri was looking a little intimidated by the bills they'd found thus far. Kaori gave them to Tyler.

"Okay let's see. Wanted, clearing of dagon castle. Reward is 250 gold. Creatures inside unknown. Good find, Shadow. Next up is another bandit stronghold. Reward is 75 gold, good, last is the retaking of Vern keep. From a horde of orcs. I like the sound of that. Reward is 150 gold. Hey, Wulf, usual head count for a horde?"

HE smiled.

"About 500 creatures. How old's that bill?"

He looked.

"Three weeks. Guess they're comfy up there."

A runner came in next.

"I seek the Outcast!"

Tyler smiled.

"Aye lad, I be Outcast."

The lad handed him a sealed letter.

"The King Sirrah!"

Tyler gave him a solid gold.

"Thanks lad, watch for idiots."

"You too!"

He sped off as Tyler looked at the letter with the party making a body shield.

"It's ready. We're waiting on you to make a scene!"

He grinned.

"Let's hurry this up. We got a scene to make!"

They laughed as Eri looked at Erica.

"Okay, just what the HELL?"

The queen just patted her friend.

"Wait an see."

Tyler was looking at the board when Kaori was heard going,

"Oh hello."

He looked as she brought him a bill.

"Wanted: destruction of a Tyrant clan. Reward 900 gold. Kaori, I love you."

Whisper laughed.

"A clan has up to 20 Tyrants. Should be a fun one."

"I love fighting tyrants."

Eri just gaped as Ruby came up now.

"That has an update, Tyler."

He smiled at her.

"How precious is the Ruby word?"

The guild applauded as Eri looked at Lyrica impressed.

"Damn that was smooth!"

The succubus shrugged.

"He does that all the time."

Ruby smiled as she addressed him.

"The Tyrant clan bounty was raised to 1250 due to they having killed the last 50 adventurers."

"We'll get em. Tyrants are a special kinda fun."

Lucy came over then.

"Got one fer a goblin clan.


Even Eri shuddered at the sudden twist to absolute HATRED and rage Tyler was now giving off as he glared at the bill for the things.

"Reward is 50 silver. MINE."

He put the bill away as The blonde mother looked at a sad faced Kaori.

"Where the hell did that come from?"

Her daughter sighed.

"Sallie was killed by goblins. Here, I'll tell it."

Sera came over with a few bills.

"These look fun."

Tyler smiled as he looked.

"Wanted: killing of a plains wraith party. Reward 10 gold. Those were tigers, right?"

She nodded.

"Yup! They got really comfy fur!"

"We'll load up then. Next is a bill for a Gilla Toad. Reward is 4 gold."

Sera smiled shyly.

"Their slime is used to make the eyes brighter and more vibrant."

He looked at her, mildly surprised.

"That can be done? Damn! We got anymore of these?"

She blushed.

"There's like ten toads in a group."

He hugged her.

"We'll hook you up right sis."

She smiled as she hugged her brother.

"Love you too."

He let her go to look at the last one.

"last one is….huh. a diahorn. Wulf?"

The ranger laughed.

"Twin headed Gildhorn."

"Nifty. Rewards 95 silver."

"Hey, Tyler? I got a weird one."

Eri had a look of sad pity on her face as Tyler talked to Sera. She sighed as she looked at her daughter.

"He's become a spirit dad."

Kaori smiled proudly.

"Yup. I'm a spirit mother. We love those two girls dearly. Wanna get sent to hell in a bucket? Try and touch em."

Tyler walked over to Serafina at the word weird.

"What up me wraith?"

The pretty wraith passed him the bill.


He looked at it.

"Wanted: slaying of a were bunny clan. Were bunnies? What the hell?"

Wulf laughed as Whisper came over to look at it.

"They're a race of Weres that become rabbits. It's a hereditary thing. That said, they're completely feral creatures. They're hunted for their pelts which put even fennec fur to shame. Rewards 25 gold? We're looking at thirty bunnies. Should be a fun one."

"Ya gonna go fang on em?"

She smiled eagerly now/

"Oh my stripes that's a great idea!"

Tyler smiled.

"Next time we have to kill a werewolf I want you to kill it with tiger fang."

Ashy laughed.

"Now that's a fight I'd PAY to see!"

The party laughed as Whisper smiled darkly now.

"With claws."

He kissed her.

"Love you too."

She smiled and had to double check to make sure he didn't steal anything from her, and laughed.

"Patience, Outcast."

He smiled as he looked at the bills thus far.

"We got one for Dagon Castle, another bandit stronghold, an orc horde, a Tyrant clan, goblins, a clan of werebunnies, a Gilla toad, diahorn, A plains wraith party, and a retaking of a keep. Okay, keep looking."

Eri just looked at her daughter.

"Are you insane?"

"We all are. Tyler got one for another golem!"

"Great. There's the pancaker I was looking for. What's the payout?"

"10 gold."

"That works."

Wulf pulled one down.

"I got one for A Fire Mare."

Tyler and Ashy looked over.

"Like a flaming horse?"

The ranger smiled.

"Exactly. A spirit of fire to be exact. They're very rare but, if you kill them, their strength of spirit and fire gets added to the mount of your choice. And since Kaori's glaring daggers at me, NO it does NOT hurt them. It's giving ruby armor to a red path."

The blonde horse expert huffed.

"It hurts our mounts, Wulf, I'll take out of YOUR hide. Understood?"

HE gulped.

"Understood. Reward is 25 gold."

Tyler smiled.

"We'll let Kaori handle that one, Wulf."


Eri was loving her daughter laying the law down as Tyler pulled down another poster.

"Got one for a Nidhogg. That a giant serpent?"

Wulf smiled.

"It is. Think a snake the size of that last dragon."

"Nifty. Reward's 45 gold."

Ruby spoke up now.

"That one got increased to 65 due to it killing the last party that went after it."

"Thanks Ruby."

"Hey, Tyler, we got a call for healers here."

Wink came fluttering up and passed him the bill.

"Healers needed at the village of Tork. Reward is 35 silver. Ruby?"

She sighed sadly.

"They were attacked by a Tyrant. The beast got away and the town was hit hard. The bill for it is here."

Tyler sighed.

"150 gold. Send the silver back and get word to the village the Outcasts are headed top them in the morning."

"Will do."

Tyler did a bill check.

"We got a bandit stronghold, a castle to take, an orc horde, GOBLINS, a Tyrant clan, a plains wraith party, a golem, werebunnies, a Gilla toad, a single Tyrant, a Nidhogg, a fire mare, a healer call, a keep to retake, a diahorn, and that it so far. Hmm, one more large scale and we'll have our morning raid."

Eri gulped as she looked at Erica.

"That's just ONE raid?"

Lily snorted at her.

"Lazy old lady. Welcome to the Outcasts."

Eri went through like ten different emotions in 5 seconds, infuriated rage, anger, humiliation, more rage, indignation, irritation, and finally settled on outrage.

"Hey! Watch your tone young elf!"

Lily laughed at her.

"Make me. I dare you."

Eri took a step forward, intent on teaching Lily the proper way to speak to her elders, except Lily just flicked a dagger at her, which was blocked with an arm. Eri then found herself on her knees from a well placed tap with a hammer before feeling the edge of Lily's Additite sword on her throat. Kaori sighed.

"Mom. Don't make Lily mad, okay? She's not as…..forgiving as we are."

Lily snorted.

"Momma don't take no shit from anyone! Her daughter takes even less!"

Tyler chuckled at the look of shock on Eri's face.

"Lily's MY apprentice, Eri. Piss her off and she WILL make it hurt. A lot. Ya proved yer point, Lily."

The elf girl let her go and walked over for a hug as Eri rubbed her throat.

"Okay, duly noted. She's tough."

Tyler snorted now himself.

"Bitch please, Lily's the toughest and fiercest on the damned team."

The party smiled as Eri learned that lesson the hard way.

"Yikes, Tyler. I'll try an remember that."

Tyler nodded as lily spotted one bill.

"Hey, that one there's for a Warg clan. Says the reward is 2 gold."

Wulf smiled.

"For a reward like that? We're looking at 120 pairs."

"We got our raid. Let's go see Ishtar now. Eri? Try an keep up."

They laughed as they headed to see the king as the blonde mother just groaned.

"They're not people! They're machines!"

Tyler walked into the throne room to find Ishtar smiling by the throne.

"Ready to present the newest dragonslayer?"

Tyler passed his HUD over.


His eyes went wide as he saw that Tyler had killed SIX dragons. Then he laughed.

"Fair enough. Let's go."

Ishtar led Tyler and the party higher into the palace to a set of double doors. The king threw them open and Tyler was looking at the masses of Term with various magically created screens of different towns looking at him. HE smiled as he saw one for one town,

"Hi Melly!"

He watched the small sister to Sera just start jumping for joy as he gave her a cross Vernillion shoutout as Ishtar took the balcony.

"Citizens of Vernillion, our newest dragonslayer! Tyler the Outcast!"

The crowds burst out cheering as Tyler walked out and breathed the flames of each kill. Ishtar smiled.

"Now, for the proof!"

Tyler placed his hand on a ball and the number of dragons killed were seen. The crowds went silent as they saw he'd killed SIX dragons alone. Tyler chuckled.

"I'm good at this shit."

The crowds just went wild as they saw the irrefutable proof of his killing of six dragons. Tyler looked at the Raylik screen and smiled.

"I see you Yoko! We'll be back soon enough!"

He smiled as he saw the raccoon girl just start tearing up as he singled her out. Ishtar smiled as he looked at Tyler.

"Would you like to say a few words to the masses?"

"Oh shit here we go again. Oh, right, STILL a different town."

The crowds laughed as he drew Gliepnir and planted it point in the stone of the balcony as he looked at the crowds.

"well, I've killed six dragons. Now what?"

They lost it at the logic of that simple statement. Tyler smiled as he let them calm down.

"When I got here, all I was concerned with was keeping that bastard pope away from Kaori. I'd say I accomplished that goal. Now, we have the first wave in fifteen days. Since the other Warriors are useless we'll do most a the heavy lifting. No biggee really, as me and me party LOVE a good rampage. Just hope the thing puts up a proper fight!"

He got a few roars for that as he looked at his broadsword fondly.

"I've killed six dragons with this thing. I'm hailed as a hero across Lectis, and I'm STILL terrified of a certain elf girl with a hammer."

They laughed as Lily was heard in the background.

"I'm winning this fight."

"See? People look at me as a white knight, and that is BULLSHIT! Scale trial or no Scale trial! I am not a WHITE KNIGHT DAMMIT!"

The crowds were laughing at his offendedly indignant tone of exasperation as he once again mourned the loss of his dark persona. He chuckled.

"I lead a party of beauties and whatever Wulf is,-"

"You talking an awful lot of shit for a guy with a thousand foot drop in front of him."

"Seriously, why? I breath fire for kicks, me sister's a royal princess, and NOT YOU YA HEFFER! Sera, c'mere."

He hugged the girl as his whale of a sister was infuriated at the insult. Sera giggled as she hugged her brother.

"She's nothing but a barrel o lard big brother! Even trolls run from that nastiness!"

The crowds were laughing hard at Sera's cutely voiced insults as the whale cast a spell to try and hit her. The pair watched as the green poison spell came up from the crowd, and not even reach a third up the height before dropping back into the crowd to hit the palace wall. Tyler and Sera looked at each other in mild surprise.

"Wow, Sera, it hit the wall."

"Was expecting it to miss, since it can't aim worth a damn."

"Right? Half tempted to have the best shot in the party make a point."

She grinned.

"Can I?"

HE sighed sadly.

"Be a waste of a dragon shaft."

She snorted at that and Tyler just hugged her.

"Atta girl!"

The crowds now had a bemused expression as Tyler looked at them again.

"Sera's learning from the worst to be the best! Fucked up sense a humor included!"

There was a collective groan from those that knew as Tyler relocated his train of thought.

"Where was I going with this? Oh yeah. I have the strength of ages, and yet all I wanted to do was protect Kaori and put a smile on her face. Yet, in doing so, I wound up here talking to you people. Weird place Lectis. That said, WHEN THE WAVES COME, THEY BETTER BRING A FRIEND! THE OUTCASTS STAND READY TO HALT THE WAVES DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS! COME HELL, DRAGON OR ANGRY LILY! WE WILL NOT FALL! WE WILL NOT FALTER! WE WILL WIN!"

He breathed his flames as the crowds roared in a single throated fury at the force in his words. Tyler smiled as he breathed a full powered flame of blue making the crowds go wild as he hopped up and let his blue dragon wing cloak be seen, as he cast his azure wave spell which sent a rainbow over the sector as he breathed his flames again. Then he hopped back onto the balcony and headed back inside where Eri was looking at him with awe.

"What the hell kid?"

He patted her,

"I'm kinda good at this shit."

She just laughed as Ishtar and Erica shook their heads.

"The city is going to have a massive party tonight."

"Oh hells yeah. After THAT speech? I wanna go pick a fight with something big!"

Tyler looked at Lyrica,

"Ready toots?"

Wink was on his sword hilt as the blood haired succubus had stars in her eyes.

"Oooh PLEASE!"

Tyler took her arm and they walked off as Kaori looked at Malico,

"Let's get Lily, Malico. Kinda looking for some fun."

Vixen smiled as she looked at Whisper.

"I'm warm."

Eri leered at Erica as Wulf was grabbed by Ashy, Serafina was eyed by Thistle making the poor wraith squeak, Lucy had the eye of a tall elven maid, Sera was walking with a gently smiling Thorn, Lillia had Sasha and Lupa cuddling her as the outcasts got their bed mates. Ishtar was left alone in the hall and just groaned.

"Damned beauty thief!"

Tyler closed the door to the bedchamber as Lyrica and Wink stripped naked.

"I've been ACHING for this!"

The sprite was already breathing hard as Tyler joined them naked in the bed.

"I'm hungry again!"

He smiled as he slid into the small lady.

"I'll fill you up, Wink. Lyrica too."

She moaned as the ride began and she got her first heavy cream before Lyrica was filled. The succubus loving every second as her lover loved her hard and well.

"I love you, Tyler!"

The trio got their creams and orgasms before laying in the bed recovering from the sex. Wink was resting on his chest like a cat as Lyrica was resting on his arm. Sallie and Sylvia appeared applauding the fine show before joining them in the bed. Sallie cuddling up to Wink on his chest as Sylvia entrenched herself in Lyrica's breasts. The red headed devilgirl looked at him now curiously.

"Sooo, WHO is Rias?"

He laughed.

"Wanna see?"

She nodded and they spent the next few hours watching his favorite devilgirl lead her board. Lyrica was entranced by Rias' imperious demeanor, her beauty, power and will to protect those she loved. Tyler smiled as they finished the first twelve episodes and she kissed him.

"I remind you of THAT beauty?"

He hugged her.

"Every time I look at you, Lyrica."

She just sighed happily.

"I found the one I'D give a Bloodstone to. I love you, Tyler."

He kissed her.

"I love you, Lyrica."

She smiled and got more comfy as he noticed something.

"What happened to your wings?"

She smiled and they appeared from her back before vanishing into it again.

"I can make them appear and disappear at will. I can't fly with them, more glide, but yeah."

He kissed her again as wink was sound asleep, her sex-filled day leaving her exhausted as Sallie was cuddled into her arms and wings. Sylvia was also asleep in Lyrica's warm chest as Tyler smiled.

"Good night, Lyrica. I love you."

She sighed.

"Good night, Tyler, I love you too."