Tale of the Outcast Warrior: The wave.


The next morning Tyler had his twin short swords out and was sparring with Kaori and Erica two on one. He was holding the pair off easily while Lucy and Thistle went at each other greatsword to axe. Tyler flipped the black haired queen over with a well executed counter while deflecting a katana shot from Kaori before pinning her own weapon against her throat.

"Love your eyes."

She smiled as he let her go with a twist. He switched to his greatsword as Lily joined the session with Wulf swapping with Erica. Tyler held the 7 foot blade in a ready stance as the bout started. He rushing Lily's shield as Wulf went for his back with his sword, all the while Kaori looked for her own opening. Tyler lifted the greatsword high as if to smash from above, which Lily was already moving to counter, only to pivot on a toe to swing the massive battle blade at Kaori with Wulf barreling into an off guard Lily. Kaori avoided the whooshing blade by inches before pinning it under her foot to slash at her husband's seemingly unprotected neck. Tyler gave a heave, and Kaori had to leap backwards in a flip to avoid getting launched sky high. Tyler used the momentum of the upwards swing to once again pivot as Wulf lunged by harmlessly in a thrust to smash the heavy sword into Lily's shield. The force of the blow absorbed by her unbreakable shield but the weight of the blade pushed the smaller elf girl back a step, which allowed Tyler to sweep her legs out from under her and lay the point of his sword on her throat. Wulf had collided with Kaori and were down as well. Tyler sighed as he lifted the elf girl to her feet.


The ranger sighed as well.

"I know, I know. That was just sad."

Lily grumbled.

"Uncle Wolf ruined that."

Tyler looked around as he put his blade up.

"I think we've neglected to train ACTUAL teamwork. You three shoulda had me, you'd have to work for it, but ya woulda."

The three sighed as Kaori took up another stance.


and that was how the next three days passed. Nonstop drills and practice with their weapons and skills. Though Tyler had to step outside the gate to practice his skills as most could devastate an entire sector on accident. The party rested in groups as the next morning was the wave.


That morning Tyler woke with Kaori, Sallie and Sylvia cuddled against his chest. He smiled. . we're walking into hell today. And we WILL walk out the other side. Tyler woke them and Kaori kissed him.

"Good morning my husband."

He kissed her warmly.

"Good morning my Wife."

Sallie and Sylvia went back to spirit form as the lovers bathed before gearing up. Tyler donning his black coat and sheathing his various blades on his back as Kaori put her new outfit of blood red on. It being a leather based kimono with the sleeves removed along with the lower half as well. Her pants were jeans made from Tyrant hide that allowed free movement. Her feet were sheathed in ruby heeled boots with similar sharp treads for staying sure footed on anything. Tyler had a look of determined confidence as he looked at her.

"Let's go kick some ass."

The lovers walked out of their room, striding for the stables. Wulf, Ashy and Lily came out from their room and to stride behind the couple. Malico, Serafina and Sera joined them. The busty cat and Wulf walking directly behind Tyler and Kaori. Vixen, Lyrica and Erica appeared next and joined the growing party on their war walk. Lillia, Eri, and Lycan were next, followed by Lucy, Thistle, Sasha and Lupa. They were all wearing expressions of intense concentration as they strode out the knight lined throne room to mount their horses. Tyler led the party out with Kaori to his right, Malico to his left, and Wulf the last piece of the leader's diamond. The city was turned out to see the teleport and the Outcasts. The other Warriors were also present, but most were trembling in fear, while some were outright in the fetal position on the ground as they didn't have a horse. Tyler and his party found a spot on the edge of the group and were looking over their gear yet again as the minutes counted down. Kaori took his hand and squeezed it hard, and he smiled as he felt her shake.

"Relax Barbie. We've been through worse."

She smiled at that, and her shaking stopped.

"You're right. Thanks for that."

He kissed her.

"I love you."

She sighed happily.

"I love you too."

Tyler watched as the countdown in his HUD hit zero. As it did, there was a loud two toned wailing as the sky over the city transformed from the light blue of early morning to a strange miasma of red, yellow, black and oddly enough purple that seemed to be out of place in the color splash. Tyler gripped Kaori's hand tightly as a white light encased the entire party and their mounts. Tyler let out a deep breath,

"I love you, Kaori."

She smiled as the light became blinding.

"I love you too, Tyler."

The next thing the party saw was a large open field several dozen miles across of sparse grass, light tree cover, some rock outcroppings. Tyler looked around, and saw Kaori was still holding his hand with the rest of the party right behind them. Tyler then looked to the terrain. The land was indeed mostly flat and he realized he knew this area.

"Move! Outcasts move out!"

The party thundered after it's leader as the other Warriors were still trying to get their bearings back. Wulf smiled as he saw where they were.

"I see. That small plateau those bandits claimed."

Tyler smiled widely.

"We can easily make that an impregnable fortress with our magic and skills. WINK."

The sprite landed on his shoulder,

"My chain's safe until the wave ends. I'll need a heavy filling after however."

"I'll make it a pile with you and Kaori then. You're on buffer duty."

She smiled as they reached the twenty foot high stone plateau.

"Malico! Make a ramp!"

The catgirl smiled.

"Earthen bulwark!"

A ramp of earth rose up the party rode up onto the hundred meter wide rock formation where they began the fortifying.

"Ice Wall. Hallowed ground, tranquil waters, Protective warning, Water wall."

Tyler rose walls of ice 90 feet tall along an area creating a massive funnel 500 yards wide at the widest and a mere 20 feet at the smallest. The length of the funnel was also close to a 1000 yards as Tyler had seen the massive dust cloud that could only come from monsters on the march. The party dove into the funnel building traps, setting up walls of spears to slow the head long advance, and shore up around the natural formations. Wink was using her spells to add boosts to defensive magic as the walls were raised around the plateau in the event of getting surrounded. Tyler was drinking mana potions as the defenses were constructed at a dizzying rate and with highly efficient know how.

"Lucy, spear wall three?"

"We're at nine."


"Acid trap spells in place."


"Fire spells also in place."

Tyler raised another set of walls on the plateau interior for observation and long distance arrows. From the highpoint he could see the monster army approaching. He smiled as he saw the vanguard were mostly goblins, orcs, trolls and ogres with lower level draugr here and there.

"That vanguard alone numbers 50,000 at the least."

He cast his gaze over to the other Warriors maybe 2000 yards from them.

"And THEY haven't even bothered with a wall."

Tyler smiled as he looked at the river that flowed through the funnel about a third of the way down the length,

"Malico, raise a small bulwark on this side of the river, please. Them things are natural deathtraps."

She smiled as she waved her long tail. A ramp thirty feet high rose up on their side of the river that was then reinforced with spear heads, arrows, and spikes to make the climb a living hell for the creatures. The work was done in a mere twenty minutes and the party stood ready as the army of monsters approached. Tyler stood atop the wall with Gliepnir in his fist as he looked at the approaching hordes, then he looked at his friends.

"Here we go again."

Eri snorted.

"Bastard that's MY line!"

Tyler laughed before nodding at the creatures.

"We're outnumbered again. We're backed into a corner. Again. We cannot run from this fight. Again. But, well, LET'S SEND THEM TO HELL IN A BUCKET! NOT A STEP PAST US! WE WILL NOT FALTER! WE WILL NOT FALL! WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER!"

"Outcasts Now!"

Tyler swung his glowing blade high.


The party roared with a new fire in their bellies as they surged forward to meet the army at the opening of the funnel. Tyler took the frontline, as he'd launch a head on assault to get the creatures attention and drag them into the hell of the funnel. Once inside the task was mass killing. The entire party would arrows and throw spears until the supply was empty before dropping to the next line of spears ten feet behind them. That was how the battle would be found. Creatures would have to crawl over the bodies of their own to get to the party, while getting filled with dragon scale shafts the entire time. The Outcasts took up their spots as Tyler walked out into plain view of the creatures now less then 1000 yards away. Tyler smiled widely.

"Let's get bloody."

He took off on a head long charge of the front ranks as the rest of the party waited for their shot. The other Warriors were milling around or sitting on the ground as they'd swore to Ishtar to not lift a finger to defend them in the waves for their unfair treatment. Max and Kazuma watched as Tyler's blatantly glowing swords were seen out in front of the heavily fortified plateau.

"That retard's gonna die out there."

Kazuma snorted.

"Good fucking riddance to him. We're not helping him."

Max dropped his pants to shove his rod into a kneeling Charlotte's mouth.

"Nope. Suck it right dammit! That's a good girl. We're not lifting a finger to fight for such a worthless kingdom."

Kazuma nodded in wholehearted agreement.

"Tyler's a monster. We've surrendered to the wave so they're all alone out there."

Tyler was unaware of this and wouldn't have cared anyway as he met the army head on.

"Water wall! Divine retribution! Hallowed ground!"

His barrier spell would injure the creatures as they sought to force their way through, while the path forward for four hundred yards in either direction was blocked off by his 100 foot wall of water. He pulled his bow with five shafts on the string.

"Mult shot!"

His one release of the string sent no less then fifty shafts into the walls of creatures now fighting with his water wall. He breathed Tempesta's flames through the wall incinerating a good few hundred with a long exhale.

"Water burst! Ocean's fury! Roiling surf!"

He dropped the burst of water fifty meters inside the ranks to sow chaos as his now 150 meter wide water summon sent a solid 400 creatures to drown on land as his boosted roiling surf knocked over giants and goblins alike.

"Ice dragon!"

The water was frozen and shattered as the evil spells finished charging his retribution spell.

"Divine retribution!"

The beam of white power exploded into the charging wave of creatures, blowing a hole in the lines and killing another 500 outright as a new canyon was dug. Tyler smiled.

"Ocean's tragedy!"

The still present summoned sea was now a meat grinder as everything that passed into it was shredded by the force of the water.

"Roiling surf! Divine retribution!"

He set up another spell as he drank a mana potion as his barrier spell shattered due to the creatures seeking to get at him. He saw he was now surrounded as the overwhelming majority of the vanguard had turned it's attention to this highly powerful foe. Tyler smirked.

"frozen Waste."

This spell was a new one that froze the ground under his feet to the point of slickness. The zone effected was a base 200 meters. So, every creature standing in the zone was now frozen in place.

"Water fall!"

The 100 foot wall of water tipped over and flattened another few hundred creatures has Tyler looked at the now climbing over their own to get at him creatures.

"Water Dome!"

This spell conjured a dome of rippling waves to encase an area 30 feet in diameter. The water froze solid as it came into contact with the still present frozen waste spell. Tyler drank another mana spell as his newly made igloo was covered by creatures ten deep. Kaori was watching this with a shaking her head smile.

"That idiot's having a field day with his magic."

Eri was on the same page.

"They haven't even touched him, even though their arrows and spells are falling like hail."

Sera was looking at her quiver as a set of screams were heard to their right.

"I guess the other Warriors got found."

Erica shook her head at the sounds of agony.

"idiots. I guess someone forgot to tell them that once they surrender they become toys for the monsters until the wave ends for real."

it was true. The other Warriors were indeed being used as toys by the monsters, and found they were unable to draw their swords as they'd surrendered. So, were helpless to defend themselves as the goblins and trolls played with their bodies. Charlotte was face down with a smelly troll inside her as every other girl had a goblin or a troll or an ogre balls deep inside them as the boys were all getting new lines from knifework, while Tyler's whale mother was also getting played with, but by giants happy to find something big enough to take it. Max and Kazuma were ranting at the unjustness of their new pain as the creatures just laughed and cut. Neither one ever considering that they brought the pain upon themselves by surrendering to monsters in the first place. Tyler finished his mana potion as the pile above him reached thirty deep.

"Thinks still taste odd. Like really sweet grape juice with a hint of blueberry."

He noted the cracks and amount of buckle in the dome and nodded.

"I've been wanting to try this spell. Ocean's Wrath!"

This spell made every water based spell still active explode with all the force of a hundred barrels of fire powder per spell still active and covered every area reached by the spells. So, since Tyler had blanketed an area of close to five hundred meters of ground with numerous water spells the result was an earthshaking blast that triggered a mini earthquake, and the resulting release of magical power caused the monsters to drop their toys to attack the extreme power. Though, the girls were still filled with monster cream prior to being released. Charlotte was sobbing incoherently as she curled up into a ball as the troll's slimy seed oozed out of her traumatized hole in a foul smelling river. The pile of monsters atop the dome simply vanished along with the ranks of beasts surrounding the blast. Upwards of 2500 creatures were killed by that blast alone, and a new crater thirty feet deep was made in the ground. Tyler was standing in the center smiling atop a small pillar of ground ten feet wide as the creatures regrouped to attack again. Tyler drank another mana potion as a 50 foot winged demon with black skin appeared from within the ranks. Tyler tilted his head.

"The wave boss? No way. Not a mere greater war demon."

The thing roared in anger.

"Die human!"

Tyler just looked at the rest of the army and noted more shadows were appearing.

"I get it. The VANGUARD leader. Pff. Bring it ya worthless excuse for a doppelganger."

The thing surged forward in a blind rage as Tyler's last spell was finished charging.

"Divine retribution."

The spell tore through the demon's chest, killing it outright along with another batch of creatures behind it. Oddly enough, Tyler found he'd aimed rather low and carved a trench ten feet deep that led into the thirty foot bowl.

"Huh. I bet we can use that."

Seeing reinforcements swelling the ranks, Tyler dropped back to the rim of the bowl near to the funnel. The party were enjoying the fireworks as Tyler unleashed his magical prowess in full. Malico nudged Kaori.

"So you know? I'm recording this."

That earned the sexy catgirl a warm kiss from most of the party as Wulf noted a line of creatures to the right.

"Looks like the creatures got bored with their toys."

Eri shook her head.

"Tyler's outed himself as the Warrior Leader. Or the strongest of the strong here. So, he basically painted a massive target on his back like the wave boss does. Since Tyler just doesn't care, he basically has the entire monster army headed for him. Well. Until he falls back and the monsters face US, then they'll split again. The Warriors' pain is only JUST beginning."

Tyler had his next batch of spells in place, making full use of the new crater and trench to kill another 900 with spells alone with his combination magics working well. He smiled as e saw the army didn't show any sign of thinning.

"Now this is a workout! Ocean's fury!"

His friends were just shaking their heads as Tyler hogged all the blood. Lily sighed.

"If he kills them all ALONE I'm going to hit with me hammer."

The party laughed at that, then Lyrica frowned.

"Eri, Erica. This remind you of anything?"

The wave veterans frowned as well now.

"It does, Lyrica."

"This is going WAY too well. Where's the flyers or the liches?"

Kaori blinked.

"Oh shit. They're sending in the fodder FIRST to WEAR HIM DOWN!"

the party saw it and were about to blow their whistles when a loud roar was heard from behind the army followed by a massive black dragon rising up out of the masses. The party groaned as it was a clear high dragon. Kaori looked as Tyler detonated his spells again to prepare to meet the powerful foe.

"There it is. He knows their game now."

Tyler did indeed know the game.

"Clever trick. Too bad this is just a mere warmup. HEY! SHITSCALE! LET'S MAKE IT SEVEN FOR SEVEN!"

The dragon roared in fury before unleashing a BLACK breath attack that Tyler dodged. The dragon was flaunting it's ability to fly as it rained fire at Tyler. The Outcast was laughing derisively.

"Come on ya lizard! That the best ya got? I've fought skinks that were tougher!"

The dragon bellowed in a rage now before diving to take the fight to the Outcast head on. Tyler smiled widely.

"Gotchya bitch."

Using his insane strength, Tyler launched from a rock with a dark gleam of joy in his eye with Gliepnir point up. The dragon tilted in it's dive as it readied to snap the rising Outcast from existence, only for Tyler to pull a purely a Tyler move: using the expand function on his spear to boost the throwing of it. The mythril weapon punched straight through the scales over the massive beast's heart before skewering it like a harpooned whale. Tyler then grabbed the stuck haft for the return to Lectis. The beast hit the ground with another mini earthquake. Tyler was jolted pretty hard and the spear tore loose before he hit the dirt hard. Kaori groaned as she saw this.

"Great. THAT trope."

Ashy was also sighing as a group of creatures with mace weaponry started to slam their weaponry onto Tyler's back.

"Why did that idiot think JUMPING at a diving dragon to throw a spear was a good idea? We KNOW that never works!"

The blonde wife just shook her head as the well-deserved beating took place.

"He's an idiot, Ashy. Just an overly cocky idiot."

Tyler was indeed feeling like a special sort of dumbass.

"What the hell was I thinking?"

He surged upward killing the orcs with the maces as he berated himself for his stupidity.

"Those kinds of stunts NEVER work out! Jackass!"

He drank a minor healing potion and took stock of the battle thus far.

"Vanguards a pile, and we've got quite a few more craters. Drop back time."

On a burst of inspiration he dragged the dead dragon to create a barrier the creatures had to climb over to get to him as he dropped back another ten feet. He was now within the range of the bows of the party and they knew it. Lily was particularly satisfied.

"Bout time. Greedy bastard."

Tyler smiled as he adjusted his black coat looking out at the army.

"Hmm. Yeah, here come the shock troops. And most of them are giants. Fucking perfect."

These giants were actually wearing armor and stood fifty feet tall, but once they hit his ocean's fury their advance slowed to a crawl as the arrows from the party started to rain from the sky in clouds as every arrow had a multishaft enhancement upon it. So, 100 arrows became a thousand that dropped creatures in droves. The other Warriors were watching the far off battle unfold while nursing their own wounds and mental scars from being raped and tortured by monsters. Kazuma and Max, being the most accustomed to such humiliation by this point were sneering at the efforts of the Outcast party.

"Pff. How long will it take for that retard to die?"

"Right? They must be weaker then we thought if that monster can kill them in such numbers."

The boys were utterly oblivious to the fact the women of the group were rocking back in forth at the memory of their lover's feels, were holding their traumatized parts sobbing heartbrokenly or just blankly looking at the liquids still oozing from their grooves. Tyler noted the piles of bodies were getting tall enough for a decent sized climb and saw the time was right for another drop. He fell back another ten feet and set up shop again as Kaori called out.

"That pile gets too high too quick we lose our advantage. Come into the actual funnel!"

"Love you too Shadow!"

Tyler saw her point and moved into the arms of the funnel proper another thirty feet back. He setting spell traps everywhere and movement slowers everywhere else. Now well within the ranger of the party bows, Tyler added his own shafts to the hail. His shots alone adding an extra fifty to the sky as the monsters fell in lines with more climbing over them. Tyler smiled as he saw one particular sniper dropping giants with regular shots.

"Love you too Sis!"


The enemy archers were also firing, but due to the barrier spells the party had up they weren't getting through but the occasional spell did, which was then absorbed by Tyler's divine retribution. The spell was charged and released, resulting in another mass kill of hundreds. Tyler then noted the mana potion he drank didn't restore as much as before and nodded.


Vixen and Lyrica nodded as well.

"He needs to rest his soul from the back to back high level casting. Watch for tricks."

The party nodded as Tyler swapped to skills and abilities next. Using the flames of the dragons to kill with arrows flying like rain drops of death. The party's quivers were enchanted to be directly connected to their arrow crystals, so had access to 500,000 dragon scale shafts. NOT including the mass of other arrows they had on hand for just such a large scale battle. The dead monsters were making a wall easily thirty feet high of just dead things they were climbing over. Tyler frowned as he saw this.

"Line breaker imminent."

The party nodded. Sure enough the trademark rumble of heavy footsteps charging were felt as a troop of four plains flatteners came charging through the walls of dead creatures. Vixen smiled as she cast an illusion spell.

"Diabolical Visage."

The spell conjured nothing worse than the target's very worst fears that would gain strength from the depth of fear felt before attacking it with that very fear. Tyler had his 7 foot greatsword out and ready as the first beast panicked entirely, and ended up impaling the beast to it's right as Tyler used his newest skill.

"Great Smash!"

The resulting earthquake made the usually sure footed beasts wobble while outright tipping over the smaller creatures and giants. Tyler smiled as he followed up with the second step.

"Radial Splatter!"

The result? Every creature in a thirty meter radius just splattered like an apple hit with a sledgehammer. The plains flatteners were just mush on the ground as Tyler slung the battleblade over a shoulder.

"Now THIS is a fight!"

The party laughed at their favorite bloodthirsty jackass. The next attack wave was charging when a loud horn was heard and Eri smiled.

"Their leader just called a tactical retreat. Guess it needs to rethink it's strategy."

Tyler wasn't letting them get away THAT easily. He used an ability from a title.

"Atrocity's Flame!"

He threw his love for Kaori into the fireball before throwing it deep into the enemy ranks. The result? A massive blast similar in ferocity to the one that made Dagon keep a thousand foot crater. The other Warriors watching were awestruck by the rising mushroom cloud and shockwave from the blast. Though Kazuma was bitching as always.

"Why the HELL does he get a tac nuke?"

Tyler was leaning on his sword as the ground a thousand yards from the funnel was now a crater two thousand feet deep, and stretched a good three hundred meters across. The blast killing a solid HALF the remaining monsters while the shock wave did for a further 25%. Recovered, Tyler dropped back to the party. Vixen and Wink were instantly looking his soul over with their powers. They then sighed with relief.

"You nearly went into Mind Shatter there Tyler."

Wink kissed him.

"idiot. Be CAREFUL!"

"Love you too Wink. Okay, how's every one feeling?"

Sera and Lillia flexed their fingers.

"Still fresh."

"What she said."

He nodded and looked back at the crater, smiling as he saw the hole the things would have to cross to get at them.

"I'll get high for a bit. They have three options. One is to build a bridge over that gap, two is to find a way around it but that would take time, and three is both."

he climbed up to a wall top and used his Farsight to see what the other side of the crater looked like.

"Wow. We haven't even put a dent in numbers yet. I can't use Atrocity's Flame for at least another four hours. I've still got the roar, and Lupa's spirit power. Plus all three wraths. I'd wager they send in the air support next."

He looked over to the other Warrior camp and chuckled.

"They all surrendered right out the gate. Pff. Of course they did."

He dropped down and Eri laughed.

"They're still vulnerable to the Monsters even IF they surrendered. Why you NEVER surrender in the wave because once you do you can't even TOUCH your sword."

Tyler frowned.

"Shit. So that means I can't use the old fake surrender trick to bait their leader out. Fuck. Okay. PLAN B."

They laughed at that as a light snack of nuts, peanut butter, washed down with water was eaten. Tyler leaned on a wall as he looked out at the crater.

"It's killing me not being able to look at them closely from here. Hey, Wink."

She smiled.

"Yes I have a booster spell for that."

"I love you."

She used her spell.

"Clear Vision."

Tyler then threw his perception behind his Farsight to get a good look at the far off force. Soo as he did he sighed.

"They're being led by a lich king. A HIGH GRAND lich king. Fucking perfect. Took me nine hours to kill the last one."

The party sighed as he then looked at the sky.

"We've got fliers. Load up."

Vixen placed a warning hand on his shoulder.

"No spells for the next two hours. Okay? Anymore and you'll Mind Shatter."

He kissed her.

"Love you too Vixen."

She smiled as he climbed up to the walltop with his bow.

"Long shatter."

This ability sent a single arrow out to burst into a mass of other arrows. Since it relied on Agility Tyler could turn ONE shaft into three hundred. He'd nocked five. The party was right there with him as they fired their arrows into the mass of flying drakes, harpies, fell falcons, and other large winged beasts. The things fell from the sky like feathery pincushions into the massive crater while a detachment went to torture the other Warriors again. Tyler laughed as the sounds of despair and pain started back up.

"That's what you get ya fucknuts!"

Ashy smiled.

"Hey, boss! Can't we workin stiffs get some tunes too?"

"Just cause I love you too, Ashy. Hey, I think some good old SAO will do us right."

Wulf smiled.

"Would YOU like it if I were to start flirting with YOUR wife?"

"Pff, do it, I dare ya! Just ahh, WHICH wife we talkin here? I got like six."

That got a laugh from the ladies as Wulf just accepted his defeat as Kaori and Malico looked at each other.

"Wow, Malico. SOMEONE sure is cocky."

"He certainly is, Kaori. I wonder if we should do something to DEAL with his cockiness?"

Tyler smiled.

"Course we ALL know you ladies win this one."

The party laughed as Wulf got a warm kiss from Ashy.

"Asking about HIS wife eh? I wonder, Wulfy, what does that mean for ME?"

Wulf gulped as he realized he stepped in it again. Tyler just shook his head.

"You really need to start paying attention Wulf."

The ladies busted up laughing at the tone of exasperation in Tyler's voice as he dropped another fell falcon into the abyss while Wulf was once again in the doghouse. Ashy smiled widely.

"I wonder Tyler, how would YOU react to ME flirting with your wife?"

"Malico, Kaori, if ya please?"

Ashy blinked as Malico rounded on her suddenly to steal a full kiss from the dirty blonde's lips before Kaori stole a full makeout session from her. Now bemused by the taste in her mouth, Ashy went back to firing arrows.

"Okay, Tyler. Fair point."

Kaori and Malico licked their lips.

"Wow, Ashy. You have nice lips."

"Right? She tasted good too. Pile, Malico?"

"Pile, Kaori."

Ashy just gulped at the now lustily staring pair of ladies.

"Oh fuck. I think I opened a door here."

Eri laughed approvingly.

"That's my girl, Kaori! Makin the men hard and ladies wet wherever she goes!"

Tyler just smiled as the last flier fell dead.

"Kaori's awesome for many reasons Eri. Most of them not having ANYTHING to do with the bedroom. She's just that kinda great."

Kaori was glowing at that as Eri nodded in approval.

"A man that still showers his wife in complements and attention even AFTER the wedding. Good man."

Tyler noted the look of frustrated rage on the oddly emotional Lich king's face.

"Hey, Vixen, you seeing that?"

The undead expert did and gulped.

"That's not a lich king Tyler."

"Ummm, what?"

Vixen was shaking slightly.

"That's a lesser Death Spirit. Like as powerful as Slyvien in the dark forest."

Tyler nodded.

"Okay. That's a new one. But to be honest? That took longer then I was expecting. Oh, music. Ladies and gentle elf, Crossing field."

Ashy frowned.

"Ew. You liked SAO?"

"Ashy. We will wage this war at a later date."

Kaori was right there with him.

"Indeed. Asuna is FUCKING awesome."

Ashy sighed as she looked at Tyler's black coat with new eyes.

"Suddenly that coat isn't so cool."

"Keep talking Ashy and I'll shove this here katana so far up your ass YOU will be my new sword."

Ashy sighed as she put a fresh arrow on her bow.

"Next you'll say Zerotwo was the best girl."

An arrow hit her in the vest then, fired from Tyler's bow.

"Say that again and I swear to Minus I will boot you into that crater."

Ashy was shaking from the now ice cold tone in Tyler's voice as Kaori looked at her.

"Let me guess: you liked Ichigo?"

Terrified she nodded. Kaori sighed.

"Tyler HATES her with a burning passion and admires Zerotwo just as fiercely."

Ashy gulped.


Kaori sighed.

"HOW many times did Ichigo nearly get her friends killed? OR screw over those that depended on her? Zerotwo was what he longed to be, strong, good looking, and more feared the respected by everyone. Yeah. I wouldn't make that comment again."

Ashy nodded.

"Okay, Kaori. I forgot for a moment there."

Tyler just sighed and looked back at the enemy army,

"This just stopped being fun. Now I want to hurt them."

He hopped down and walked out to piss the thing off and Ashy now felt bad for ruining his fun.


"Yer good! But we WILL discuss your, ahem, issues later."

Ashy breathed a sigh of relief at that. Tyler got in yelling distance as he was now looking for blood to restore his good mood.


Wink smiled as Vixen tilted her head.

"Something feels…..off here."

She held up a hand and gasped,


Tyler was moving as soon as the noise was heard, and he was a spilt second too late. A massive worm like creature came exploding out of the ground to grab his leg and he yelled,

"demon's wrath!"

He freed his leg and sliced the thing in half as he poured a high healing potion on his ruined leg, restoring it to perfection. The Death spirit laughed a bone rattling laugh.

"Soon. Mortal. Soon."

Tyler just laughed.

"You just mad you a hand warmer! How's it feel to know I got Death's championship and YOU didn't?"

The thing screamed in fury as the army was sent into a head long death charge. Tyler just smiled at this,

"What? That's it? Just sending your lackies to do YOUR job for you? Well, explains why you're here period. Must suck knowing ya got cast down for being a mere bitch."

The skeleton was fighting a losing battle with it's temper and Tyler pulled a revitalizing potion as his Demon's wrath ran out. The thing mitigating the weakness from the ability entirely and he could still move freely as Kaori just rolled her eyes.

"Of course he figured out how to cheat the system."

Tyler smiled insolently.

"I wonder, if I were to run a small wooden hammer over her ribcage would it rattle like a xylophone? Well, at least I'M NOT BONE HEADED!"

That did it. As wink was losing it from the pun and the party laughed at the jokes, the lesser death spirit snapped entirely. He surged forward to attack Tyler head on as the army went for the party and other Warriors. Tyler just smiled.


He charged his ultimate ability for a quick win. Roar of the Forest. He filled it with all his love for Kaori, Sallie, Sylvia, Sera, Lily, everyone he'd met in Lectis and smiled as the now scythe wielding skeleton swung at him.

"Roar of the Forest."

The party gasped as the same green light was seen as the power was released. Only this time as an aimed cone attacked that caught the death spirit dead in the middle of the blast. Tyler was breathing the attack like dragon flame as the battlefield fell silent for a moment as if the world itself was in a stunned silence from the power that was just released. Then the boom was heard and felt as the world remembered it had something happen with sound. It reminded Kaori of a massive firework she'd seen once as a kid that had shaken her whole house. Only far more powerful as the shockwave tore trees from the ground, shattered rocks and boulders into dust, and even shattered a good portion of their ice walls and fortifications as everything in front of Tyler's attack was cleared away by the green beam. The blast lasted for a solid minute as Tyler turned his head to hit every monster in the wave army before the beam ran out of juice. The flooding power was drained from behind the dam, and Tyler replaced it again to refill with his love all over again. The land in front of the Outcast was a massive canyon several thousand meters deep, and another three wide that stretched for five solid miles, even carving right through a far off mountain range. The Death Spirit had been completely vaporized by Tyler's attack along with 99% of the remaining monsters. Tyler dropped to the ground as Kaori, Eri, Malico and Wulf came up with a potion as he panted from the blast's power. He drank the potion gratefully as he got his strength back. He stood up and noted the sky was now clearing. He looked at Eri.

"Sooo, did we win?"

She smiled.

"Check your HUD."

He did, and there was a message.

"Wave 1. Cleared by the Outcast Warrior party. Boss Killed by: Tyler the Outcast. Injuries to party: None. Victory: absolute."

He laughed as he lifted his greatsword.

"And THAT'S how the OUTCASTS bring the pain!"

The party roared at that as the same light that brought them there encased their bodies again before teleporting them back to the throne room with their horses inside the stable. Tyler smiled as he saw the coin and gear waiting for them as Ishtar addressed the returning Warriors.

"All hail the Heroes of the First Wave: The Outcasts! Please, lords and Ladies, claim your rewards."

Tyler spotted a mythril greatsword he loved the look of as the other Warriors were given a small bag of ten coppers each as they'd surrendered and done nothing. Kazuma threw his coin on the floor incensed.

"Why? Why is it ALWAYS him? He's a heartless, cruel, evil monster yet everyone hails him as damned hero! He doesn't WANT to be a hero! He just wants to roam the world without ANY responsibilities!"

Tyler looked at the whining loser.

"That's why I'm hailed a hero, Kazuma. I DON'T WANT to be a hero. You're right. I just want to roam free with the ones I love, and more importantly? I want to go on adventures with the ones I love. Nothin more, nothing less. You want so desperately to BE a hero for all the wrong reasons. I do not. Think of the irony there. You bend over backwards for everyone to use you as a bridge and expect to be rewarded for it. I just MAKE a damned bridge that will last long after I've left the gap, and don't care about a reward. It's called humility. Be amazed at how far it can take you. That and hard work."

Tyler collapsed the massive mythril greatsword into a one foot dagger he sheathed on his left hip as Kazuma gaped at him as his words processed in his mind. The party made a solid 10,000 gold from the wave reward and everyone got a mythril weapon they needed or could use well. Tyler smiled as he pulled his DUAL greatswords and put them through a practice swing.

"Atrocity, I love the way you think. Dual greatswords is a SPECIAL kinda badass."

The room busted up laughing as a red outline encased Tyler's body and the war goddess's voice was heard.

"It seems Minus was not wrong about your war abilities. Now I'm looking forward to your bedroom abilities. Congratulations, LOVE. YOU'RE my new Mortal Husband."

Tyler looked at Ishtar, and passed the new title, Atrocity's lover, over.


The men in the room, excluding the Warriors, applauded their fellow man for his newest wife. The party looked at the king as he stood for the next piece.

"Let the new staging ground …..BE KNOWN!"

Tyler and every other Warrior's HUD was then showing a map of the realm with countries Tyler had never seen before glowing as the waves chose the next staging ground. Tyler smiled as he saw the elven queendom light up.

"Hey, ten gold says the Elven Queendom's next."

Kaori rolled her green eyes.

"Seriously? Stop rigging bets."

The countries went dim as they were discounted until only Erolagard and the Queendom was left. Tyler just sighed.

"Can we hurry this up? I got a Sprite to fill."

The party laughed as the dwarven homeland went dark and the Queendom was the next staging ground. Tyler smiled.

"Say it and I'll kick you in the balls."

He frowned.

"Dammit Kaori."

A new timer was placed in the top of the HUD that Tyler ignored as he looked at Ishtar.

"We good?"

The king smiled.

"Go forth Warriors. Build your strength, reach the next staging grounds and survive!"

"Outcasts. Move out."

The party walked out of the throne room shoving the other, glowering Warriors aside, Tyler smiled as they passed Charlotte.

"Hiya troll fucker. Nice to see ya found a new husband. Whens the wedding?"

The former teacher just dropped to the floor shivering as she recalled the vile thing inside her as the party busted up laughing as they walked out the doors. Tyler took Kaori's hand and kissed her.

"To us, Kaori."

She smiled.

"To us."

They raised their clasped hands triumphantly.