
A Walk Through The Past!

"When you were just a little kid, I was there with you constantly guarding you and protecting you as the more you fought, the closer our spiritual bond became."

*What do you mean, the closer I got to you?*

"Well my name is, or was, Kinryu. You will understand once you go into the SPO's base but for now you can refer to me as your fighting spirit "

*Whats a fighting spirit?*

"A Fighting Spirit or a FS is what compels you to fight and it is the symbol of what type of fighter you are."

*What type of figh-*

"Look, we're running out of time. So let me tell you a story. Long ago, way back when the first sun user, Altan, was at his prime and he created the five central elements (Water, Earth, Shadow, Wind, and Fire) as five children. He also created a fighting style called: Taniec Zlotej Bestii, which translates to Dance of the Golden Beast."

Taiyo tilts his head in confusing and, somewhat, in an attempt to understand.

"The fighting style starts as a brown aura and enhanced strength. Then it progress with more and more enhancements until t reaches the final form: gold."

*What do the forms looks like*

Taiyo's vision starts to zoom out and everything has a white outline.

"Looks like we are out of time."

Taiyo starts to see Kinryu vanish into white also.

"You'll find out how the forms will look like, with due time, of course. I'll see you in another time.

Everything pulls in and then out. 

"yo... iyo... TAIYO!!!" Kinishi yelled

Taiyo's sight of view returns and he sees Kinishi looking at him.

"Oh... hey there." Taiyo said

Taiyo looks down and sees that he is wearing a black cape with a hood.

"You remember the plan?" Kinishi said.

A sudden wave of information and what happened during the time he was talking with Kinryu flashes through him.

"Yeah, yeah, of course. Me, Yami, and Hanage sneak through the right while you and Futen finds the control room and open the door for us to the library. Then after that we search for as info as we can and then we dash out quickly." Taiyo said.

"Good, now its time to go now." Kinishi pointing to a far distances, where Yami and Hanage are at.

Taiyo dashes quickly to their side and Hanage runs Taiyo up to speed of what to do.

"Got it." Taiyo said.

Taiyo and Yami got to business and started knocking out all of the guards and taking out the security cameras.