Chef to butcher (1)


I go over Rico's letter for the third time, without having taken my eyes off it after the first and second times. This time, I'm trying to find a message in it. Part of me thinks Nico wrote this letter to fool me into thinking he delivered my letter. That's probably the part of my brain that's still working. How would Rico send me a letter, anyway? By finding Nico and handing it over?

No. My brother is smarter than that. If he understood my secret message, he will stay away from the De Santis.

I'm still thinking about this as I read the letter.

[Get your fucking ass back home, young woman. (In Mama's tone, without the f-word obviously.)]

I smile. It's been years since Mama lost her ability to talk but I know exactly what Rico means. I can still hear her voice in my head. What I wouldn't give to hear her scold me again, even if it always drove me crazy. But now's not the time to wallow. I smile and continue.