The De Santi commandments: The don is don till death

Long chapter. I got carried away. Oops



That morning.

Esteban, Nico and I are discussing the rest of the plan over coffee when Francesco finally arrives, huffing from having run here so fast.

"You are late." Esteban instantly attacks him.

"That's because I was busy investigating Ivan, you fool. I wasn't sitting on my ass all morning like you." Francesco fires back.

I rub my temples in annoyance. I'm not in the mood for another of their meaningless fights. "Any news?"

Francesco takes the chair opposite Nico and me. "None about Ivan. But Simeon is going to the Sullivan banquet. Speaking of which, Levi invited us too."

I feel the threat of a headache just at the thought of it.

Levi Sullivan is the equivalent of the beloved crown prince of the Irish mafia. His family and mine have always had what Nico jokingly calls a love-hate relationship.