Don't fall in love with my brother


"Don't fall in love with my brother." 

Nico's voice played in my mind over and over, for the better part of the night. The result is me waking up with heavy eye bags and my eyes feeling like they have sand in them. I didn't have this much trouble sleeping the night before my most important exam. 

After washing my face with cold water, I manage to drag myself downstairs. I could kill for a cup of strong coffee right now. Luna is busying herself in the kitchen, cleaning the counters. 

When she sees me, she wipes her hands on the front of her apron. "Oh dear, what happened to you?" she asks worriedly in her thick accent. 

"Bad night," I say without telling her the details. 

She eyes me carefully. "Are you on your period? I know a helpful remedy for period pains. I'll prepare some for you right away." 

I laugh. "I'm not on my period, Luna. I just had trouble sleeping."