The end of an era (1)


An hour later, we are all sitting around the oval conference table in the meeting room. For the first time, Catalina is part of the meeting. I see Mamma's displeasure. She wants to snap at Nico and me for letting Catalina be part of this but she can't say anything, not after the argument we had not too long ago.

Nico briefs us on what exactly happened. Valentino accidentally ingested strawberry-flavored jam and had an allergic reaction so bad that it caused a heart attack.

It's a believable story. Not many people are allergic to strawberries, so no one would have thought he would have a reaction. But again, how common are such accidents? Anyone with a working brain would know this was a planned incident. The big question is, who?

"How many people want Valentino De Santi dead?" Nico asks, right before answering it himself. "Too many to count."