

Will's lips are warm and soft but as soon as I touch them with mine, my body freezes up like I've been electrocuted. My first reaction is to pull away, but I can't because his arm has found its way around my waist and is pulling me closer to him.

His other hand is on my back and it feels like a fireball, sending heat throughout my body. I melt in his embrace.

What started off as a light, gentle touch quickly morphs into a heated kiss. His tongue is in my mouth, soft yet intense and needy, his lips just as ferocious.

It's only been a few seconds but I feel lightheaded. He pulls away just as I'm starting to run out of breath.

He looks at me, those intense eyes expressing more than his lips just did. He's looking at me like a beast would size up its prey before attacking. The odd part is I wouldn't mind being devoured by him.