Some skeletons are better off left in the closet


The dreaded banquet is on Saturday evening. If I don't go, Simeon will just find a way to force me. I'm better off feigning compliance than letting him think of ways to pin me down. 

I remind myself it's only temporary. Soon enough, he will be gone from my life. 

On my way home, I think about Alexander Miller. A quick search online reveals way more than I thought. I expected to only get her title and not much else but it's an unexpected harvest. Everything about her academic background is published, as well as her achievements. 

It turns out Miss Perfect has taken down quite a few criminal gangs ever since she joined the organized crime division. Apparently, she's not a big fan of the mafia. 

I hate to rain on her parade but the De Santis aren't easy targets. Even if I were to help her out, it wouldn't guarantee success.