De Santis vs Romanos (1)


Nico barges into my office while I'm discussing with Mother. 

"What happened, Mi hijo? You don't look so well." She rushes over to feel his forehead, so fast that it's almost as if she truly cares about him. Almost. 

Nico ignores her antics of hugging him and asking if he has a fever, focusing on me instead. "It's Charlotte." 

I know what he's talking about. Having prepared myself for the most random revelation, I'm not surprised. 

Mother looks between us. "What did that skank do?" 

"Don't call her that." Nico growls, and we both look at him. He detects our gazes and massages his temples. "No woman deserves to be called that." 

As if my brother has ever been chivalrous. I don't know what the fuck is happening between him and Charlotte but I don't care. What I want to know is why she's been spending so much time paying respects to someone who is not her family.