Wedding business (1)


I was quite certain about this yesterday but now, I don't know if it's such a good idea. Before I can consider chickening out and giving Bianca an excuse why I can't join her and her family for dinner, the door opens and she's flashing the hugest smile as she opens her arms to hug me. 

"There you are, finally! I was starting to think you changed your mind." 

If only she knew. 

A moment ago wasn't the only time I rethought this. Now that the door is open, I take it a sign. 

I hold out the box I brought. "I wasn't sure what to bring." 

Bianca doesn't waste a breath before opening the box and her eyes bulge with excitement. "I love cupcakes! And you brought wine too? I would say you didn't have to, but these cupcakes look yummy. Do you mind if I have a little bite right now?" 

"You can have more than a little bite. They are sugar-free." I assure her.