Knight in shining armor


"I need you dead, Catalina.

It sounds eerie, like something a witch would say in a fantasy movie right before cursing the hell out of another character.

Nico has always been playful—or strange—around me, but now he's looking at me with a seriousness I have never seen on his face before. He even called me Catalina when I've always been Snow to him.

I close the first aid kit to buy myself a few seconds to gather my thoughts, but there's no way I'll be able to act like that isn't one of the most shocking things I've ever heard.

"Why?" I ask.

He looks like he would prefer to storm out of the library and act like he didn't say anything, then go back to yelling at me instead of explaining what's going on. I don't give him that kind of chance.

I stand and walk a few steps away from him.

"Just so you know, this is my way of stopping myself from slapping the living daylights out of your eyes."