Bounty (2)


My brothers aren't saying anything but if they could, I know they would express their dissatisfaction for the plan I just brought up. 

I know they would like to argue but the don's word is law. No matter what their opinions are, I can veto them and they will have to do as I say. 

"I'll go put up the bounty," Francesco says. 

Just as he walks past Cat, she stops him. "Don't." 

He is confused, until Cat says, "This is a bad idea, Will." 

"The aim is to let Simeon know Nico and I are at loggerheads so enlighten me. How is this a bad idea?" I'm glaring daggers at her, warning her against arguing with me on this. 

My wife doesn't flinch. She comes over to my side. "First, because you're letting your anger make the decisions for you. What if someone does kill Nico?" 

I cast a subtle glance at Nico. If he ends up dead, then he ends up dead. What's there to debate about?