Lawrence, a man who owns the biggest company in Philippines fell in love with his Secretary Stacy, Stacy had a boyfriend and her boyfriend cheated on her with Daniella who was Lawrence's daughter. Stacy got married to Lawrence after a heartbreak and became pregnant with Perpetual, Daniella was also pregnant with Ann so the both of them gave birth on that same day. Daniella and her husband Eric were in the same country but in a big house. Ann and Perpetual were both 16 years oldPerpetual got ready to go for school Stacy: Dear, won't u have breakfast before going to school?Perpetual: No!!Stacy: Wait, till your dad hears about itPerpetual: Mom, don't go. I'll eat breakfastStacy served Perpetual toasted bread with fried egg and juice Perpetual: It's really delicious Stacy: I'm so glad that you liked it Perpetual: I'll always love your foods so dearly Ann was also having her breakfast which was Sandwich and an orange juice and pressing on her laptopAnn: Very soon, I'll become a famous bloggerDaniella: That's good, AnnAnn: Mom, where's dad?Daniella: He went to work early, AnnAnn: Why? But he's just a repairer Daniella: I know, but he has to go early cos he has biggest clients to attend to this morningAnn: Okay?Daniella: Hurry up cos you'll be late for school, I'll drop you to school tonightAnn: Sorry!! But I would want to go with the driverDaniella: Are u sure?Ann: Yes!!Perpetual sat in her mom's car and Stacy was driving, Ann took her bag and sat in the Car and the driver was driving her. Soon, she reached and met her three friends Natalie, Jessy and Stella Natalie: Oh, look who just arrived?Ann: The little Princess AnnAnn smiled by saying thisStella: Oh, is that a new backpack that you've got? And a new hairclip Ann: Mmm Hmmm, Do u like it?Stella: Very muchJessy: Have u checked your scores yet?Ann: Not yet, cos I just arrivedNatalie: Why don't we go and check it?Ann and her friends went and checked their test score Jessy: And, look who's leadingAnn: It's me, Of Course Stella: You outdid yourself again, good jobAnn: Charles is always the second and Natalie is always the thirdNatalie: That's good. When would u ever make your move on Charles?Ann: Soon!!The school bell rangJessy: That's the bell, let's go to classAnn: We know that's the bell, dumb Ann left making them follow her. At Perpetual's School, Perpetual had reached and she saw her three friends Sophie and Barbara Sophie: Pep!!Perpetual: Barbara and Sophie Perpetual hugged her two friendsPerpetual: Today, I was kind of late Barbara: No, you came perfectly on timeThe bell rangPerpetual: We didn't even get to go to the library or the coffee shop first? Barbara: It's ok, let's go to classThe girls went to class, Their teacher came to classStudents: Good morning, teacherTeacher: Good morning, how are u all?Students: Good!!Teacher: I have good news, we have a quiz at Baywood Academy next weekSophie: Teach, which students are going?Teacher: It's Pep, Sophie, Barbara and Ethan The three friends were so happy. At Ann's schoolStudents except Ann: Good morning, TeacherTeacher: Good morning, students!! How are you all?Students except Ann: We're fine, teach!!Teacher: This morning, I just got some good news that we're having a quiz with Maxwell Academy next week and the students contesting for our school is Natalie, Charles, Kim and Ann Ann: That's so goodNatalie: We won't disappoint this school