The Guinea pig (R18)

The journey to school was usually boring, having to switch buses just to have to walk another 20 minutes after. It wasn't tiring, the Bus was always mostly empty and she could sit and listen to some music and stuff, it was just… boring.

Today however, she had something that she could do while in the rear seat of the Bus. She hides behind the seat in front of her and puts her hands in her backpack as she whispers with a firm voice for her grimoire to appear.

As if understanding her will, the book didn't appear while floating in the air like earlier but created itself directly in her hands. She then removed it from her backpack and opened it to prepare for some lecture.

All the way to school, in both buses, she looked into the book's spells, there were really spells for everything and anything. There were 3 big categories in the book.

The first one was for more practical-like spells : unlocks doors and locks, auto washing, levitation and stuff like that.

The second one was for more fight-like spells : element spells like throwing a fireball, freezing someone, impale someone and stuff. There were some defensive spells like summoning shields, strengthening your body and stuff like that.

So-ra first thought of doing one of them, but it seems that they will change some of your physical traits so she decided to wait and search for a really good one later. It's not like she's going to war or anything anyway.

She doesn't want to become a stone golem in a public area, or more like she just doesn't want to become a stone golem anywhere.

The third part was for more of a "miscellaneous" spell category, and what seem to be So-ra's future favorites categories. It contains the spells that wouldn't enter either of the two first categories.

From summoning things to changing people's minds and traits. It also contains a lot of lewd stuff, So-ra face blushed more than once when she looked at the third category's spells.

Unfortunately, her reading session was stopped when her second bus arrived at her stop. The young girl wasn't enthusiastic at the idea of reading while walking so she just "closed" the grimoire and left the Bus.

She arrived at her school around 11h, her first lesson was at 11h30 so she had some time to kill, she didn't really want to just go back to reading. She wants more practical study.

Her University was huge, it was one of the big deals in Rivertown, the city where she lived in the United States. It teaches Cyber Management and other informatic stuff as well as some stuff less digital. So-ra study the first one there.

The campus of the college was huge, in addition to the big buildings necessary to make classes, there were also a lot of things to make the students life more fun, like a pool, a gym, a dojo, a football field, a library and all the others necessary to run a good campus life. All of this was of course used by the clubs minus the library, the gym and some less specialized hobbies.

So-ra wasn't stupid, she was actually pretty smart when it came to computer stuff. However deep down, she always wondered if her acceptance in this school wasn't thanks to one of her mom's little tricks.

She had, after all, a pretty good position in one of the big companies in the country, but above all, in this town. It wasn't the only one but it was one of the main companies who made the town economy keep going.

Then again, So-ra doesn't really care. Her family is wealthy, she goes to a pretty good school and soon when she will have her driver license, she is gonna have a cool car too.

Life is not fair and she will make use of all the bonuses she has. So-ra wasn't a wealthy young master brat who thinks she is above all. But she will not stop her ascension just because she thinks some things are "unfair" to others.

When she entered the main building of her school, she went straight to the library to take a seat and search for her first guinea pig. The library was huge, there were two floors and most of the tables were taken. So-ra takes a few minutes to analyze the people in there and finally find someone.

It was a classmate from one of her classes. She was an average brunette girl who tied her hair in a ponytail. She wasn't ugly nor was she a top model, just a cute girl like you can find them in any college. She wore blue jeans with a simple white shirt and a black jacket.

The reasons why So-ra picked her? Well firstly it was a person she knew and that she could observe in one of her classes without being in all of them and above all, the only time she talked to her, she was rude as hell, so fuck.

Maybe it was because she was having a bad day, maybe it was because she had her period. Honestly, The asian girl didn't care, she needed a test subject and it fell on her, too bad.

Having found her target, So-ra opened her grimoire with the same method she did in the bus and went straight to the third category to find something interesting.

A little research later, she found what she wanted, a spell to instantly rock her libido, it a petty spell that would embarrass the poor lady? maybe, was it because she also wanted a quick fuck ? surely.

Then again, who cares? she's the one having the magic book and it's not like she will oblige her mind, she will just change her hormones a little, the final job will be hers.

Having found the spells she wanted and the target she wanted it on, So-ra began to wonder how she would throw it; it was at this moment that the "my dear" voice came back.

"My dear… it seems you already have an idea, hmm?" A little surprised, so-ra just nodded and the voice talked again.

"great… now focus… and think about the person you want to throw it at when you say the spell… focus my dear… don't worry…you can do it…" said the voice with a sultry voice at the end.

With a little blush on her face, So-ra did just as said. Like a picture in her head, So-ra focuses on the girl and then whisper the words with a firm confident tone.

"Arise amora"

After that, So-ra slowly closed the book and took her phone to pretend she's texting someone while she closely watched the brunette girl.


Andrea's POV :

"Fuck.. why do that bitch make us an exam at the first hour, we just woke up!"

"sigh"… Sarah is complaining as always… can't she just stop for one day…

"Its fucking 11h dumbass, normal people are already awake at this hour…" I said with a grin on my face.

"Ohhh excuse us miss "I am always awake early" maybe if you had a life you would know what being tired means"

Fuck its not my fault if I don't like crowed places.

"there is a difference between having a life and being everyone's cum slut"

Okay… Maybe that was too much…

"oi.. Andrea that was a bit too much.." Fuck.. if even Emy came in, then it was really too much.

"yeah.. sorry girl that was too much…"

"Ahhhh Don't worry bitch, we're not friends if we don't tackle each other that much!" I felt the smile on my face as I looked at the one on her face.

"Well anyway, for the lats lesson, did you at least unders-" What the fuck.. What is happening to me right now, it's so hot in there. and why do these girls never put anything on when they get dressed.

No way! Am I checking out my friends right now?!... fuck my pussy's burning right now! and it doesn't stop, it just keeps growing…

Shit! Do I really have to do this while in school… Shit!Shit!Shit! I guess I really do!.. I remember Sarah said the 3 floor bathrooms are never used.. I hope it's true..

"Girls.. I'm going to the bath-bathroom…" I didn't wait for the answers, I don't have time. The quicker I do this, The faster I'm going back.


So-ra's Pov

well… its seems that the spell worked, look at that, she's blushing hard…"chuckles"

well gotta follow her now, I wonder what she will do now.."chuckles"


General POV

After Andrea left the library, So-ra put her phone away, take her backpack and followed the girl

Finding Andrea wasn't difficult, she already had an idea where she would go and her shape going up the stairs urgently was the last proof she needed.

She discreetly followed her from a distance, don't want to gain a creep's reputation in the campus do we?

It took a few minutes for Andrea to arrive at her destination and she quickly shoved herself inside, So-ra seeing this gained a little grin on her face and then waited a few seconds before entering.

If she enters directly like that, Andrea will just change the spot but if she enters when she already began then the fun could begin.

After what seemed like 40-50 seconds So-ra opened the bathroom's door, her phone in her hands but what she saw surprised her.

Her plan was to enter discreetly and take some pictures of Andrea touching herself in a cabin, so that if the discussion doesn't work, Andrea won't just shoot at everyone during our discussion.

Don't really know what a desperate person can do after all , and that was a dangerous situation for her for the least. However what So-ra wasn't expecting was to find Andrea out of any cabin and touching herself directly on the sink.


2 minutes ago

Andrea was in a weird fusion between running and walking towards the 3 floors bathrooms, she looked at the people that she passed by and the look on their faces.

Why are they looking at me? Do they know? Am I that spotted ?

Questions filled her head as she accelerated, the few people who passed across her wondering why she was staring at them.

When she finally arrived at the bathroom door, she quickly stormed in and got to the sink to look at herself in the mirror.

She looked at her red face and her eyes… her green desperate eyes that seek only one and only thing.

She doesn't even mind a through to the 4 cabins behind her.

"Nobody uses these bathrooms anyway !" was her through

She quickly removed her belt, unbuttoned her jeans and put them down with her black pantie.

A quick movement of her hands towards her mouth and tongue before shoving her fingers in her pink flowing pussy. A big moan was the only signal So-ra needed.

Andrea's mind took 2 seconds to understand that the door opened and closed while letting someone enter the room.

When her mind came back and she raised her head, it was already too late. Some girl entered and in her hands… in her hands a smartphone… The last smartphone out in the marker. One which the ads always show how they're really good at taking pictures and video.

Again Andrea's mind didn't have the time to proceed as a flash appeared in the phone and then another one.

When Andrea saw that. Her mind exploded, pictures of the entire school watching her jerking off were flooding her minds, her life and reputation destroyed.

Even if it was harmful for her reputation, Andrea only thought was to scream, scream for anyone to come and at least destroy that bitch reputation as well.

Unfortunately, even that wasn't allowed to her as when she prepared herself to scream, the girl just slammed her against the mirror and put her hand on her mouth.

"shuuuuut… calm down Andrea… don't want to do something we'll both regret later do we?.."

The low voice with which the girl talked was calm but above all terrifying. Andrea just stood there silently looking at the girl in front of her wondering how she knew her name, that was before some memories came back to her mind.

They were memories of a girl. In one of her secondary classes, they talked once but she was in a hurry so she didn't really remember it.

"What was her name again? Sola? Soka?.." through flooded again Andrea's mind but the position they were in and her still growing libido didn't help.

After a few seconds of intense silence, the asian girl slowly removed her hand from her mouth but her eyes were still looking through her, those fierce black eyes. After that, the only sound that could be heard were the heavy breaths of Andrea.

"No scream.. okay honey?.." when the asian girl whispered again, All that Andrea could do was nodding with her head.

"good girl… now.. it seems you're having some fun here don't you?...wants some help to finish?.."

At this, Andrea finally thought of the whole picture where she was. She was in her school's bathrooms, pants down, pussy free of any clothes and her face in the hand of a girl as if she was hers.

Her face already blushing turned even more red as the girl's last sentence repeats itself as a loop in her head.

Normally, she would just take offense in that and just scream her gut for help or just try to struggle out of this insane girl's hold. But there she was, hornier than a rabbit in heat and asking herself if this isn't a good opportunity.

"Was this what we call thinking with his dick?" through Andrea as the idea of accepting this girl's help seemed more and more appellant. Even the fact that she is a girl doesn't seem much more than a detail right now. She just wants to relieve herself.

"Yes….." between her heavy breaths. This was the only sound that left Andrea's mouth, a small little whisper of abandonment.

"Yes?...Is that all?...Where are your manners honey?...."

"Yes… please.." These were again the only sounds that left Andreas's mouth.

So-ra didn't wait long, just after the words left the girl's mouth, she shoved her fingers in andrea's dripping pussy and start to finger fuck her.

"You're really tight honey, it's as if you never did anything.."

Andrea didn't say anything at the remark, she just rested her head even more in the girl's right hand. The only sounds that were getting out right now were her moans.

"oww… Honey.. is it that you just really never did anything?... is that it?..."

When she didn't hear any answer from the brunette girl. So-ra just straight up stopped what she was doing. Andrea immediately reacted as her eyes looked in So-ra's, a pleading look in them.

"Honey… when I ask you something.. I want you to answer.. understood?.." So-ra's whisper was at the same time, sweet as a mother who asks something to a child but at the same time fierce as a boss ordering his employee, the confidence plus her piercing stare made it an absolute command that Andrea felt the weight all over her.

"Yes… sor-sorry… I Und-Unterstand…"

Andrea's answer made So-ra's face change from a commanding tone to a sweet face as if she was a proud mom. Her hands then resume their doing in pleasing Andrea little space.

"Now.. it seems there was a question you still hadn't answered my dear…" Talked again So-ra, this time letting out a chuckle at the last word.

"Y-yes… I never did an-anything… I am a vi-virgin…" Let out Andrea.

Oddly, the proud smile on So-ra's face after she answered pleased her as much as her fingers' movements.

"You did great honey… and for that, there is your reward…"

So-ra then proceeds to increase the intensity with which she fingering Andrea.

The brunette's moans keep increasing, increasing at some point that if someone passes by in front of the bathroom, he will hear them. However, both girls didn't seem to care as none of them tried to stop.

A dozen seconds later, Andrea feels something approaching, her moans keep rising, again and again until it reaches its maximum.

Her scream didn't have time to go out as So-ra's right hand, which was still holding Andrea's head as if she was a cup, got her closer and connected The brunette's lips to hers.

Andrea while in a full orgasm couldn't do anything as her tongue fell in total submission to so-ra's.

A few seconds later, Andrea is still in the bathroom, her full body leaning on so-ra's after her legs decided to betray her.

Her head on So-ra's shoulder is heavily panting after the biggest orgasm she ever had in her study oriented life.

"Did you have fun honey?.." So-ra was the one to break the silence with her voice still full of confidence.

"Y-yes…" Andrea was barely able to talk after this.

And her mind was even worse, as she didn't even mind a second thought when So-ra took her phone and asked her to unlock it, neither did she when she did just that and gave the phone back to the asian girl.

The only thing that snapped her out of her state was the pic sound of her own phone and the sound of So-ra's voice when she gave her back the device.

"Now you have my number honey, if you ever need to "have fun" again, you can call me. I already sent myself a message so I got yours too"

Andrea took back her phone and looked at it, there was the number of the girl as well as a picture of her, smiling. The shape of Andrea could be seen leaning on her as her face was on the girl's shoulder.

Between the picture and the phone number there was a name : Kim So-ra.

If Andrea's face could become more red it would, as she looked at the smiling face of So-ra, she quickly got out of the hug-like position and prepared herself to leave. However after opening the bathroom's door she heard So-ra's voice again

"See you soon honey.."

At that, Andrea just looked back and with her red face she let out a small "thanks" before quickly leaving to get back to her friends.

After thanking god that her legs worked and let her get out, she remembered every action and every word from earlier and she couldn't help but think

"Why did I enjoy it so much?! Should I call her again later? But she was a girl! Fuck.. Am I actually Lesbian?.." arranging her state on the way, the same couldn't be said to her mind.

Andrea finally made it back to her friends, but couldn't focus on anything, neither the study nor her friends' questions. It seemed that for once she would have a bad grade on an exam.