Meeting Eant

But unlike before my sleep was peaceful and light I didn't dream nor was I awake I simple floated in the endless starry space that is my mind I didn't stay in this void for long but when I opened my eyes my body felt refreshed and healed way more then it was when I had my nightmares hell even when I dream I didn't feel this good I looked down to Triss who was still resting against my chest I could tell she hadn't slept for a while and she was exhausted both in body and mind she looked so cute sleeping but it was time for me to get up so I gently picked her up and sat her back on the bed all she did was mumble in her sleep and roll over I smiled at that I put a blanket over her kissed her head and claimed out through the window where I seen two ravens sitting on top of the window seal staring at one I had a feeling they was looking me over trying to gage if I was a threat or not I chuckled at them saying watch over her for me will ya one raven simple nodded wall the other squawked at me in a angry voice, of course, we will we have and will always be watching over her I nodded saying ok thank you and I walked back to my room got dressed I claimed back out the window in blue jeans a plan looking blue button-down shirt sleeves rolled to the elbow of course and my boots I started over this farm smiling at it's simple beauty that's when I had a flashback I stood on top of a similar building I had a belt that had a bag of nail and a hammer in my hand I sat ontop of a small house looking out over my land I had already built the fence for the horses but the fence I seen was much bigger with a lot of cows in them next to this finces was a barn that I seen 10 others on top of doing the last work on the roof I smiled at all the things that I had built with my hands to provide for my families I pulled a already rolled cigarettes from my boot and lit it with a match I took a few drags from it then I took it out of my mouth breathing smoke out saying I hope my family will live and thrive in the lands and basses I have built for them I blinked and I was back to the present I smiled took a cigarette out and put it in my mouth sying as I lit then I breathed in saying well we live at least and I blew smoke out of my mouth as I remembered a hidden bunker that I made in secret it was made so I wouldn't be disturbed it wasn't to far from the man house I placed it under a hundred year old tree I looked behind the smaller more modern barn we had now I could still see the huge tree I smiled and walked off edge of the house landing with ease I put the cigarette back in my mouth as I started walking as I walked I tried playing with the shadows around my and to my surprise, it was fairly easy but all I could really do is bring the shadows closer to me or move or channel them into something I made a small marble size ball made from shadow I threw it to the ground and to my surprise it bounced back into my hand like a bouncy ball then I had a idea and I threw it at a tree that I could see I seen the shadow ball fly and hit the tree then bounced back to me I cot the ball looking at where I hit the tree and I saw a small ball size indent I was shocked that my idea actually worked I looked down to this small ball thinking what if I do this and I changed the balls shape now it was a thin disk I flicked it at the tree this time the shadow disk and sank into the tree like if it was a throwing knife or axe I then moved my hand towards me and the disk shot out of the tree flying at me I cot it between two fingers smiling like a crazy devel but I simple put my hand back into my pocket and kept on walking not caring about the 3 sets of eyes I felt on me I simple walked behind the barn and used my ability to move the shadows closer to me making me disappear into the shadows or that's what anyone would think looking at me I walked to this big tree which was even bigger then what I remember I placed a hand on it saying hello old friend and like the tree heard me it's leaves shook I chuckled saying good to see you too I hope my hidden area has stayed safe under your watchful eye that's when I got a shock a face appeared over my hand two was and a mouth farmed a huge smile and in a slow deep voice it said yes it has I made sure of that old friend I chuckled saying so you actually awakened into a treeant huh it slowly closed its eyes and nodded indeed it happened actually about 10 years after your death old on or was it 20 you humans sense of time is completely foreign and odd to me I chucked I guess time would be odd for a being that lives for so long but I am sorry I didn't see you awaken it chucked y you sorry it wasnt anything crazy or special besides I showed be the one thanking you for caring and keeping me company for such a long time to you humans and even after your passing your descendants kept my company hell even your father and mother in both of your lifes kept me company I smiled happily so what is your name old friend I seen a confused expression slowly move over its face or was it thinking a thinking face I can't till my name mmmm I have never thought about it before be real name can't be said through your human speech so y don't you just call me Eant I chuckled saying well Eant it's good to meet you again my old friend Eant laughed its good to meet you again to old friend and his face disappeared and the roots in front of me slowly moved back revealing a seller door I laughed saying damn Eant you sure out did your self I heard it's leaves russel like Eant was laughing at me I opened the trap door which reviled a dark hole and an old ladder I simple claimed on the ladder which creaked under my wait I glanced back to Eant asking can you place make sure no one bothers me till I come out I see a root make a thumbs up I nodded shut the door over me and started claiming down I didn't know this but Eant slowly covered the trap door again this whole was fairly deep it to me a while to dig this far down with only a pick and a shovel I then stopped thinking of an idea and I activated my ki armor but I only focused on my hands nothing move I saw my black ki move over my hands like gauntlets I smile and instead of claiming down I slid down the ladder which was much faster and sense my ki was acting like glove my hands didn't get burned or any splinters when I hit the bottom my knees buckled a little but I quickly recovered I turned around to see wood support beams for a door for a room I walked through it into the room what I seen made me smile a huge open square area on the left wall I seen a desk and bookshelves that held both books and leather journals on them at the bottom left corner there was a dusty old wood bed with a few bottles under it on the right side of the room was a training ground that had metal padded dummy's with wood weapons and shealds in there hands but there was many other targets for practicing many different types of weapons at the wall across from me was another doorway and I walked throw it to see a simple forging area on the right side if the room was a huge forge that still was glowing slightly and on the left side was a work table that had shit in crates around it most of it was just ray metal or gun parts but there was a few odd things like a box that held nothing but gems and crystals in it or an other that just had bones of all types but the biggest box I seen held nothing but coul the same looking coul as I used yesterday I walked over to the table picking up a old dusty hammer that had a gold H on the sides of the head the left part of the head was a regular flat hammer head wall the other side was a axe head with silver over it's edge and even now with all of the dust the edge still shined dangerously I ran my thumb over the H in the head saying so that's where I left you huh well it would seem this morning is a day of old friends reuniting so old friend would you like to make the anvil sing again and like the hammer understood me it started to vibrant in my hand all that dust feel off of it just like that and I held a shiny hammer I laughed saying I will take this as a yes come we got shit to do I didn't notice Skull appear in my excitement I walked over to the forge and I seen a few couls that was still lit I chuckled saying so you still hold onto life that's good and I pushed the foot petal on the ground next to it and the belows pumped and the couls started to glow a little brighter I kept on pushing onto the petal till the couls started glowing hot again I nodded saying good now that your property awake let's begin and I spent the next 20 minutes making the shaft to my glaive I want with a long bone that had a sharp tip at one end wall the other wasn't this was the bone from that little piggys hammer I simple cut off the stone hammer head and then pulled out my glaive blade made sure it was sharp with the dragon scale steals and then used the blade to carve out the proper shape of the head of the shaft so the blade could fit onto it that's when I attached them together but this time I used heat Apoxsee that was homemade how this apoxsee worked was simple put it on what you wanted glued and then heat it up which will cause the glue to harden I put the glaive into the forge making sure to only put it on top and not in the coul wall that was hardening I found some old leather waved the dust off of it I quickly flipped over the glaive in the face before cutting long strip off of the leather I then pulled out the glaive waited till it was cool enough to touch that's when I started wrapped these strips of leather around the glaive shaft all the way to the bottom I did it again this time from the bottom up which made a x in the strips after I was done I admired my work this glaive looked simple with the bone handle and blade but little do they know the chaos it will bring but little did I know how true my words would be and how many lives this simple barbaric looking weapon will take but that's not the only weapon that will take many lives all the weapons I have made will take many lives just like the grim reapers scythe I stood up and walked into the next room onto the training ground as I threw off my shirt I walked into the middle of all of these dummies I spun my glaive around and slammed it onto the ground saying activate colt training from the beginning when I said that the dummy's bowed to my and many of them disappeared into the wall but two stood in front of me both with short swords and shields I activated my ki armor when I did so did they but unlike mine there's was brown like mud I spun my glaive saying let's dance yall and light that the two dummy's lunged at me and we started fighting but just like the dummy I fought yesterday I was on the defensive for most of the time but slowly my I started mastering my ki armor and not just that wall I was fighting I tried to move a gear that I put around my neck I was trying to make it move with my metal manipulation but I was still weak in that but I could feel my strengths in all my power increasing at a ok speed to me but what I thought was ok most would call impressive and if they heard my thoughts they would go nuts but I stopped thinking and coused all on training and improving and just like this hours passed with me fighting against these 2 dummies trying to master my control over my chakra wall also switching between weapons and mastering them to also trying to move the gear around my neck to most people this would be impossible but for me it was just like breathing I focus everything on training nothing more nothing less hell if I had any guns I would be trying to us a gun with another weapon but after I heard a alarm going off in my pocket I yelled colt training stop and the dummy's stopped I pulled out my phone which was the 10 minutes alarm till my mom will probably drag be out and train more I put away my hammer/axe and sat down meditating I recharge the lost chakra I had lost plus this helped my body healed a bit I also started storing chakra out side all of my gates but it will be a while till I could break another gate open that's y I forced on improving the two I already had how you improve a gate is quite simple us it or pump it full of chakra till it can't hold it no more which will force it to go through a evolution but seeing how I am just starting this it's going to take me a few days to level them both up I opened my eyes to see Skull floating in front of me open and words started appearing on it so host has noticed me after all huff how rude I rolled my eyes saying Skull stop messing around if you wanted me to notice you all you had to do was speak up but you didn't don't blame me if you didn't try getting my attention Skull bumped me on the head and I read the words that quickly appear how rude host you know speaking takes up a lot of my power your such a mean host I rolled my eyes again saying Skull stop acting I ant going to believe your lies your just shy that's all and the words that appeared next in the book made me laugh I am not what is this then I chuckled saying your just writing our your words nothing more it's like texting sure you can call it talking but it's better to use your voice and not write them out fine then I heard a angry voice in my head know

Congrats on host for finding Mauler one of your old life's artifacts the reward is one purple scroll

Congrats to host for creating 3 new artifacts that will serve you and evolve as your skills grow they maybe not as powerful as your old life's work but every crafter must start from the bottom and work there way up your rewards is one gray scroll their are you happy host I am talking

I smiled about to say something when my mind and body started convulsing and my vision went red from pain I fell onto the ground my body twitching and shaking like my body was being shocked wall something 2 something pushed into my mind the first was information about a new chakra skill it was called kakashi this ability let me manipulates and control lightning by using my chakra but the way I trained this power was by being either shocked with electricity or stuck by lightning the latter option was more dangers and I could die but it greatly enhanced my understanding of the power which there for enhanced my control and how I could manipulate it easier wall the former was a hole lot safer and didn't risk my life but it was a hole lot slower the next thing that pushed into my head was a hole manual called alchemist book for dummy's and I had so many plants and browing formulas flying through my mind that blood was running down from my eyes and nose but when all this was done the pain disappeared as fast as it came I looked up to Skull floating over me I quickly snatched the book out of the air slamming I shut Skill yell ow fuck that hurt fucker I glared at it saying o you think that hurt maybe I should take a very sharp pin and start writing over you or better yet start to slowly rip out a few pages huh how does that sound Skull started shaking in my hand no not that please host I am sorry I will never to it again I promise I huffed saying good you better not cuz damn that fucking hurt and I whipped the blood off my face and started working my way out.