The forest part 1

Triss was very excited to test some of her ideas out on me and wall she was talking she accidentally let it slip calling me her guinea pig I stared at her dumbfoundedly nope I am out I said standing up and was about to walk away but then my arm got snatched my a very cold hand I looked back to Triss to see a dark little smile sit little test subject or I will just do it in your sleep I side sitting back down saying y don't we do a tattoo like the old one you gave me Triss sat down rolling her eyes saying nope that old tattoo of yours was my family brand I won't put it back on you I side saying how about this instead of a human skull let's go with a dragons skull when I said that and looked at Triss I chuckled what I seen Triss eyes was sparkling and she was nodding like crazy she pulled out her sketchbook and flipped it to a empty page and she started drawing the hole time she did this she was muttering yes yes yes I side chuckling I stood up and looked over to my Uncle who was the only one still at the table do to my mom and dad wanted to make a few phone calls for me to set up my business my uncle was reading through a gun book with a cigarette in his mouth Uncle do you know where I can find black root, red dandelion and I started listing off different plant names my Uncle lowered his book listening to what I asked he thought about it for a few seconds then he snapped wait her I will be right back and he got up and want into his room I could hear shit being quickly moved and a closet door open but after a few minutes he walked out holding a rolled up piece of paper and a brown box he walked back to his seat and opened the paper in front of him I walked around the table to look at it and what I seen made me smile it was a map of the woods we owned apparently the concealment and protection area expanded around are land which didn't let anything or anyone in without are promotion of a circuit power level only really weak monsters and animals could go through this area without are promotion he then pulled a pin out from his pocket and started marking areas on the map he did this quickly he enough after he was done he put down his pin and rolled up the map and handed it to me saying there you go all the marks is areas you can find the things you want you might want to settle up one of the horses though this land maybe looks small but it's not and here take this to and he pushed the box into my hands I opened it to see a really old beat up 22 lever action rifle there was a box of 22 shells with it I smiled nodding thanks uncle and I pulled out the ammo first and put it in my soul space I then took out the rifle it was pretty beat up but for how old it was it was in pretty good shape I nodded to him and walked outside I walked to the barn where I seen 5 settles hanging on the wall I walked up to one that had a rifle settle holster on it this was probably the oldest saddle out of them all I took it off the wall and looked over the straps to make sure none of them was about to break but surprisingly the leather looked a bit faded but that was all I nodded put my 22 in the holster I picked up the clothe that want under the saddle and I carried this saddle out I put it on top of the fence and surprisingly older brown horses looking ever to me seen the saddle and walked up to me I smiled pat it in the head saying o you want to go for a ride huh big guy the horse huffed nodding ok y not I said patting his neck I claimed over the fence and started saddling up this horse as I did I noticed my dad walk out of the house holding a backpack he walked over to the fence watching I pulled a strap tight but made sure it wasn't to tight then I looked over to my dad who was smiling what's up dad I asked he shrugged saying nothing much just wanted to give you this and he thought me the bag I cot it a little shocked it felt heavy it was camoflosh rucksack I started looking through it and what I found was a little shocking it was a survival bag but for hunters, it had the basics like a sleeping bag a tarp plus a medical kit plus a flint striker and fishing string but the things that wasn't normal was the four bottles one of them was just a water wall the other three was low-level healing potions and a box 3030 silver tied ammo and a gutting knife and attached to the side of it was a small hatchet which the axe blade had silver on it that's it I looked up to him shocked he waved his hand saying don't worry this isn't a gift we took 3000 out of your account but all hunters should have one on them or close by at all times that's all have fun out there and remember dont be late tomorrow or your mother will kill you and he started walking away when he stopped turning around smiling one last thing in that front pocket is a gift from your uncle and I have fun and he started walking again I opened that front pocket to see 4 things one of them was a box of condoms called didn't forget us a shield I rolled my eyes at my families shamelessness I put away the box in my soul space the next thing was a small laptop I pulled it out to see a sticky note on top it said this a hunter laptop it has all the sites and stuff I flipped the not over and read the back side plus this also has your work orders and new bank account a normal hunter should own at least 3 accounts I nodded and put away the computer to but the next two things made my eyes go wide it was two scrolls both of them was like the scrolls my mom gave me but I didn't have time to waste so I simple put them away I zipped the bag back up and put it on the saddle I quickly finished saddling up I grabbed the reins and lead the horse to a gate I opened it leading him out and closed it behind me making sure it was fully closed I then pulled myself onto the back of this horse I pat its neck saying shall we he nodded I smiled grabbing the rains and kicked my hails against him which made him start to move I pulled out the map looking it over quickly I nodded and started heading east as we started walking onto a small path I pulled out my rifle and loaded it but left one out of the chamber I reached into my bag and pulled out my thin leather gloves but I just tucked them under my belt as we walked through the woods I heard many different animals and bugs but after a few hours of just walking through this timber we came onto a creek I pulled out my map again tracing my finger up over it till I hit the creek that we was at there was a red circle over this area I put away the map and urged the horse into the creek it wasn't very deep or anything I got off if him when we got into it I tied him up here he could get both wild bush and water I pulled out the rifle and along it over my shoulder I also took off the hatch off my bag I started walking down this creek slowly even though I new I was still in the protection area I still wanted to be careful its just part if walking through the woods sure you can just walk through it but you should always watch your step but then I noticed them they were a blue dark blue moss that grow in wet damp places on dead trees and luck for me there was a few huge trees that had fallen over this creek it didn't affect the water flow at all but there growing over the bark was dark blue moss I nodded pulled on my gloves as I walked over I raised my hatchet and started chopping off the bark that had the moss on it I made sure to get plenty of it I through one into my soul space as for the others I wrapped in my tarp after I got it all ready I got back onto the horse and started the ride again time slowly passed with me just ridding around my land collecting plant as I want I also picked anything that I thought I could us by the time I got to my last location which so happened to be the farthest and the closest to the protection area hell as we rod I could sometimes see a barbed wire fence but we got to a opening I looked around trying to see the thing I was looking for then I spotted it but I made sure to put the horse in an area that didn't have anything poisonous plants I pulled off the tarp which at this point was full of stuff I walked over to this black root I seen I started holding my breath and quality cutting off roots after I got like 15 of them I walked away from that area holding the roots in my gloved hands I quickly wrapped it in the tarp I started putting my tarp back onto my horse when I heard a stick brake behind me I quickly pulled out my rifle spinning around racking a round into the chamber but what I saw shocked be it was a fucking huge horned owl and when I say huge the thing came up to my waste it's feathers was black with gray at the end of them but it's huge light red eyes stared at me I didn't lower my guard seeing that it didn't move hell no I became more vigilant waiting to see it would do it cocked its head to the side I didn't like those red eyes staring at me like it was judging me but after a few seconds it seemed like it came to a decision and it head quickly straightened and in a female voice it simple said follow and it took off deeper into the woods I was shocked but my curiosity was peaked so I got back on my horse and followed the owl which flew closer and closer the end of my land but surprisingly enough she stopped right at the end of my property she landed on the fence post I hitch the horse in a tree and walked up to her holding my hatchet she was facing away from be but her head spun around so it faced the other way she started at me and raised a wing pointing outside of the area and off my land I walked up to the fence and looked where she pointed and what I seen shocked me to the bone it was a red and white dire wolf It's fear on top was dark red wall it's stomach lower part of the next and mouth was white there was also sharp spikes that want from between it's eyes down it's back I saw a few of these spikes around its elbows wall the other creature was a black crag cat creature that would normally see each other as enemy was actually fighting together against two brown dire bears and I see something dive bombing them all was that a holy fucking it was a dire hornet and let me just say if you think regular hornets are scary then you definitely don't want to see this creature luckily that wasn't what I seen when I started at this seen no all I seen was money and materials seeing all of them but before I acted I looked to the owl asking y you bring me here this isn't my fight and by the looks of it the dire wolf and Crag cat will loose any time the owl nodded but moved her wing again still pointing at this seen I looked back to the battle trying to see what she was pointing at if it wasn't the fight then I noticed it the dire wolf and crag cat was protecting a tree that had a huge hole in the bottom of it where I seen a baby dire wolf and a crag cat baby curled up together shaking scared out of there mind I looked back to the owl asking you want me to save the baby's don't you she simply lowered her wing shrugging simply said up to you and like that she flew off I side starting at this battle my mind working overtime even if I join the battle I might not be able to save the mothers but if I won't act those cubs will be killed but y should I join there are no benefits for me what do you mean no benefits any one of those creatures parts are quite valuable and we could raise the kids and have them join me besides it will be a fun I side saying gods damn it y do I love fighting so much I pulled out my hammer out of my soul space I switched my hatchet into my left-hand wall my hammer was in my right I spun the hammer around so the axe head was facing forward well let's go have fun when I said that a huge smile spread across my face and I climbed over the fence but slowly crept up to them I maybe crazy but not crazy enough to charge head first into a battle with a dire bear and dire hornet at my current strength I need to be careful especially when there's a damn dire hornet involved I used my shadow manipulation to control the shadows around my self and I made sure to stay in the shadows of the trees as I crept behind the tree that the cubs was under I glanced around the tree I stared at the hornet and the two bears and for the first time I activated my death mark when I did I seen a mark appear on one of the hornets claws it was a dark green scythe I looked to the bears and I seen the mark appear on their right shoulder but the creatures didn't seem to notice the marks but I did but that is when the crag cat got slapped in the face with so much force it flew off its feet and hit the tree I was behind with a crunch the dire wolf jumped back just dodging the other bear pa the crag cat tried to get up but it feel back unto the ground it was breathing hard gralling that is when the cub crag cat ran out of the hole and started trying to help his mother up meowing as it did but that is when the dire hornet swuped down its long sharp stinger aiming for the cub the mother crag cat gralled angrily and tried to cover her baby with her body but it was time for me to act I jumped out of the shadows my two axes raised as I moved I activated my ki armor and Kakashi lighting sparked up my axes and my axe heads got covered with lighting I landed on top of the mother crag cat and lunged at this hornet swinging my axes the hornet and I clashed in mid air left axe heads sank into it's cheat wall the right swung and chopped into the pinched waist which was the thing that attached its stinger to the rest of it's body my axe chopped straight through that thing after my axe heads sunk into the body that is when my lighting shot through its insides and I must say I have never eat hornets but it sure started smelling pretty ok but I wasn't done all any I used my one axe that was still in his body to drag it to the ground with me we hit the ground and I saw some of its wings breaking from the impact I stood over it staring down at it I could tell it was shocked but even so it was fast enough to swing one of its claws cutting into my back but my chakra armor blocked most of it so the cut wasn't deep as I stood over this hornet it quickly swung its claws at my chest I swung blocking the right stinger with my axe hammer as for the other one I cot it with my hand this hornet made a clicking noise at me as it put more strange into it's claws and I must say for a bug this hornet was strong but I gritted my teeth pushing back I gralled and I moved one boot back I focused my chakra and lighting over the tip of my boot and I kicked this damb hornet right in the head when my boot hit under it's mandibles it's head shot up snapping off and it's body want slack not moving I let go of the claw I was holding spat damn bugs I turned my head to see what was happening at this point the crag cat and dire wolf was standing in front of the hole under the roots protecting it with there body's they was panting hard and they was heavily wounded but the dire bears were still attacking them they looked hurt them self's but still way better than the dire wolf and crag cat I simple ran and jumped onto one of the bears back swinging my splitting maul down at this bears head with the hammer side my back chakra and lighting covered it I heard a cracking noise as my maul connected on top of this bears head and I could feel my lighting shooting through its body but it wasn't dead no it tried to shake me off but I held on tight when it noticed that didn't work it tried rolling on the ground that is when I jumped off it's back I wasn't going to get flattened by a dire bear I landed in front of this bear it stood up and roared in my face angrily but all I did was snarl and grall back as I swung my hammer up which clocked it in the bottom of the jaw which made his head jolt up from the hit but it quickly recovered swinging a huge pa at my head I quickly ducked under it swinging my hammer again this time I grabbed the maul with two hands swinging right when my hammer connected against the right side of it's head I could practically see the stars it was seeing from that hit I raised my maul over my head about to swing down to finish this bear when I heard a angry roar behind me followed up with a hitting noise and a wolf whimper of pain I spun around to see the dire wolf get smacked to the side and the dire bear was swinging it's pa again at the crav cat damn it I grilled and throw my maul at this bear as it flipped in the air lighting sparked off of it and just before the bear pa could land my axe head sunk into its side the bear roared out in pain turning to me but I had my own problems I turned back to the bear in front of my just in time to see a brown mass tackling me to the ground I quickly moved my hand out pushing the bear snapping mouth up so it didn't bit my throat but I was quickly losing to this bear strange gods damn it I gralled just die already when I said that between the gold in my eyes green lighting appeared flashing and green lighting started sparking between my fingers I said fucking die I grilled as I said that I started shocking the hell out if this bear so much so smoke came out of it's ears and blood started falling out of it's eyes after a few second of this the bear slumped down dead on top of me I grallee pulling my self out from user this beast I was breathing hard standing over this bear when I heard a angry sad roar behind me I quickly turned around to see the other dire bear glaring at me with my maul still in it's side I pulled out my sword out from my soul space when I did my lighting sparked down the blade covering the edges I spun the sword then pointed at the bear let's do this shit I said smiling crazily I then moved my sword to the side waiting this dire bear roared again at me yea yea whatever shut up and die already I said spinning my sword again when the bear heard my words it angrily huffed and charged at me I didn't move I simple waited and I must say to see a dire bear charging straight at you doesn't get your heart pumping I don't know what doesn't this bear got closer and closer but I didn't move I simple stood there my sword pointing down this bear got closer and closer till it got in striking distance and it swung a pa at me but all I did was crouch down it's pa passing just over my head I then sprung my self into the air spinning around swinging my sword wall also grabbing my maul this bear moved passed me cuz of it's wait and how hard it was to stop I landed behind it swinging the blood off of my sword and maul and then put it back into my soul space when I did this bears head slumped hitting the ground and soon it's body followed I side my ki armor disappearing I looked over to the roots to see the mommy drag cat and dire wolf was laying on the ground breathing hard there eyes was closed wall their cubs tried to help them up I side saying what am I going to do with you I muttered I then had an idea it's crazy but I looked back passed my fence and it was odd I knew exactly where I put my horse but it wasn't there it was probably the area I walked over to the hornet pulled out my other axe noticed there was a hairline crack in the handle I side putting it in my soul space and very slowly I walked up to the dire wolf and crag cat and there cubs the cubs when they seen my coming they hissed or gralled at me but I simply ignored them and I put my hand on the momma crag cat and dire wolf I closed my eye and started using Yggdrasil but instead of bringing the chakra into my body I transferred it into these two mommas this wasn't a simple task my control wasn't that good right now but it still had a effect they stopped breathing hard and there wounds stopped bleeding some really small cuts and a fee browser healed but that was it I side opening my eyes damn it I muttered well at least it sort of worked I can at least move them now let's start with the big momma crag cat first lets get her over the fence and like that I picked up this big cat and started moving it to the fence luckily we was close enough to the fence that it wasn't to tasking I gentle got her over the fence which was hard when I had a cub trying to attack me but I brought her into the area next to my house then I want back for the dire wolf ones I got both of them over the fence I started dragging the dead body of the monsters over to luckily I didn't have to be gentle with them by the time I got the hornet over the fence which I saved for last I was already sweating and tired but my job was just getting started I walked to my horse and pulled off my bag from it and walked over to the mommas and cubs.