The family scrolls

The wounds on these two creatures slowly started to heal and there strength slowly started coming back but I didn't stop till my phone started vibrating in my pocket I slowly opened my eyes standing up stretching my body I felt like I had gotten a good nights sleep I pulled out my phone and turned off my alarm I smiled looking over to the cubs that was cuddling with each other at this point the fire was small but it had done it's job there was nothing but bones left I nodded looking around the woods there was a thick early morning fog so it wasn't wise leaving camp right now nor did I attend to I sat down leaning against a tree looking into the small fire and in my head I said Skull and the book appeared in front of me and unlike normally Skull actually spoke yes host I chuckled saying did I get any scrolls from that encounter skull opened up to one page and appearing was the different category of scrolls I could get

Gray scroll:0

Blue scroll:0






This purple scroll is from that owl she told you how to form contracts with creature so they become your familiars or companions if you will this is a secret not many hunters know how to do host is really lucky that owl took a liking to you

I chuckled saying ant that the truth let's learn it them right when I said that I felt information being pushed into my mind but it didn't hurt as bad as I thought and the pain soon disappeared and I reflected at the new information I got and it was just like Athena said all that it took was my blood and the consent of the creature to enter a master and familiar contract what this does it forms a mental connection to the creature so you can communicate with each other the stronger the bond the longer distance you can talk to them and ones your bond gets to a circuit point you can see out of your familiars eyes and us it's senses but there was 2 other contracts that Athena didn't talk about the first was a equal contract that made both parties free to do what they want but the ability to contact each other and even sense when each other is in danger this contract is mostly used between lovers or really good friends wall the last contract was a slave contract this forces the other party to follow your orders no matter what this one doesn't require consent it was through and through a slave contract but in all of this knowledge was how to break contracts and to protect others from it and sense I knew how to do slave contacts this prevents others from being able to use it on me but it goes both ways I can't enslave them and them me it was actually quite handy to have just in case but I notice movement out the corner of my eye I looked up to see both the crag cat and the dire wolf mommas was awake staring at me I smiled at them saying so your finally awake that's good you two hungry the crag cat gralled wall the dire wolf simple nodded I smiled saying ok I will cook yall up something then and like that I put more wood onto the fire and cooked up more of that bear meat making enough for all of us but I made sure again that the meat was cooked all the way as I was cooking the two cubs woke up do to the smell of the meat in the fire and they started rubbing against me like they was hungry I simply chuckled saying your going to have to wait for the food and ready yet but you sure look and see who's up and I looked up staring at their mothers the cubs quickly looked to see what I was staring at and when they seen there mommas awake the crag car meowed happily and the dire wolf gralled happily and they both ran over to their mothers and started rubbing against them the mother's simple chuckle and licked the top of there heads and rubbed against them with there head as well I smiled at this beautiful seen in front of my and I quickly took a picture and sent it to the group chat saying found some new friends maybe and I sent it I looked back to our food to see it was ready I picked up two of the big peace and slowly moved in front of them the mothers glared at me but I simply put the meat in front of them and want back to sitting down as for the cubs food I through it to them and they quickly eat it up I pulled out my dagger and took my meat off the fire and took a bite of the meat and damn it was hot but I didn't stop eating it after I was done eating I picked up all the bones in the fire and taped them together and put it on my saddle that I put back on my horse I made sure everything was ready for me to go the fog was almost gone and I needed to get back home I turned around rolled up my sleeping back and stomped out the fire I walked back to my horse and put my sleeping back onto my saddle I turned around and what I seen shocked me the crag cat and the dire wolf mommas was standing in front of me with their head lowered in obedience I could tell this was hard for them to do I crouched down and looking into each of there eyes saying no need for that my friend I am a simple man that being said I am a simple man with only few people I can trust my back to and I don't got many allies who can fight along side me so what do you say and I stood up pulling out my dagger and I cut across my hand I held it out to them smiling to joining my family I will trust my back to you and you do the same with me how does that sound both of them was shocked hearing my words but the dire wolf was the first to answer she gave out a mighty howl and she put her pa onto my hand I looked to the crag cat smiling she side and put her huge pa over the dire wolf's and she gave a mighty roar I nodded at them but then from between the to mothers the cubs walked forward and started up to me longingly I looked to the mothers and they simple nodded at me I chuckled crouching down lowing my hand low enough so they could put their pa on my bloody hand I smile nodding I looked to the crag cat mother and cub saying do you two consent to becoming my familiar the mother roared loudly wall the cub tried to roar mightily but it was a cute meow I nodded saying ok from this day forward you and I looked to the mother will be known as Hera then I looked to the cub and you will be Hades I then looked over to the dire wolf's saying do you two consent to become my familiar the mother howled loudly wall the cub tried to do that which he did howl but it was more cute then deadly I nodded saying ok from this day forth you and I looked to the mother will be called Selene and you I looked to the cub will be called Deimos let us walk this path together when I said that my blood on my hand started to move it wrapped around there pas it sank into there body and they started to glow slightly when this happened two spots on me started to burn the first was my left shoulder wall the other was on my right peck I quickly took off my shirt to see a brands being burned into my right peck it was two dire wolf's facing away from each other both howling and these wolf's looked exactly like Selence and Deimos in front of me I then looked at my left shoulder to see another brand forming it was of two crag cats circling each other looking away gralling and defending each other from a invisible enemy that we couldn't see both cats was black and looked exactly the same as Hera and Hades when the brands was done that is when I felt my mind context to four different minds Hera was the first to stop glowing she looked up to me smiling and I heard a female voice in my head say hello master thank you for my name I hope we will be of us to but then a cold older female voice cut her off saying of course we will Hera monster wouldn't have formed a contract with us if he didn't think we had a use right then Selence stopped glowing and started at Hera like she was a dummy Hera glared at her saying you know what Selence I am about had it up to here with your bull shit attitude Selence smiled mockingly o what are you going to do kill me o wait you can't sense where both masters familiar at this point I couldn't hold it in anymore and I broke out laughing Selence and Hera stared at me shocked Selence in a cold angry voice said what's so funny master huh I simple smiled at them grabbed the rains to my horse saying let's move we got a lot of land to cover they simple nodded Hera picked up Hades and put him on her back wall Selence looked to Deimos saying come on Deimos you heard the master Deimos nodded and I heard a cute voice in my head saying yes mother I simple nodded at them and we started walking and I couldn't ride my horse do to how much I already had on him and I didn't want to overload this old horse any more then this time quickly passed and we made some good ground for having two wounded with us Hera and Selence didn't complain about it but I could tell they were hurting so stopped a few time before we got home we walked passed Eant I gave it a little pat as I walked by saying good morning Eant Hera and Selence started at me crazy we walked around the born I led my horse into the born I took of saddled and gave him some food and water I started to brush him when Hera spoke up master y did you pat and talk to that tree you do know it ant going to talk back right I chuckled saying is that so what if I told you that tree could talk what would you say to that huh silence I glanced back to see looks of doubt on both Heras and Selence faces I laughed and put down my brush saying follow me and I walked out of the born they followed me wall Hades and Deimos slepted against my saddle I lead them in front of Eant saying girls meet my old friend Eant Eant meet my new familiars Here and Selence a smiling face slowly formed on the tree and in a deep slow voice he said good to meet you lady's I hope we can be friends Selence jumped away from the tree gralling wall Hera simple stood there dumbfoundedly I laughed at there reactions Selence no need for that like I said Eant is a friend Selence stopped gralling and slowly walked back in front of Eant staring up at him she gralled but not in a angry but when she did that I heard her say sorry Eant simple laughed saying no need to be sorry little one I completely understand a talking tree is definitely not common in this day of age I nodded smiling you girls can talk to Eant I got to take care of my horse and I walked back into the born and finished taking care of my horse and putting him back in the pin I then picked up my saddle and walked back around the born to see both Hera Hades resting up in Eants branches wall Selence and Deimos was laying down next to it all of them was talking to Eant and Eant happily talked back I sat down leaning against the born I pulled out my phone it was only a hour till my parents would get up and my mother would start my training again I side muttering no point going down in the forge right know I will just have to do it after I pulled out my hunters laptop and opened it the screen turned on but there was already three sites open the first was the hunters market and it sold everything from weapons, ammo, holy, silver stakes, to poisons and potions, to even old antics artifacts metal , scrolls and books basically anything you needed or wanted they sold it I chuckled and move onto the next tab which was my family's company website we mostly sold are special cigarettes but that want all we had hi class cigars which was way more expensive then the cigarettes we also sold herbs, potions and monster materials but at the top of the page there was a flashing arrow that said new feature and it pointed to a open that said the reapers smithy I moved my arrow over it when I did a little bubble appeared next to the name it said the reapers smithy we master in the art of making the reapers tools what will you do with them will you kill with it or maybe it will save your life but one thing is for it will protect you but remember no refunds I chuckled at my parents shamelessness I said that as a joke but I guess they like it I clicked into the last tab which was my company site it said welcome to the reapers smithy put your order here and it pointed to the side where another link was that said do orders here thank you but remember no refunds but I clicked on my account name sense I was the owner of this account I was the only one who could see the orders and surprisingly there was already a order in I clicked on the order and it pulled up the first name of the person there email and where to send it and in the box under this was the order I quickly read through it Duke was the name of the customer in the box it read hi brother I heard you awakened that's great and your already starting your own business good on you all I want is twin daggers I don't care what you us to make them you can give them to me when I swing by in a month but if there not done you won't be getting paid I rolled and sent him a text saying I seen your order what type of daggers do you want you fool I don't know your fighting style till you tell me this I won't get started on your order I won't make a weapon you won't us or like plus tell me what chakra elements do you usually us or hell tell me what chakra type you are I closed my phone and laptop and put my phone in my pocket wall I put my laptop in my soul space I heard a screen door open I looked to my familiars whistled saying come on time for yall to meet my family Hera and Hades jumped out of the Eant wall Selence and Deimos simple stood up stretching Eant winked at me and his face was gone I chuckled picking up my saddle back and walked around the barn with my familiars following behind me when I walked around the corner I seen my mom standing at the door looking around but when she seen me she smiled but when she seen the others behind me her smile faded and I seem her hands slightly tighten then her eyes landed on my saddle she seen the bones and fear and I could tell she wasn't happy hi mother I stopped in front of her I brought back some good food and some new friends my moms eyes got then and in a soft quiet voice she said Hunter Ace Colt y are there 4 monsters behind you and y do you got remains of two dire bears and what looks to be a dire hornet stinger and claws I shrugged saying simple I killed these and I moved the saddle as for the four creatures behind me I saved them and we hit it off so well they wanted to ensure a contract with me so they are my new familiars now my moms cold look softened when she heard about the contracts but then her face got dark saying Hunter where did you learn how to form contracts I know it wasn't in any of your books that you have read an none of us told you how I smiled but didn't say anything at that my mom glared at me and was about to speak when the door open and my uncle and dad walked out my dad started at my familiars wall my uncle looked at my saddle smiling it was him who spoke saying ant it obvious he must have met someone out there in the woods right Hunter I shrugged yep my moms dark expiration got darker and my dad had a complicated expiration on his face who was it my mom said coldly I shrugged it isn't my place to say if they wanted you to know that we met they would have came with me but if you will excuse me I got training to do or if we ant training I got work to do I looked to my dad who got my hint nodding and we walked around to the sand pit my uncle followed us when we got out if the eyes site if my mother my dad turned to me quickly whispering was it her did you meet Athena I simple nodded yea she was the one that lead me to them and I pointed to Hera, Hades, Selence and Deimos my uncle nodded saying that reminds me what did you name them I smiled and told him their names right then my dad grabbed me by my shoulders saying what did she tell you I shrugged that's between Athena and that I will say is dad you fucked up and don't expect to see her again that's all but I think you knew about this already my dad sadly side nodding wall my Uncle had moved next to Hera and Selence patting there heads I turned to him asking can you see what you can do for them Uncle and make sure there in good health but it was my father who walked forward nodding ok Hunter Samuel can train you for today I will also take care of that and he took my saddle he looked to Hera and Selence saying follow me please they first looked to me for permission I simple nodded and they followed my dad my uncle walked next to me waited till my dad was gone he then looked to me saying she told you what happened I assume I shrugged saying she did yes my uncle side pulling out a cigarette liting it saying don't judge your mother or father to harshly my bother was a complete fool when it came to love Athena was pretty obviously in love with that fool but he didn't relieve it till it was to late as for your mother she came from a really powerful French family and from birth she was trained to be a but I cut him off saying being a good soldier right he nodded that night when she received to follow your grandfathers orders her family stripped her titles and ranks which in their eyes made her nothing not even a bug to kill both your father and mother have lived a hard life but being together settling down and having you and your sibling well I have never seen them so happy I side nodding sadly uncle are pasts no matter how far we run it will always come back and try and bite you in the ass I just hope they're ready for that my uncle nodding I hope so too but enough of talking get your ass into that pit I chuckled took off my shirt and walked into the pit when I turned around my uncle was holding a dummy which he through at me and like that my training started again and like yesterday after I was done training I would go and take a bath that would strengthen my body after that I sat down for lunch Triss was still working on my tattoo idea so I left her to it I pulled out my phone to see Duje had texted me back I tapped on it reading it over damn when have you been this demanding and blunt lol I can't believe your actually a smith and you didn't tell us about this little hobby of yours as for the blades how about I give you a little test I want two Chinqueda daggers with at least three groves on the blade do you think you can do that I smiled happily and texted him back saying if I can't in a month then you can fire me I started laughing crazily and I stood up and walked up stars into the library where my father was still checking Hera, Hades, Selence and Deimos but I seen the monster parts setting in the table I walked over to them and left not saying a word I then want outside to Eant who when I turned around the barn started to move revealing the trap door thanks buddy and I slid down the ladder and started my work I would first deal with the bear hides I had and I started to tain them but it would take me a bit to finish them after that I started forging the two daggers for my brother I planned on making both blades Damascus so I started the long work of folding steal and like my day passed fast but I wasn't done all any I stopped forging for the night and walked into the other room and sat down at the desk and pulled out the first scroll from my mother gave me I noticed a name on the scroll it was called soul beast Skull I said and the book appeared in front of me I grinned it was time to us the scary hidden ability of Skull the book opened and a simple since appeared

Would host want to scan this scroll

Yes... No

Yes I simple said

Ok host scanning scroll scan complete would host want to learn this scroll

Yes.... No

Again I said yes when I did pain shot through my mind but not just that it shot through my soul and slowly the information of the scroll pushed its way into my mind then the pain was gone I put away the scroll closing my eyes thinking over the new information that I just memorized Soul beast or better known as spiritual animal or hell it could even be your darker half like a heart demon there are many names for souls but they all have one thing you can't us your soul for anything that's where this ability comes from it manifests your spirit over your body like armor it's sort if like ki armor but way more complicated and more versatile and deadly you see your soul beast form is different for everyone so the effects is different for everyone but one thing is sure if you fight against someone with this ability and you couldn't us this power it was going to be a hard fight but before you could us this ability you must talk and except your other half and it gave me a meditation on how to do that I smiled laughing let's move onto the next scroll and I pulled out the second scroll from my mother I didn't see a name on the out side of it that's when I seen in skull

Notice host do you want me to scan the scroll Niflheim

Yes... No

I nodded yes

Ok host scanning scroll scan complete does host want to learn Niflheim

Yes... No

Yes when I said this my mind started to hurt but the information that slowly pushed its way into my head felt more like a brain freeze that wasn't the only thing my body started to get colder and colder till I could see my breath and I heard my bones cracking till I was back to normal when I looked over this ability I started laughing like crazy no wonder my mother is so cold this ability gives me the power of Niflheim cold but one should be careful using this power or they will freeze their body no wonder back in Montana the cold weather didn't really affect for she was trained to be resistant to I want onto the next scroll which was my fathers this time Skill scanned it with out asking and simple asked

Does host want to learn the scroll predator eyes

Yes... No

I nodded saying yes when I chose yes my eyes started burning like thousands of little hot needles was being stabbed into my eyes and started pushing deeper into my brain on top of that was the pain from the information pushing it's way into my mind it sure wasn't a good feeling but after a minute the pain was gone but I didn't open my eyes no like always I simple thought about the information I just got and I was a little shocked at this ability it was purely a site-based ability the first stage of this ability allowed me to use infrared vision but also X-ray vision plus I could enhance the distance that I could see but I had a feeling there was more to this ability then the scrolled told me unlike most chakra abilities I actually didn't need to train to use this ability as long as I knew how to activate it I was all good I opened my eyes and the world was odd everything was dark pink I looked down to my body to see I was glowing red but not only that I seen a faint heat source on the table that was from my hand resting on it I smiled and switched to my X ray vision but when I did my site want back to normal mmmm how odd I said looking down but then I got a shock when I looked down I could seeunder my pants I smiled and tried focusing deeper and it was odd I was sitting still but my vision sank into my skins I could see my moving muscles and veins but I want deeper and soon I could see my bones I laughed happily looking up to the sealing and tried looking through the sealing but my vision stopped at 20 feet but it was odd it felt less then that even that's when I thought maybe it's cuz of the thickness of the sock around my place how interesting so the material matters I will keep that in mind I deactivated this power I didn't see this but wall my power was activated in my circle pupil a thin black line want through it sort of like snakes eyes just way thinner I side and whipped the blood that was coming out of my nose from learning these scrolls but I pulled out the last scroll which was from my Uncle I then heard Skull say scan complete

Would host want to learn the scroll rising Phoenix

Yes... No

Notice host this scroll is in the gold grade and a powerful one at that if host learns this scroll your body will go through a cleansing that the current host has never experienced before this ability will greatly boost your skills so much so that you will rank up but notice to learn this scroll and reap the full benefits host needs to bathe In fire the more powerful the better for one day does host want to continue

Yes... No

I shot up saying wait skull and I ran to the ladder and fast as lightning I claimed up it this time I didn't have to say anything to Eant to let me out he was already moved like he expected this I quickly climbed out saying thanks Eant and I ran off to the house not wasting a single minute I practically kicked the door open hell I didn't even shut it my mom was cooking she turned around angrily but I ran passed her into the dining room but my uncle wasn't there but I seen him in the living room sitting in his chair I ran up to him my eyes glowing I was still holding his scroll in my hands he was shocked seeing me running through his house with a crazy expiration but before anyone could speak I quickly said Uncle I need you to burn me with your fire to say he wasn't dumbfounded was a understatement but he slowly said y would I do that I quickly waved his scroll in front of him when he seen which scroll I had in my hands his eyes want wide and he quickly stood up saying you understood it I shrugged saying yes and no all that matters is I need to bathe in fire the stronger the better for one hole day my uncles happy smile got even happier he nodded ok Hunter I will help you but do to my wound I can't do a full day but I can probably do it till dark but don't worry I got a solution let's go and we quickly ran out of the my mom screamed saying something about this wasn't a jungle gym or a gods damn PE class stop running but I shut the door behind me my uncle and I ran onto the driveway which was mostly gravel and dirt Uncle pulled out a wicked jagged red obsidian scimitar I could feel the heat coming off this blade my uncle smiled at it like one would at a lover but he quickly recovered and drew a circle on the ground when he finished the circle blue flames shot up from it my uncle turned to me saying this isn't going to be pleasant Hunter the pain your going to feel will be on par with the pain you felt that night with that rat hell it might even be worse I wouldn't know sense the person who did this to me flame was nowhere close to mine are your ready my young nephew to feel that sort of pain again just for power if so then walk into the fire and start using the scroll but if not we can forget about this and you can give that scroll back to me, either way, I way I will still be proud of the hunter your becoming I smiled thanks uncle but nothing in this world is free nothing so the pain I will feel is simply my payment to get such power no pain no gain right and I pulled off my boots, shirt and pants I didn't want them to be burned in the fire I walked next to my uncle starting at this tornado of blue fire I side and a evil smile spread across my face and in my head I said yes Skull I would like to learn the scroll then I stepped into this fire. little did the world know that a new Phoenix was being born no a Phoenix isn't right no a mighty dragon was awakening in those blue flames more vicious and brutal then the one that came before him but no one knew hell not even Samuel or Hunter even knew nor do I think they would care hahaha.