The class begins

And like that he flicked his wand down that's when dark swirling clouds formed over us he then pointed his wand at me saying lightning storm and like that lightning rained down around me Greg was smiling but that smile turned into a frown when he seen all I did was stand up straight not moving and like that I took a lightning shower dust was kicked up blocking my line of site from him but I didn't care as the lighting struck my body I must say t hurt like hell but a tingling feeling started to spread through my body as each Balt hit me after the 5 Balt they stopped I simple walked out of this dust cloud unscathed maybe a little crispy and my hair sticking up but other then that I was fine I dusted off my shoulders and looked at him saying thanks for that I needed a good charge and to prove my point lightning arked down my blades Greg stared at me with wide eyes how the fuck are you not unconscious or at least on the ground shaking he yelled I shrugged saying Triss lightning is ten times as stronger as your and I have bathed in her lightning for long periods of time besides one of the elements I us is lightning and there is only two ways to train an element the first is to slowly grow you're understanding of the element through a hole lot of tests and training wall the second way is to bath lightning for a long period of time this is most certainly the more dangoues option between the two but I chose the second option cuz the distraction between the two are night and day here let me show you and I flashed in front of him my green lightning covering my blades I thrust at his chest with my Gladius he easily blocked it but he came to regret that cuz right when his blade touched mine electricity shot up his arm which made him drop his sword as he stepped back trying to control his shaking hand but I wouldn't let this chance go to waste so I moved again this time I swung both weapons slicing throw him as my lightning shot through his body it was to the point I could see his hole body shaking from the electricity I kicked him in the chest which made him fly back onto the ground he tried to get up but his body wasn't responding to his movements I slowly walked next to him saying I expected more from my friend open your eyes Greg except your a vampire know except that this is your new life just how this is mine but that's when he screamed shut up you fucker and like that he was surrounded by blood red flames I seen his eyes glowing that same color I seen claws extend out from his hands he hissed at me screaming take this your fucker and he flicked his wand at me and exploding out from this ring of fire was hundreds of fire arrows that was flying at me I smiled there you go your doing it Greg and like that I swung my sword lightning shooting off it which cut many of these arrows in half but that wasn't enough there was still a few that got passed the lighting but I simple cut them out of the air with my dagger I looked back into that ring of fire but that's when I noticed Greg was gone I got a cold feeling from behind me I twisted my body back just in time to see a saber blade fly over me but I still got a cut down my chest I seen Greg there was a odd red ora around his body that's when my dragon eyes activated on there own and I seen the same ghostly white figure but unlike before where it was the pig leader this time it was Greg it was moving so fast that it was leaving after images but I could easily keep upwoth the moves we can't have that I said as I used my hands to flip myself around my legs rapped around his head and lick that I moved my legs down throwing him Greg was shocked seeing throw that he didn't have time to block it and like that he was back on the we both was on the ground I side and flashed where my Glaive was luckily I did cuz right where I was laying 5 more fire arrows struck I put away my sword and Dagger and looked down to Greg who was standing up he looked up hill at the saying get back here you fucker and like that the read Ora was back around his body and he charged at me so fast that he was leaving red after images it was so cool to see but I smiled confidently saying it's over Greg I got the hi ground and like that I grabbed my Glaive and flashed in front of him thrusting my Glaive at his chest he easily blocked it with his saber but u wasn't down I flipped around spinning my Glaive and hit his feet out from under him and he face planted onto the ground and by the time he turned around I had my Glaive pointed at his throat with a huge smile saying you don't he side nodding chuckling I pulled my Glaive back and I held out my hand to him he took it he dusted him self off and with a huge smile said did you really just star wars me I laughed indeed I did I have always wanted to say that and it just seemed like the perfect moment Greg nodded he looked down to his body which was still shaking I put a hand on his shoulder saying see what I mean now Greg side nodding I really was over thinking things it would seem you was right I laughed what was that I don't think I heard you right Greg brushed off my hand saying gods damn it I said you was right you fucking hillbilly fuck head I laughed damn straight don't you forget it and like that I put away my glaive and he touched his wand back under his sleeve wall he put the sword back into the bag I looked at the saber saying I want sure that's the right weapon for you shore it world but he nodded I tend to agree there wasn't enough reach or anything I nodded as we walked over to the tree and sat down that reminds me y the fuck do all of your students carry a short thin sword with them I asked as I looked to him he smiled and pulled out one of those short sword saying it's a very long story but the sounder of this school lost to a swords man in a deal at one point in time and sense then his students carry one of these its a hole lot easier for attacking and blocking compared to trying to get off a defensive spell it is a reminder that sometimes the more similar approach can beat using magic there are three fighting styles the first is primarily used for defense with little offices wall the second is primarily a attacking style wall that last is a mix of the first two but with small short casting spells the we all learned about these styles in are first year but are trained in the 3 style sense its a mix of all we call it the basic style for that reason wall in the second year is when they can chose to study another style as you seen I am part of the attack group I nodded I seen that but I don't think anyone can fight in the way you did using a wand and sword at the same time that takes a hole lot of practice and level of multitasking not many people have Greg smiled proudly yea I have been training in this style for years sense I grow up in a magical family I learned about the three styles and was trained in them at a young age just like most kids who group up in a powerful family I liked the 2 style but for the longest time I felt like it was missing something and that's when it came to me in the middle of a deal I tried to do my idea and lost spectacularly and people laughed and mocked me for my foolishness even my own father and mother told me never to try that again wall my Grandmother said do what you want it's my power after all nothing more so I trained hard and got swept up into my studies so much so I missed school and even more deals requests my parents was pissed and one day they had enough and want to drag me out of my study but grandmother stopped them but sadly for my parents they was having none of that and they tried forcing there way passed Grandmother when I heard that my face want a little pail thinking on how foolish one had to be to challenge a witch as old as Titubs so I asked y in the nine hells would they do that are they fucking stupid or something Greg chuckled at that well no they sort of had every reason to me angry at me since I was there only child at the time and it made my families image to the other family's look bad when there son wouldn't attend school or except any deals but it not only made the family look bad but made my parents image even worse and both of them love the idea of a perfect little family and so when that image wasn't happening it pissed them off I rolled my eyes saying so the are fucking stupid got it Greg smiled at my statement well long story short grandmother won of course and gave my parents a huge awaking call she told them everything I had been doing in my study apparently she had been watching me train that hole time when my parents heard this they both felt ashamed but still angry that was the day they left me to do what I want he side and leaned his head on the sword as he started off into the distance I could see anger, and pain in his eyes but it was only for a second cuz the next second there was nothing but indifference like he didn't care anymore soon after that is when my younger brother Moses was born and the rest of my 10 sibling they call them there pride and joys spoiling them all rotation wall they let me do what i wanted each time one of my siblings was born the distance between my parent and I became but luckily for me I had grandmother who after the 3 child seen what was happening and took me to live with her sense then I haven't gotten one letter or text from my parents no one present on Christmas or not even a happy birthday fuck I hadn't even seen either of them sense I left well that was up intel I was brought back and I seen my crying mother but you want to hear the sad part Hunter one's master left us to talk she stopped crying and told me I owed the family big apparently someone in my family saved master a long time ago so he owed us my family hadn't collected on that det intel that night she told he to pay off this det I had to teach every one of my siblings my fighting style and all the knowledge I had I was stunned hearing this a angry snarl want across my face that bitch I pulled out my phone and found that bitches number and relistened to her voice mail closely through all of the tears and nice words I heard it the sound of a smirk at the end and the sound of greed I lowered my phone and relistend to all my voicemail but hers was the only one that I heard any alternative motives I lowered my phone angrily Greg looked over to me what is it Hunter what did you find I glared down at my phone my hand tightening luckily I had the sense to drop my phone before I crushed it I gralled that bitch she didn't care about me attending your funeral no she wanted me for something I heard greed in her voice Greg wasn't surprised he side yea that sounds like her all right she probably wanted to introduce one of my sisters to you to try and trap you sense it wasn't any big secret that are group was known to my play boys I side nodding no offense Greg but I don't think your sisters would be my type he laughed your probably right I grinned at me but my grin was soon gone so what did you say to your mother that night Gregs smile slowly disappeared I told her she could go eat a big bag of trall dicks and how she lost any right to order me around the day they put there own agenda above my own and how neither of them tried to convince me to stay I told her the day I left was the day I stopped seeing her as my mother just a distenst relative nothing more she didn't like that and that was 7 hours after we was found when I heard that I was shocked and looked back at my phone at the time of the voicemail and the time added up I side well it would seem soon after that is when she sent me this so she was trying to us me to get to you remind me never to attend your family reunion Greg huffed tell me about it brother a hole lot of headaches I shrugged I more meant if I ever see your mother I would kill her but sure lets go with yours he chuckled and looked to his watch he stood up saying well Hunter its about time for breakfast and for your first class I smiled standing up how fun let us go then Greg looked at my clothes then at his seeing both of are clothes was in bad shape and how dirty we was he side shaking his head saying shower and a change of clothes are in order first and like that the portal appeared and we walked through it about 30 minutes later we walked through a portal into the great hall which was already packed full of students eating and reading the news Greg and I walked to the same chairs as last night and we sat down, of course, we said morning to miss Titubs she simply smiled at us nodding we sat down and eat breakfast time slowly passed and I seen more students come in and sit down till Titubs stood up and clapped her hands when she did the hole Hall want quiet and every turned there heads looking at her Titubs nodded thank you all and good morning I am sure you all are eager to get to class but I got a few announcements first as you all probably heard the lycanes meeting is over and they will be leaving soon except for one group who will be staying with us for a known period of time I have talk to each of them and to my delight all of them have agreed to teach some classes ones she said that the hole room got noisy again students whispering with there friends and table mates Titubs held up her hand and the hall got quiet again thank you and yes indeed they will teach you to the best of there abilities you might ask y should you listen to any of them and the simple answer is this they have more experience then most of you and even the ones who are experienced us this unique chance to ask questions and learn new things that is all you my go know and like that she sat back down and like that the students got up leaving to there first classes Titubs looked to me smiling saying you are lucky lad every class you will teach is the same as Greg so he will show you to your classes I nodded standing up thank you mam and like that Greg and I walked through another portal as we did Greg said first class is combat class second is the dark arts and last is smithing in between each class there is a break for kids to do what they want and of course lunch I nodded that's when I looked around he was standing in a huge open room all along the marbal walls was racks of different types of weapons most was sword though I looked down to the floor and it was made from some sort of stone there was also chairs placed around the room sort of reminds me of a PE room with bleachers there was already some students walking and sitting down I looked to Greg asking basic lesson go Greg shrugged we start off with a warm up next is testing your skill against dummy but I lost interest already I had a feeling the dummy's he was talking about was just plan old Dummys not like the ones I am us to which is a shame I simple nodded to him smiling I got a lesson plan but they want going to like it this is going to be fun Greg felt a chill go down his spine when he seen my smile Hunter are you but I cut him all yelling get your ass to your seat magget or I swear I will have you be doing push-ups and squats for the hole damn class somehow Gregs face got paler as nodded and ran to take a seat I waited till all the students was in there seats I stood in the center of this room straight backed my arms behind my back I was as still as a statue the room was very noisy with everyone talking i scanned over them all with my dragons eyes and I could tell many first and second years was excited wall third up wasn't interested at all but there was the few who started at me silently waiting for me to move these was the students who wasn't talking with others students theses was the strongest out of them all hell many students avoid them these was the students that took headmistress words to heart these was the black sheep in heard and they stood out like a sore thumb I side and in a very normal town of voice I said shut it but no one heard me except for the rare few who was actually paying attention I chuckled and in that same town of voice I said step forward and line up but no one heard me except for those paying attention and they stood up and lined up in front of me like I said the other students when they seen this was shocked what are they doing many whispered those are the strongest in the school what are they doing but that's when I gralled yelling out line up you magets don't make me repeat my self and like that I let out a little of my killing intent detected at everyone in the room the ones who was already lined up with stood it easily but the others want white faced frozen in fear I gralled are you all death line up and like that they lined up out of fear I nodded not moving good know that you all heard me and I want back to a calm normal town of voice I will not speak loader then this so if you don't hear me that's your problem my name is Hunter Ace Colt but in this class you will call me Colt do you understand me again the black sheep yelled yes sir wall many of the others just nodded I glared at them saying what was that when I asked a fucking question I expect a yes sir or no sir do you understand me they all said yes sir good I nodded and I started walking in front of them in my class you you are all equal you can ask me anything you all will train together I do not care if some are experienced or not the best way to grow is to push your limits even if you lose do not freat there is way more to learn in lose then winning I will teach you all not only how to fight but how to fight together one person is strong but back up is always nice to all my lone wolf's out here do not worry there is time to go out alone and time to run in a pack I was told you all have three combat forms you fight in but I do not care for these styles sense they only us this and I waved my hand and every one of there short swords shot out from there sheath and floated around above them a short sword is good yes but yours is way to thin and flimsy besides you all are mages gagging your enemies distance is crucial isn't it not they all yelled yes sir I nodded good I will teach you all how to fight not only with these but with weapons like this and I pulled out my gliave or these and flying off from one of the wall was a long sword my training will be hell and to all those who can't keep up will be dropped from my class I do not care who your daddy or mammy is in this room all that matters is growing your strength and pushing to overcome your limits but to those who fight through all the pain and suffering i promise you this your strength will grow how much all depends on you is this acceptable to you they all yelled yes sir good then lets get started and a huge demonic smile spread across my face.