a little talk

After a few minutes of Azzy and I taking in Alicard pained screams together silently grins on our faces Alicard's screams soon got silenced it wasnt cuz I killed him all no it was cuz he wasnt able to anymore hell he wouldn't even be able to speak or make any sort of noise to be a matter of fact his throat was so dry he could barely let out a audible whimper it was at that point I put him out of his misery and I seen a flash of blue light shot out from Azzys fingers it sank into Alicard chest when he did Alicards insides shined with a blue light for a split second before it faded when it did Alicard body slumped to the ground turning to ash I nodded know that's out of the way I used the flat end of this replica blade in my hand and I smacked him across the face Azzy was shocked what was that for my smile didn't fade as I smacked him again this time the other way with the blade Azzy spat out a mouth full if blood and a bloodied tooth the fuck Hunter what are but Azzy realized the room got even darker for some reason he understood what I was doing this hole time wall we have been listening to Alicard's screams I wasn't just sitting there doing nothing I was condensing the shadows around this room but I made sure to do it slowly so neither Doc Nicolas or Griffith sensed anything wrong plus I didn't want the cameras in this room to catch what I was doing cuz it would most definitely sound a alarm and the ki and magic suppression runes would activate if that happened we was fucked so I took my time I smacked Azzy again saying this is for my fucking sister who your follower bet and raped Azzys eyes shook when he felt my anger he could tell that I wasnt just putting up a act this was real anger Azzy couldn't quite understand but he understood that one of his followers must have harmed someone dear to me or I wouldn't be enjoying this I kept in smacking him with the flat side of the blade ones, twice, three times by the fourth hit Azzys face was puffy and red but on the fifth smack I made my move I covered the cameras for just a split instant but in this split instant the chains binding Azzy dropped to the floor he waved his hand as the shadows moved off the cameras the shadows condensed around the table as Azzy snapped his fingers and appeared in front of each Camera the illusion of me torching Azzy to ge avenge for my sister this illusion had the lay of the world used in it so practically no one could see through it Azzy was one of the best illusionists I know and his illusions wasnt just fake images he could will them into existence that's how powerful his illusion domain was o right domains to be honest there isn't much known about them just that they are a area that can fall under the users control this area binds to the users control taking the form of that users power for some it could be a raging volcano or a gold forest hell it could even be the bottom of the sea but there is one thing I will say about domains and that's they are extremely powerful and only another domain user really stands a chances against one another it all has to do with two things competition of ones Strang and ones power without these and a strong mind a person can forget on making a domain Azzy stood up stretching his body as he stood up his knees and back cracked the hole in his chest quickly healed as he did some basic stretches so y all this secrecy Hunter Azzy asked as he did a few hip thrust I wasn't sure what popped when he did that nor do I want to know he did it 2 more times but I answered simple this conversion has nothing to do about them seeing it has to do with my past life plus I have a feeling what Zachariah said about you and your lover trying to hide is world shaking news that only powerhouses might know about this Azzy rolled his shoulders nodding you would be right about that and he sat back down your as careful as ever I see I nodded indeed Azzy side where should I even start ugg it's hard to explain these things to your world people sense you know basically jake shit about the true world when I heard this my mind want blank what do you mean real world I asked this is the real world I asked stunned Azzy side again you see you it's fucking annoying to explain common information to someone like your people even if you hear the truth you simply refuse the simple fact he clicked his tongue in annoyance but what I said is the truth Hunter this would isn't the main one this is only a small pocket realm that we call the 3 layer the world where I and the angles are from is the true world it was the first world this is where main kind was first burn we call our world Eden my eyes want wide like the place the Bible calls the garden of Eden like the place Adam and Lilith was created in Azzy side nodding yes and no it's isn't like you think it isn't a fucking garden like that damn book say it's a hole world that is much, much bigger thin this place but like that book it does have mystical plants, metals and beasts plus the world it's self is rich with yin yang energy which shit you don't know what that is umm have you ever heard of divine essence and hells essences what am I thinking of course you but he seen me nod his eyes want open with shock you have you ant fucking with me I nodded again I remember in Lilith definition of my ability Lilith heart it referred to divine essence and hell essence as yin and yang so it wasn't just a play on words huh interesting yes Azzy I stole some what you called yin energy from Zachariah Azzys eyes was so wide that they looked like they were about to pop out from shock but be recovered fast ok so you know of the name good thing of yin and yang essence as the worlds power it's in everything literally every item every plant every rock and of course, it's in everyone abilities uses either of the two essences that's how we have lesser essences like fire and water this world has little yin yang essence in it that's y there is only a few of you who can see through the Vail and not all of you but in my world everyone is born with that ability they can us abilities like you and me but the strength of my people fastly outrank the people of this world take me for example I can only us a quarter of my true power when I come to this world when I heard that I heard something shatter in my mind and I felt information from my past life that's how I know Azzy wasn't laying to me I was lucky to stumble upon this information just before I died cuz only the really old powerhouses families even know this information and they kept quiet about it since the less people know about it the more resources they can get from spatial rifts aka dungeons some of a bitch I mumbled my hands tighting so hard blood started dripping from my hand so your telling me that I have only seen a quarter of your strength I asked in a quiet voice Azzy nodded yea when ever us from Eden force are selfs into this real the world it's self puts a heavy restricts on are powers or your world would have already been taken over I was shaking at this point I was looking down at my hands my body shaking is this fear I thought how terrifying I have felt fear before but nothing could compare to this feeling it was like an endless sea of despair washed over me huh you thought you were strong Hunter don't make me laugh compared to Azzy I am nothing but an ant my small little power can't even compare to his true strength and you was arrogant in front of those angels you thought you could do something to them ha don't make me laugh if you want to there world you would be a dead man hold on y do they come to this world then if are world and it's residents so weak compared to Eden y are the angels, devils and demons so transfixed on this world hold on those ant the only creatures who have there eyes on this world that's right all the miner gods and odd entities all of them y are they so focused on this world and it's residents that's when a idea appeared but I wasn't sure if it was right so I just asked Azzy y are all yall so transfixed on this world and it's weak residents it can't be for resources by how Eden soulds you got much greater and more resources over there none of us are strong compared to yall we are ants and ontop of that the yin yang essence in this world is lets just say lack luster compared to yours so y all the focus Azzy smiled a warm happy smile don't you know already Hunter after all you just gifted me your very answer my eyes shot to where Alicards body would have been but even his ashes was gone so I was right I thought your after souls I said he nodded indeed souls are powerful things Hunter they are literally made from yin and yang energy each soul reflects each individual strength and experiences this worlds souls might not be as potent as the ones from Eden but there is a abundance of easy defenseless souls here ready for the taking or that's what many people think in my opinion that it's true that a lot of your souls can help grow our power but it takes away to many deaths I would rather find and take soul cores from more powerful creatures and people but this doesn't mean I won't through my hat into the ring taking a slices of the cake also besides this world is perfect to lay low and hide this gets to my situation but I must first tell you about the war every few years Heaven comes down to hell and slotters it's people they say it's to up hold the yin yang balance but the real truth is they just love killing us it's entertainment to them sadly in the last slotter I and my liver may or may not have killed a few of there angels I raised an eyebrow by a few you mean I asked he side 2 platoons my face want pail hearing that holy shit I muttered he nodded indeed we fled and hid till the slotter was over word quickly spread what we did and lets just say this was the best excuse they could ask to declare war on hell again but sadly it wasnt just the hells and heavens that got affected by the talk of war no all of fucking Eden joined in alliances was formed in both sides I an my lover got ordered to come lay low here I got sent first as you can see she should be coming soon but take this warning Hunter when the war starts it won't just affect my world it will most certainly affect this one as well my face want dark hearing this I thought of my loved ones immediately my hands clinched strength I need more strength I mumbled out loud my first step is back at the house but I thought this last part in my head Azzy nodded indeed your gold rank on the brink of purple rank probably but is that enough for you Hunter even if you become the strongest being in this world you would just be about on the same level as a common person from Eden so will you stay as you are weak ant that will easily be smashed or will you rise up and do what ever it takes to become stronger when I heard the truth I was a weak ant compared to him to say it didn't sting would be a lie who liked being called weak my hands clinched into black claws my draconic eyes appearing from my anger Tempest shook from my anger 5 black and red fox-like tails formed on my back I was pissed my killing intent and presence alone could make many people of this world grovel at my feet what do you think Azzy I asked in a quiet voice Azzy nodded good that's the Hunter I remember so what do you say old friend will you except my help in exchange you hide my lover and me from well everyone he held out his hand I remember a similar deal in the passed and my children was killed but times have changed I have grown I squinted at him saying I won't lie to my family not again Azzy nodded that's fine with me so what will it be Hunter Ace Colt are you prepared to make a deal with a demon prince and a huge demonic grain spread across his face a huge beastly grin spread across my face I know he would try and take my soul he learned that mistake besides demons can't lie when it comes to making deals they can tell half-truths, miss lead, and us fancy words to get around the not lying part which works on most people but there was no hidden meaning in this deal we would help one another like before but this time my children won't die and I wouldn't be mind fucked by angels deal I took his hand shaking it as I stood up he nodded good I want the death hound on my side I laughed pulling something from my bag and putting it on the gold blade that was in my hands still the chains around Azzy wrapped around him again sorry about this old friend but I got to make it look good Azzy laughed yea right you will enjoy every moment of this I laughed you probably right and I started beating the hell out of him it only took me a few moments to get him exactly like the illusion Azzy and like that the illusionwas gone and they seem the real us I through the table to the side of the room as I plunged this blade I to his chest as I whispered in his ear some he couldn't talk do to how bruised his face was but I seen a mischievous glint in his eyes as I turned around and walked to the door which opened for me Griffith and Doc Nicolas waiting for me I didn't say a word and started walking down the hall my phone buzzed at that moment I opened it to see a text from Duke and it was The full doctor's report of Rose I looked through it quickly but my eyes remained on the last section

The patient has signs of forced procreation over the course of unknown weeks but there are signs of a forced miscarriage is all


I crushed my phone in my hands when I read that last part my draconic eyes were back so were my fox tails the whole area around me got heavy from my presence Griffith and Doc Nicolas easily withstood my pressure with help from their own but it was a shock to both of them that they even deeded a little help from there ki he did what I gralled every word was least with killing intent but as quickly as it came it was gone I was back to normal I pulled out my phones memory chip burning the rest of it I pulled out a cigarette and lit it before I put my hands on my pockets as I started walking again anger still in my eyes easily to seen sense my draconic eyes was still activated.